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    Are Guitars A Good Investment?

    I bought my 77 Les Paul Custom in 1980 for $300. Today it's worth about $5500. I bought my 2000 AmStd Fender Tele in 2011 for $900. Today it's worth about $900. Supply and demand.
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    What's your relationship like with your Gibson LP

    You might like my Tele as well then.
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    What's your relationship like with your Gibson LP

    LOL George eh? That is a 77 LPC. Gibson made very few of them as they were very unpopular and did not sell. I have a weakness for maple fretboards so for me it was really the perfect Les Paul. I just wish the neck scale was a bit longer to fit my stupidly large and slow hands heh.
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    What's your relationship like with your Gibson LP

    LOL why does it make you puke?
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    What's your relationship like with your Gibson LP

    I bought this custom in 1980 for $300. Played it as my #1 until 2011 when I bought a AmStd Tele. It's been in it's case in a closet ever since. I MUCH prefer the tone of this Les Paul but the Tele just fits me SO much better.
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    Post a Lester

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    Fake polepieces for Lace Sensor covers?

    I recommend this: OK - in all seriousness... I do not think anyone makes covers like you described. That being said, they don't look that bad. I have them on my strat:
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    Nipples, Religion and Politics over at MLP, Why Not Here?

    You guys can say Fuck over here. Not so on MLP. I'll take fuck over religion/politics any day...
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    Any Full Blown Alchoholics here?

    I am not an alcoholic but I am fully blown!
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    How into guitar would you REALLY be...

    I learned on a classical. I play my acoustics all the time. I would still be doing that if electric went away. Here is a nice little acoustic ditty for y'all: Stevie Ray Vaughan - Life by the drop - YouTube
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    R.I.P. Jim Marshall

    RIP Jim and thank you. Kinda surprised there is not a memorial logo up on this forum...
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    Who is your favourite guitarist and why ?

    I would have to say Al DiMeola. This was the first guitarist that I ever heard that could play that fast and still have amazing melodic lines and feel. Jimmy Page made me pick up the guitar though.
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    My Marshall's tone is better than...

    My Marshall tone is better than...Slash's.
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    How many of guitarist magazine's 101 best stomboxes ever do you own?

    My old buddy that makes stomp boxes made 2 on that list :D
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    RIP Steve Jobs, founder of Apple.

    I had the pleasure of meeting him a few times. He had his faults as we all do. But unlike the rest of us, his impact and influence will be felt for generations to come. RIP Steve. You were an amazing guy. Thanks for all that you gave us.
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    Favorite Solo with a Marshall?

    One of my favorites is this: The solo from One Way Out. What amazing tone and a great solo.
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    How to avoid RIPOFF techs!!

    Lightly reformatted for readability: I looked up a local tech when my JCM900 died and took it to him. When I got it back it was worse than when I took it to him. I ended up taking it to a guy that was friends with a buddy of mine that owns a music business. This guy makes boutique tube amps...
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    Typically size differences like this between DAW products are related to the sample library sizes.
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    JCM 900 mkiii 2100

    I love the 900. Great tone IMO. Here is my SLX-II at a jam a couple of years ago (excuse the shitty sound quality - off a cell phone I think). That is just the ole LPC straight into the amp. Love that tone.