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Did you just want a Master Select button only and nothing else? It's basically easy to add Fx Loop too.
I don't experience any lag, but I'm not sure what the cause of the lag is. As mentioned, some users say the lag is there on the FS input and MIDI input, so it may be an amp specific problem.
The only issue with having only a Master Select button is that when you switch inputs on the amp (manually), the footswitch does not know that you switched and it may be in the opposite state. That's the advantage of having the input select on the footswitch as it can keep track of the Master state for each input and stayed synchronized with the amp.
what inputs are you talking about? There is just one where the guitar plugs into the amp or am I not understanding?
Laurent alia Rolo Ximenes
Laurent alia Rolo Ximenes
Je ne comprends pas j'ai un baffles 4×12 celestiion basse et je ne retrouve pas le modèle que je possède. Sur le devant du baffle il y a écrit en bas à gauche JCM 800 BASS-1984
Are you still making faceplates? I have a '72 SL head with the polarity switch.
I have the same question (and seem to be unable to make a new post being only able to reply to others). I have a 76 JMP MV that still has the paddle switches instead of the rocker switches. It had 2 holes for switches from the factory but someone early on added a polarity switch to it right through the JMP logo on the front panel. Would love a "fixed" one to make this amp sweet once again.