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  1. SuperBeaver

    Closing Ceremony... Worst music ever...

    Some nice vintage gear on stage with Beady Eye.
  2. SuperBeaver

    Closing Ceremony... Worst music ever...

    Jesse J is actually a fucking great singer. Looks like Liam's band are about to play also
  3. SuperBeaver

    Closing Ceremony... Worst music ever...

    No that gig was cancelled. He's headlining the local Happy Snap...
  4. SuperBeaver

    Closing Ceremony... Worst music ever...

    Exactly. The Who should be there.
  5. SuperBeaver

    Closing Ceremony... Worst music ever...

    George is looking really gay at the moment...
  6. SuperBeaver

    Closing Ceremony... Worst music ever...

    George Michael is playing. He rocks.
  7. SuperBeaver

    Closing Ceremony... Worst music ever...

    Don't worry Brian May is coming
  8. SuperBeaver

    Closing Ceremony... Worst music ever...

    Emma Bunting. Aka baby. You are a dirty boy!
  9. SuperBeaver

    Closing Ceremony... Worst music ever...

    Oh fuck. Here's Elbow. Pass me the razor blade...
  10. SuperBeaver

    Closing Ceremony... Worst music ever...

    Yea that video where she's wearing the black catsuit in the desert. Babe.
  11. SuperBeaver

    which the worst marshall?

    The Rev Gibbons recorded My Head's In Mississippi with a Lead 12. That's some great tone right there...
  12. SuperBeaver

    Closing Ceremony... Worst music ever...

    Man, Sporty is lookin pretty foxy at the mo.
  13. SuperBeaver

    Closing Ceremony... Worst music ever...

    Madness... Shite Blur... Shite Pet Shop Boys... Shite One Direction... Shite Ray Davies... Old shite What more is in store for us?
  14. SuperBeaver

    Can some one give me a lead?

    I'll play any Skynyrd. I fucking love that band.
  15. SuperBeaver

    True by- pass v/s Buffered pedals demo !

    Pete Thorn is one of my favourite YouTube dudes. Real nice guy, smokin player, has loads of tasty gear and can play Metal one minute then real a cool blues the next. Also does an incredible Eddie Van Halen. Some of his VH videos sound more like Eddie than Eddie does. Of course True Bypass is...
  16. SuperBeaver

    Playing in the sun

    :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: Northern Ireland's just as bad. More likely the rain would fry your power supply...
  17. SuperBeaver

    which the worst marshall?

    Imagine if you played well. It would likely tell the whole street how good you are :naughty: I said it before and it has been said to me since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Marshalls, especially old Marshalls (which the Randy is based on) are big boys tools, not to played by young punks...
  18. SuperBeaver

    C5H Dimed

    Well yes. My unscientific 'street' terms would say a 100 was as 'loud as fuck and a 50 was 'pretty fuckin' loud'. I changed down to a 50 and to me there is a noticeable difference. But yea you're right about all the graph shit. As I said on paper. But in the real world I think it's very...
  19. SuperBeaver

    which the worst marshall?

    :wow: It always saddens me to hear such injustices in the world. The world is such an unfair place. Nobody should have to endure that.
  20. SuperBeaver

    Working as a

    Just leave. Things have a way of working themselves out. I was 10 years in a job I absolutely hated with a vengeance. I was too scared to leave because of what 'might' happen. When I did leave none of the bad stuff I feared happened. Life is too fucking short man.