Using DSL 100 h at low vol

  • Thread starter douglas95
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New Member
May 1, 2013
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Wigan, UK
hi everyone
Before I'm hit with an onslaught of you'll never achieve that, this is a genuine plea. I realise I have the wrong amp and cab for this but it was my choice and at the time I was blinded by Marshall name and reputation.
Does anyone have a Marshall stock solution to this dilemma?
When I first went 'plugged-in' around 6years ago after years of acoustic playing I tried modelling amps to my dismay. It was at that point that I decided on my current choice. As I said, for what I want not a good one, choice I mean. To experienced users of Marshall's they are not designed for home use they are designed to deliver loud cranked sound. To put it simply without frills and unnecessary details my wish is to keep the amp and cab and try and work around its failings as a home rig.
Can I in any shape or form dial in settings that will deliver low vol/gain level but give anything akin to Marshall tone that won't rock the house and send neighbours running for the hills. I'm not looking to emulate any artist closely but would like to be able to produce an across the board sound that could encompass Clapton, Gilmore, Chris Rea, Beatlesy 60s/70s sound with a little heavy stuff for good measure?
So roughly speaking I want a better clean, crunch and heavy sound than I've been able to get at reasonably low output level to play the kind of tunes I enjoy without having to get rid of the DSL and lose out on the deal for a smaller combo.
I have a pedal laden board to help with the request.
Sorry if you've heard all this before✌


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2015
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Södertälje, Sweden
The dsl is pretty much all about the preamp, so it works ok at low volume. Biggest problem is Marshall usually don't sound like Marshall until the speakers start moving air.
my personal solution for bedroom level rocking is a dummy load on the output and line out to computer running amp Farm, using only speaker simulation and reverb. Big sound at any home friendly level from my stereo system. Others might disagree, but to me that sounds better than a guitar speaker almost not working at all..There is a free Ampfarm for download at It's reduced in number of models, being a free version, but there are the most common cab/speaker combos, so it's useful and handy for recording at home


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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I didnt like the DSL100 at low volume so I got the DSL50 which sounded better at low volume. What I'd do in your situation is pull 2 power tubes from your DSL100 to lower the wattage and plug it into a 1x12 or 2x12 cab. I think this will get you what you need, I got great low volume tone with a DSL50 through a 2x12 of greenbacks.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2008
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Calgary, Canada
I didnt like the DSL100 at low volume so I got the DSL50 which sounded better at low volume. What I'd do in your situation is pull 2 power tubes from your DSL100 to lower the wattage and plug it into a 1x12 or 2x12 cab. I think this will get you what you need, I got great low volume tone with a DSL50 through a 2x12 of greenbacks.

The DSL100H has a 1/2 power pentode/triode switch. I'm pretty sure you cannot pull 2 tubes on this head either. It is not the same amp as a JCM2000 DSL 100.

IMO a clean boost out front of the amp does wonders. I use a g major in the loop for the 3 band parametric EQ and noise gate as well as all effects.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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The DSL100H has a 1/2 power pentode/triode switch. I'm pretty sure you cannot pull 2 tubes on this head either. It is not the same amp as a JCM2000 DSL 100.

IMO a clean boost out front of the amp does wonders. I use a g major in the loop for the 3 band parametric EQ and noise gate as well as all effects.

I thought it was an old DSL100. Same goes then, put it in half power and use a smaller cab.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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see this is the problem of guys demanding a feature at the expense of another which they didn't understand.

so marshall got rid of the scoop switch and put a mids boost switch on the amp instead. :(

when I run the JCM2000 DSL at low volumes I use the scoop switch feature and i get perfect sound but at a lower level which totally matches any home stereo setup.

unless you can find a secret switch on the DSL 100 then you might have a loud 100 watts of power ONLY amp. :(

you could try turning all the EQ dials way down but have the presence dial at MAX. then slowly adjust from there.

why guys wanted a mid boost amp instead of buying the mid boost speakers, classic lead, is beyond me. I can't explain that dumbass move. :(

If you cant find anything which allowes the sound to be reduced a small amount, then you either use a pedal before the amp and take out some pickup power or you chuck the amp and buy the amp with all the techinque ability you want to use.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2012
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Tidewater, Virginia
Play around with the settings some. You should be able to achieve what you want to do. I own a TSL100 and a 1960A cab and rock the thing at conversational levels with no attenuators, no pedals up front, and I don't use the VPR (virtual power reduction). Just turn the volume down and experiment with the tone controls and gain. You will find some weird combination of settings that works well at low volume, I always do. It takes some time to find it though.
My JMP is another story. She sounds good at low volumes but really wakes up around 6 on the master!


May 5, 2008
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Try a EVM12L Speaker , no fizz on these speakers at low volume makes the amp sound like it should no coloration or speaker breakup , works great for low volume , works great on all my amps...


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2011
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I have a 1936 212 with grenbacks in it. This has been my solution to all loud 100 watt heads. Half the speakers with the same volume settings on my amps equalls half as loud. Its a beautiful thing. I can play at very low volumes and sound great. I practice with the stereo a lot with this setup too. It makes it very enjoyable to use all the heads and its a very portable package.

Another thing is speakers. A low efficiency rated speaker is the way to go. I have 6402 greenbacks and i think they are 97db. The new 1777 cone ones might be 98db or something. Avoid things like the V30 as its 100db. That speaker is a lot louder than a 97db speaker with the same volume setting on your amp. I have both and actually compared them back to back one day.

Keep the 412 too as sometimes it's needed. I have a 412 with greenbacks too and it's a ton of fun when the mood strikes. Had two others with V30's and g12t75's and didn't really like them, especially the v30's. It was loud, sharp, and grating. The greenbacks are thick, wooly, sweet, and loads of low end punch.