The YJM-100

  • Thread starter DSL100 Dude
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Sep 15, 2010
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I too want one of these, it's got the exact features I would love in a classic Marshall.

Question is, it's same price as a late 60s 100 watt Plexi, which would you rather lay down the cash on?

If your lucky enough to already own a classic Marshall would you trade it in (along with your boutique booster/overdrive and reverb pedals plus attenuator) to get a YJM head?


Apr 8, 2010
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I too want one of these, it's got the exact features I would love in a classic Marshall.

Question is, it's same price as a late 60s 100 watt Plexi, which would you rather lay down the cash on?

If your lucky enough to already own a classic Marshall would you trade it in (along with your boutique booster/overdrive and reverb pedals plus attenuator) to get a YJM head?

It depends if you play at home, i would probably keep that set up, but i play live i would trade it for YJM because you have all those things integrated in the head. Makes it easy set up. I am allways looking for ways to simplify my setup, and the YJM would do that for me.

But if you are playing at home i would just keep what you have. YJM is plexi with build in booster rand attenuator.


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Sep 15, 2010
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That's my point, would you trade in a bit of history for convenience?

I play and record at home, have practices at a rehearsal facility a lot and gig occasionally. Maybe i'm just lazy but lugging around my 100 watt head, a 4x12 cab and a guitar is enough for me. But I have to take a pedal board an extra bag of cables and an attenuator to achieve the tones i'm after. It's gets pretty tiresome and time consuming to pack up, transport, unload, set up, play, pack up, transport, unload agin etc etc.

That's what appeals to me about the YJM, it would eliminate the need for all that stuff.


Can it sound as good as a vintage Marshall? I'm going to have to plug into one and 'feel' it for myself before I come to any conclusions, but it looks great in photo's and sounds awesome in the NAMM clip. If it's as good in the flesh I may be facing a tough decision.

DSL100 Dude

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Mar 30, 2010
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This I think reallt IS the point.

All the fellas that have actually heard the YJM in person has said it is Plexi all the way. If that is the case then the YJM is exactly what would work for me. The idea of having a SuperLead with a built in "variac-attenuator" thingy, boost, noise gate, and what not just makes sense to me. I could use it in so many different settings and gigs.


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Sep 15, 2010
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Totally agree, it's versatility and tone on a plate with added convenience. I really hope it isn't in a limited number of 1500, they'll disappear quickly. Technically it's 1499 now as DSL100 Dude has already snagged one

If it is limited edition I can only hope they'll make a non signature version of it and call it the 'Flexi Plexi' (sorry couldn't resist).


New Member
Jan 15, 2011
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Being a weekend warrior ;-) i think having most features on the rear is a bad idea.
If you want to tweak it will soon get old reaching over and doing it upside down, back to front!
Never mind a classic look, impractical.


Active Member
Jan 9, 2011
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being a weekend warrior ;-) i think having most features on the rear is a bad idea.
If you want to tweak it will soon get old reaching over and doing it upside down, back to front!
Never mind a classic look, impractical.


DSL100 Dude

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Mar 30, 2010
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By weekend warrior I assume you mean your actively gigging. Maybe I am the oddball here but I have always made sure I had everything set soundwise before the show starts. It would seem to me that the only thing that may need to be adjusted slightly during a gig would be the volume and that is normally handled in the house. With the JYM, the back of the panel could be facing out like C.G. did at the NAMM show.

IDK, This just does not seem like that big of a deal to me personally.


Jul 31, 2010
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I converted what Anderton's in th UK is selling this for into USD and it's $2,400.

I saw a post elsewhere that said they'd be shipped in July.

The big question is - how much will it cost them to ship those heavy amp heads across the ocean this summer with fuel prices quickly going higher than ever and then add that the value of our dollar has been dropping & could continue to do that, so in the end, what will all of that do to the final price here at that time?

With only 1500 being produced, I don't expect them to last long enough for most interested people to even try one, but if the price is too crazy, they may last a little longer. Hopefully, something similar will come out behind it in larger numbers. This seems to be the kind of amp line that a lot of people have been looking for.


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Being a weekend warrior ;-) i think having most features on the rear is a bad idea.
If you want to tweak it will soon get old reaching over and doing it upside down, back to front!
Never mind a classic look, impractical.

Keep in mind that this amp was designed with Yngwie's input for what he wanted and needed on stage. This amp was not made for the home/bedroom player nor was it made to mass marketed.

The functions on the rear serve the purpose of keeping with the vintage front end looks, remember many of those functions are foot switchable anyways. Also if you are gigging your guitar rodie can get behind your stack and tweak the amp. For the most part you are going to make those settings for the venue you are playing during a sound check (reverb, EPA, Boost). It's really is a non issue.
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New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Totally agree, it's versatility and tone on a plate with added convenience. I really hope it isn't in a limited number of 1500, they'll disappear quickly.

It is 1500 worldwide, that is not a lot of amps when distributed. if you are not in line already I would be doing so soon if possible. good luck.


Jul 31, 2010
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I'd like to know what else is coming from Marshall. Satriani says that a JVM with his mods will go into the production schedule. He seemed to want a more open, natural tube sound with all of the other features and that sounds like a winner too. Maybe they'll add self bias too.

A lot of people take the chance with new gear online and sell at a loss if it isn't what they expected.

If an amp isn't available to test drive, I prefer to pass on it, no matter how good the reviews are.

DSL100 Dude

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Mar 30, 2010
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The big question is - how much will it cost them to ship those heavy amp heads across the ocean this summer with fuel prices quickly going higher than ever and then add that the value of our dollar has been dropping & could continue to do that, so in the end, what will all of that do to the final price here at that time?.

Keep in mind that the distributor is getting Marshall products for an EXTREMELY reduced rate so they are able to sell in the states for a similar amount. To be able to do that, everything that is coming from the UK will be loaded in a container. That will not only include the YJM100's but also the DSL's, JVM's, etc. that are made in Milton Keynes. If it takes until November to fill that container then so be it...

The good thing is that we should not see the price jump from all this other insanity.


New Member
Aug 14, 2010
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Hi guys.

Ive been looking at The two new signature amps ( AFD and YJM ) and have a few questions.

The Amps to me look amazing.
The features look great..but its the price tag that can be a put off.

The YJM for example looks like the dream plexi design made with modern features. I have owned 2 plexi's in past and have sold them mainly due to the volume.
I owned one (1987x) without a powerbreak and couldnt get it to break up at band practice and bought one a few years later and a power soak and found it fine for band practice but too loud for home recording.
Ive got the VM and the DSl and have had a JTM clone and a 2204 JCM800. They are all great in their own right but I realise I love that 59 sound.

The YJM looks the buisness but Im a little worried about re-sale.
I'm hoping I would never have to sell it but you just never know whats down the road.
The amps I have now I bought for what I'm still seeing them going for on ebay so I know I wouldnt lose to much money after fees.
The YJM is around £1500.
3 times what Ive paid for in other amps. And with it being signature, limited addition, first run for Marshall ( including AFD ) using Built in features ie attenuator etc im sure some would say its worth it.
But if Marshall use this technology and start putting it into their future amps, which must be the way forward does that mean the YJM will lose value?
Or will Marshalls prices be on the rise?

Opinions please :)


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Boost your VM with a clean boost in low range and you will get very close to a 1959 in tone but will be less bright.

DSL100 Dude

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Mar 30, 2010
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I for one could give a rat's tail about resale value. Any gear I get these days is going to go to my kids for them to either keep or sell off. I am done with getting screwed, burned, and wanked by a bunch of jackwagons that want top dollar for their chyt and turn around and low ball the crap out of anything they want to buy.

As for predictions? Might as well try to guess the next president or the end of the world. Marshall about went in to the dung in the 90's when everyone wanted to hate on them. Sadly, people in general follow trends and pop culture. It has always been that way. The YJM may end up being the next big wish or the other signature piece that no one cares about. Who knows. I am willing to give it a shot.


New Member
Dec 5, 2010
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A few questions for the forum:

1) How many YJM100's are scheduled to ship to the US?
2) Cost? (I've heard $2500 range in USA)
3) Are stores taking pre-orders on the YJM100 now?
4) Will there be a 5w combo (or head) version of the YJM? (like the 5w AFD combo that is in the works.)

DSL100 Dude

New Member
Mar 30, 2010
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A few questions for the forum:

1) How many YJM100's are scheduled to ship to the US?

There has been no statement made yet on that so it is anyone's guess. I will say most of them...

2) Cost? (I've heard $2500 range in USA)

Again, nothing has been made official yet.

3) Are stores taking pre-orders on the YJM100 now?

My store did for me. Of course I do 90+% of my business with this one store so they KNOW when I say I want it, it is a done deal. If you are waiting around for the online mess you may already be too late.

4) Will there be a 5w combo (or head) version of the YJM? (like the 5w AFD combo that is in the works.)

I didn't know there was ANY proof that a 5w AFD was in the works. I have only seen the little one off deal that was made for Slash a while back. HOWEVER, you are in luck!!!!!
The 5w combo you are asking about is HERE!!!!

It's called a Class 5 and it is the AWESOMENESS!!!!

reply is in quote.

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