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  1. R

    Does this JMP 50 look ok?

    Hmm, curious what the intended result of these changes was, like what was the previous owner hoping to achieve? The master volume being pre phase inverter is interesting. I have a 76' that I posted about before, but it's master volume sucks. Turning that one down maintains zero gain and you...
  2. R

    Does this JMP 50 look ok?

    Recently acquired another Marshall. Just want to start by saying that so far it's the best vintage Marshall that I have. Very aggressive with lots of gain, which I like. It has a master volume installed, which I assume is a PPIMV? it also had a 3 prong power cable installed. I use it with...
  3. R

    Is it normal for a 76' JMP 50 to start get a crunch with volume on 2-3? Is there an extra gain stage here?

    I have this thinking that the mods are making the tone worse in some way, but that's just my paranoia. I also feel it may help in resale if it was reverted to stock. Are you saying that it looks like the tube is adding extra gain? I thought that the tube was for the effects loop.
  4. R

    Is it normal for a 76' JMP 50 to start get a crunch with volume on 2-3? Is there an extra gain stage here?

    I've posted about this amp before. I finally have been able to get my hands on a Fryette Power Station to really open up the potential of this amp. Based on my previous thread, it looks like it has a Pre Phase Inverter Master Volume, and a Tube driven effects loop. I don't use any of those...
  5. R

    good amp tech in Chicago?

    Looking for amp tech recommendations in the Chicago area, preferably northwest suburbs. Someone who is knowledgable about Marshalls.
  6. R

    Help with modded 76' JMP 50

    @NewReligion @neikeel @Pete Farrington Ok, final questions from me 1. With the amp as is, which seems to be stock 1987 with added tube buffered effects loop and master volume, can any of these additions have a negative effect on the true sound of the amp? Can the effects loop be possibly...
  7. R

    Help with modded 76' JMP 50

    @NewReligion Thank you for your analysis it was really helpful. There is one part I want to make sure I'm clear on. You're saying the control on the back was probably meant as a effects loop return level, but can double as a master volume? Which is why the volume of the whole amp lowers...
  8. R

    Help with modded 76' JMP 50

    Hmm, that's a possibility. I'll think that over. Any recomendations on people that get me what I'm looking for? I would want something that's reversable in case I want to revert back in the future.
  9. R

    Help with modded 76' JMP 50

    I generally know how these amps sound because I used to own a Metropoulos 10,000 series about 8 years ago, with a THD HotPlate both sold a long time ago when I went on my failed journey with Modeling technology. It's just a matter of me assessing whether I really want to continue to spend...
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    Help with modded 76' JMP 50

    Sorry for all the questions. Does it look like any gain mods were done? Also is it normal for the Master on full and volume knobs on 0 to still produce a clean tone? Maybe this is what the gain mod is. start with signal, even on 0 and then turning up the amp adds on top of that to break it...
  11. R

    Help with modded 76' JMP 50

    here are the images on imgbb. Hopefully they are better.
  12. R

    Help with modded 76' JMP 50

    Well, I can only play with the master down very low, and with that setting all I can say is 'meh'. My 2203 sounds way better at low volumes. Can I email you these pictures in a larger form if you want. What would this extra triode stage be doing? Is that the "high gain mod"? I was under...
  13. R

    Help with modded 76' JMP 50

    Any details on what was done based on these pics? I'm looking for details on these mods and what they are doing if possible.
  14. R

    Help with modded 76' JMP 50

    Picked this up the other day. Has 3 mods. Master volume on the back, High Gain mod on channel 1, and an effects loop. Had a couple techs confirm through email that the circuit looks mostly original and that the mods seem to be well done, but no one could really give me any details. I am...
  15. R

    Would a JCM 800 2203/2204 be redundant if I already have a JMP 2203? What other options?

    I'm thinking of picking up a JCM 800 2203/2204 just because prices seem to be on the rise and I have the ability to do it. However, I already own an 81' JMP 2203. I know that the circuit is pretty much the same which makes me feel it is redundant. I'd like to overall get 1 more Marshall, but...
  16. R

    Can anyone identify what mod might have been on this 2203?

    Went to a local shop today and they had a JCM 800 2203 with the horizontal inputs. The low sensitivity input had a pot. Guy at the shop said that the person who brought it in told him it was some kind of master volume but didn't remember what. When I tried out the amp, the regular controls...
  17. R

    New Amp Weekend: 81' JMP 2203

    I sold off all my Marshall style tube heads years ago and regretted the decision. A couple months ago I decided that I wanted to have a real deal Marshall again, because every guitarist needs at least 1 Marshall right? I figured it would be somewhat of an investment too. i was specifically...

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