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  • Good night.
    I am David from Spain.
    I have bought an ac30ch and have noticed that the tremolo does not work if the attenuation is activated. It is normal?.
    Is the same thing happening to yours?
    Best Regards.
    It's Greenie's & Gary's '59 just before Kirk bought her, big favour by some pals before JoeB played her at the Albert Hall. She is a friend from when PG sold her to GM, Gary taught me stuff on her while we were neighbours, and when I roadyed for him... They let me play her for a look at my old '52... but some noses will get bent out of shape (places twixt JoeB and Kirk) so keep it low profile, please/thankyou.
    Hello. How do you like your Astoria Custom?
    Deep Purple fan
    Deep Purple fan
    Love it. I tend to like a vintage tone and this does it. The master volume is effective. The loop is transparent. Can get dirty for 70s classic rock. Takes pedals. I tried it with green backs, creambacks, g1265 and vintage 30s. I liked v 30s least all others great.
    Hey Dude, so you have one of them WGS 65s eh? I am thinking of trying some out mixing with V30s. What do you think of the speakers?
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