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  1. Androo

    Blackstar HTV-212 [ADVICE]

    Anyone? Please?
  2. Androo

    New Member... New Amp!

    Thank you! They are a great bang for your buck and sexy too! :dude:
  3. Androo

    Show us your Marshall

    They have. I'm pretty happy with it. I'm sure a higher end Marshall would sound better but for that price, it's a steal. Sounds a million times better than the MG and actually has a lot of punch.
  4. Androo

    Show us your Marshall

  5. Androo

    Blackstar HTV-212 [ADVICE]

    Hi! I'm looking into getting the Blackstar HTV-212 2x12 cab for my Marshall. Do any one of you here own one, or played one, whom can give me some sound advice? I tried one but not with my Marshall head and I'm really a noob at this stuff so you guys might be of great help. The official...
  6. Androo

    New Member... New Amp!

    I got the KRANK Distortus Maximus which sounds brilliant with the MA's overdrive. I also love the MA's clean and the Resonance-Presence-Reverb options! I'm buying a cab for it first. Then I'll change all the tubes at once. I'm not one to linger!
  7. Androo

    New Member... New Amp!

    Thanks all for you help. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'll keep on posting with the development of this amp. Thanks again!
  8. Androo

    New Member... New Amp!

    About 400 euro. The amp is about 500 euro so that's better than the 700 euro 1960 4x12s!
  9. Androo

    New Member... New Amp!

    Mine is the 50 watt version so it has 3 + 2 tubes not 3 + 4 (100 watt version). So I should get: - 2 Tung-sol 12AX7s - 1 Electroharmonix 12AX7 (for the Cathode Follower Position) - Matched TWO SED Winged "C" El34s. My wallet just squealed a little bit. I also need a cab =(
  10. Androo

    New Member... New Amp!

    Just checked... that cab is more expensive then my amp! I'm actually looking for a 2x12 not a 4x12. Are Crate cabs any good? Behringher or Laney? Maybe a Blackstar HT212....
  11. Androo

    New Member... New Amp!

    I love it but I definitely need a great cab for it. A modded SS combo is not the way to go! Plus a change of tubes supposedly removes the subtle fuzziness of the boosted overdrive! Will get to that in the future.
  12. Androo

    New Member... New Amp!

    That's the custom shop model! Nice. Actually mine is the first - that one was in production as early as 2004. Mine saw the light of day Q1 '08.
  13. Androo

    New Member... New Amp!

    Thanks! I've got the Tobacco Burst Slash Sig like you dude. :headbanger:
  14. Androo

    New Member... New Amp!

    TWIN.... thanks! So I should be looking into tubes with a middle Bias point? I have no idea what the bias of my amp is and since you said it can actually kill if I were to meddle with that stuff [even unplugged] I'm scared to even go near it!
  15. Androo

    New Member... New Amp!

    I'm from Malta [Europe] so buying from online US stores is a major problem for me, which is why I went for eBay. The link I posted was from a power seller so I guess I could trust him/her. By the way, you're of the opinion that I should change all 5 tubes?
  16. Androo

    New Member... New Amp!

    Erm... honestly, thanks for the advice I'm sure it is very good but I'm a bloody noob on tubes. Can you please explain to me more what I sould buy (exact model number) etc... Please! Sorry for my ignorance but that's the reason I joined... to get to know tubes and whatnot. Thanks! EDIT: Is...
  17. Androo

    New Member... New Amp!

    Any suggestions on which tubes to change and with what? I'm kind of concerned with the boosted overdrive since it sounds a tad cheap but I'm blaming it on the shitty speakers that I've got. I'm using a Fender FM212R combo amp which I modded to make it a 'cab'.
  18. Androo

    New Member... New Amp!

    First of all, hello guys! I'm Androo, I'm new to this forum and I'm new to Marshall Amps. My Marshall MA50H arrived yesterday and I truly truly love it. I'm now scurrying for a good and worthy cab for it. Pics! :hippie: