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  1. W

    hELP me out with wiring

    each speaker is 8 ohms.
  2. W

    hELP me out with wiring

    Here's the deal. I got my 1965 keepers (oh thank you sweet jesus) and along the way I picked up two 1965 spares and an unloaded traynor 8x10 cabinet. I also got a traynor 200wrms custom special head. 6550 power. So, my 8 celestion g10-35 can handle 240w RMS. How do I wire my speakers to get...
  3. W

    where is the bias pot (1975 JMP)?

    Keep one hand in your pocket at all times. Grab yer dick if you have to.
  4. W

    Recommend speakers for a 1965 cab

    Thanks dreyn77, that was my fear. Irreplaceable speakers. Let me guess. Celestion has disc'd repair cones for this speaker as well. Well, it's not like I don't have other cabinets sitting there simply as parts or spares. I guess my hunt for 1965 cabs isn't quite over. Let me restate. My hunt...
  5. W

    Recommend speakers for a 1965 cab

    All good things come to those who wait. Or something like that. After a fair wait I scored a mint 1965 and matching mosfet 100 head. The price was right too. A week later I got the top cab from another seller. So I now have the stack. Here's my question. I like the sound hope never to trash a...
  6. W

    Ohms selector isn't right

    I immediately saw that as soon as I read local step down. Of course. They can have hundreds of speakers if they want.
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    Damaging a head

    The tubes aren't lighting so I know it's not likely the OT . Maybe it's the PT. Anyhow, it's a peavey head I bought for one of my kids who destroys everything. Apparently it's now destroyed before he worked his magic on it. For the record, I bought it, brought it home without seeing it...
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    Damaging a head

    I think I know the answer but with so many real techs here seeing it in writing will be good. Suppose I took a supposed 100% good tube head, had all the dials set to Zero, connected the power, connected an instrument cable, turned the power on, then a minute later, turned standby off. I set...
  9. W

    Value of 1965 stack

    He's got some sort of fixation on his price. I offered him $950 and he just responded with a Merry Christmas message. So, a nice enough guy but as dleake wrote, there are issues with both of his cabs and he's not being realistic recognizing that fact.
  10. W

    Ohms selector isn't right

    Very cool information. I like learning new things. Thanks So in the chain of speakers, all in series I imagine, the impedance would be massive, wouldn't it? I need to do some more reading on this. I'm having a hard time getting my head around it.
  11. W

    Ever buy an amp because the sum of the parts was worth more?

    I can't count the number of decent Marshalls and Fenders that I saw in Goodwill and other thrift stores. I remember a tube Marshall at Goodwill for $10. Single speaker, can't remember the model, two EL34's. Oh well. This was years ago when I was still recovering from a brain injury and playing...
  12. W

    Canadian Marshalls

    I've been doing some reading trying to figure out why I'm seeing Marshall 1960 cabs with 16ohm labels but really are 8 ohm when tested. I myself have a 1960 cab with 16 ohm label that is 8 ohm and a 1960 cab with the 16 ohm covered over with a very durable stick on 8 ohm label. I can say with...
  13. W

    Winter bros.

    I saw Johnny this past March. In a 500 seat venue. Wow. He died a few weeks later. Sad.
  14. W

    Marshall jmd 50 watts!

    And I can't find an AVT cab in Ontario for a decent price. Prats here want 1960 prices for their AVT. Although I got the straight one for $125....just can't find the slanted one.
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    Cab Identification

    I know my eyes are pretty bad but I'm fairly sure the wood in that cab was MDF. Can anyone elaborate?
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    Downton Abbey

    Khan is the only reason I'm watching it. But, while watching Downton, it gets me thinking, their life wasn't all that long ago. Those sad bastards had no idea what a LP through a cranked Plexi sounded like. Al that money and still they were missing out on one of the sweetest things ever known...
  17. W

    Ever buy an amp because the sum of the parts was worth more?

    I just realized a Line 6 40w. spider tube combo I bought is worth more to me in parts than what I paid for it. I imagine a fair number of combos might fit this bill. Maybe some heads too. For $300 I got, (all my used values are based on my local market), 2 V30 speakers, $150, a nice 2-12 combo...
  18. W

    What's wrong with this seller?

    I backed away from the deal before the holidays and went on a trip to a warm place. When I returned it was still for sale. I mulled it over and decided, what the hell, daylight, parking lot with security cameras, take a buddy along and what could go wrong? Ok, maybe I buy a stolen amp but that...
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    What's wrong with this seller?

    HAhahahaha. It's a window van and there's no clowns or unicorns or rainbows painted on the sides
  20. W

    What's wrong with this seller?

    Wow guys. You opened my eyes. I live in a smaller place and think nothing of leaving the house unlocked all day when I go out. It's not unusual for me to leave tools in my carport and everything is there the next morning. It never, ever occurred to me people living elsewhere didn't have the...