Tubes and caps for 2558 Jube recommendations

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Jul 20, 2011
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South East Florida
I am the original owner of a 2558 Jubilee and need to have it serviced. I have changed the el34's once, and a long time ago at that. Caps have never been touched.

I am getting volume drops and in's and outs. I don't play outside my home and usually play the JMD1.

I would love to know your opinion on what needs to be done to get the amp in shape based on it's age since you are not here of course. Tube and cap recommendations, or anything you suggest would be appreciated.

I'm taking the amp to be serviced and don't want to get rolled by the tech by not knowing whats going on, wether he's feeding me a line of shit or whatever. I don't want to pay ridiculous money for tubes, but not have anything shitty installed either. Any idea what an average cost for this repair might be?

I looked under tube info from Marty and the more posts I read, the more confused I am about what to purchase.

Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
Depending what you have access to....
There are so many personal opinions, there are many good new ones out. When I bought mine back, it had Groove Tubes, not my favorite, I've had some early failures with them in the past but it sounds good and no issues so far. I got a set of Mesa for the 6101 and am happy with them. Some people like JJ, Rubys, etc. No idea on the caps, haven't done it yet.


Active Member
Oct 7, 2009
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Southampton, England
I went with F&Ts for the filter caps as they are a nice fit and decent quality:-

For valves I got some NOS RFTs from an electrical wholesaler who used to supply them to OEMs back in the day and has a bunch left over..I pay less for those than I could get standard Svetlanas for. The preamp valves are Mullards and Amperex from the early 70s