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    Help me figure this bias issue out, please.

    By no means an expert, but as far as I'm aware, you have to connect your test meter differently for measuring voltage and current. Voltage is in parallel and Current in series. I don't think you can connect your meter up the same way to measure both, so one of your readings is probably wrong...
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    DSL 50 Not Working

    Hi! Lane, will try some new tubes as suggested and try again. Thanks Ade
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    DSL 50 Not Working

    Hi! Lane, when I took these measurements, I measured from pin 5 to chassis as recommended. When I try to set the Bias with the tubes fitted, I use the three bias pins at the back of the amp. Do you thing perhaps it could be a problem on those pins, and could I actually set the bias by...
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    DSL 50 Not Working

    Hi! Lane, just read your thread on the re-cap as recommended. Really very informative. If you don't mind me asking, what sort of price are you looking at to replace all the caps. I can source them myself, but as you say, easier to buy a kit. I just don't think I'll get one in the UK...
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    DSL 50 Not Working

    Hi! Lane, readings with V6 and V6 removed from pin 5 to chassis V6 44.3v DC max 33.5v DC Min V7 44.2v DC Max 33.7v DC Min
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    DSL 50 Not Working

    I've got a white barcode type sticker with the number : M-1999-20-1207A
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    Thanks for your vote of confidence. I've resoldered almost every joint on all three boards, and have found all sorts of problems so far. Have check for obvious signs of burnt resistors etc. Unfortunately without lifting the resistors out of the boards, I can check for resistances, but they all...
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    DSL 50 Not Working

    I've read that the Electrolytic Capacitors dry out and should be changed after a few years. I'm not sure of the exact year of manufacture, but this DSL 50 has got to be fairly old. Do you think that changing say the C38 and C39 large Caps would get rid of the crackling? And what would cause the...
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    Perhaps you can help me with my DSL 50 problem then Terry. It's been going on for weeks now. I've had another guy helping me on here who has been really patient with me, but I think he's had enough now. I've got it on here as "DSL50 Not working" if you would be good enough to have a look. I've...
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    Amp Builder's Chassis Cradle

    Cool! I could really do with one of those. I've got my amp in bits balancing on the back of the cab. Not very good. You could sell those I'm sure Ade
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    DSL 50 Not Working

    HI! R68 22K which is OK. Have changed all the valves for known good ones and exactly the same. This time I got 79mV on each side of the bias setting. Much too high. Starting to lose interest now!
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    DSL 50 Not Working

    Hi! again, I've just put the new R21 100R 1W resistor in the output board and everything is working. However the Classic Gain Channel is really crackly. The Ultra Gain seems OK now. Any advice would be much appreciated. Bias still very high. 56mV on one side and 59mV on the other at the lowest...
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    DSL 50 Not Working

    Hi! again, I've just been doing some more checking as recommended, and all seems OK with the exception of R77. According to the Schematic that should be a 3K9 Ohm resistor, when in the board it is actually a 10K one. But it's OK so maybe it won't be too much of a problem. It looks to...
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    DSL 50 Not Working

    Yes all cleaned and resoldered just to make sure
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    DSL 50 Not Working

    I had already sprayed and cleaned all the jacks before I fixed the 4/8 ohm switch, so sorry, can't give you a before and after reading. When I took a reading from each output to the transformer to each output respectively when switched to both 4Ω and 8Ω, I'm only getting about 0.2Ω on each one...
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    DSL 50 Not Working

    What time is it where you are? 2123hrs here
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    DSL 50 Not Working

    Hi! I think we may have found at least one problem. I checked for continuity as you suggested from the output tags on both the 4 and 8 ohm connections on the output transformer. First I got nothing and then when I put the jack in another socket, I got a really strange fluctuating reading on both...
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    DSL 50 Not Working

    Hi! just measured between the jack sleeve and ground (chassis) 0.2Ω and yes I have some switch spray.
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    DSL 50 Not Working

    Hi! again, it doesn't really matter now anyway. I did the underboard output socket mod just now by linking all the grounds on the sockets together. It is still the same. 16 Ohm socket very crackly, both other sockets, nothing at all. Where to next lol? I'm just hoping that the...
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    DSL 50 Not Working

    Hi! again and thanks for the link to the socket mod. I'll do it anyway, but surely if that was the problem, when I gave the 4/8 Ohm socket another ground (negative) with a test lead it should have worked?