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  1. billdncn

    EQ setting for DSL with G12T-75's

    DSL50/1960A...... Red Lead 1 Pres = 0 to 4 Treble = 2.5 to 3 Mid = 5 to 6 Bass = 3 to 4 with Deep in (higher with Deep out) Vol = 3 to 6 Gain = 4 to 7 depending on mood Boost = Keeley SD-1 Green Channel = Same EQ with Deep out Never use the Tone Shift
  2. billdncn

    Played on a TSL JCM2000 today

    I love TSL100's. Great features and the tone is acceptable to me :wave:
  3. billdncn

    DSL owners, where do you set your treble and presence?

    Right now Presence 1, Treble 2. This is my home setting for now. Oh yeah, Vol. 4 or 6... Depends on my mood 8^)
  4. billdncn

    Unofficial "Post YOUR youtube videos" thread

    Just trying to fit something over this BT this morning before the family woke up :hmm: lol. 15w Line6 practice amp trying to be very quiet. http://
  5. billdncn

    How the f*ck do you get a great tone out of a strat?

    For me it's an HSS. Down on the Treble and presence
  6. billdncn

    Bedroom volumes with JCM2000?

    My DSL50 (w/1960A) doesn't start to sound good until 3..... 4 is better, etc. Sorry but what does the tone in the bedroom matter anyway? I play it low most of the time but I know what it sounds like cranked so it doesn't bother me. Either way I think you'll be pleased. If you EQ for low...
  7. billdncn

    Best boost pedal for Marshall JVM?? JCM800? DSL??

    Keeley modded SD-1 works pretty well. Volume up to suit, none to very little gain and I keep the tone low around 9:00-10:30
  8. billdncn

    got any LIVE SHOTS!!!

  9. billdncn

    The Stratocaster Thread

    Newly aquired '93 American Standard. It was white on white. Just replaced the pickguard and installed my old JB4 in the bridge. Much thicker sounding now. This is about the 5th Strat I've owned over the years.... Not to mention others that I wish I had back.
  10. billdncn

    NAD, first tube amp! (YJM100 inside, pictureheavy)

    Awesome! Jealous from Richmond Va
  11. billdncn

    Show us your Marshall

    All I've got right now....Starting over
  12. billdncn

    All New Owners of MARSHALL Amps......Welcome to the RIGHT Side!

    Have owned too many to count. Always come back to Marshall. Here's just a few............. .............. And my current :lol:
  13. billdncn

    DSL - What Channels do you use most often.

    I guess I spend most of my time on Lead-1 with gain on 6 and boost with a Keeley SD-1. To me the green and red channel are far from each other in the EQ department. If I find a good tone on lead-1, the Green chl. is to bassy and boomy...... But I'm playing in a band now so it's no big deal.
  14. billdncn

    Nad dsl50

    '98 which has been inspected and had re-soldering done. The JCM cab belong to a good friend that passed a couple of weeks ago. He and I played together back in the mid '80's. He will be greatly missed :( BTW, that's a Keeley modded SD-1 I use for pushing the front end :thumb:
  15. billdncn

    Who are some guitarists who use the jcm2000 dsl100

    I have seen Richie Sambora use them
  16. billdncn

    What the hey....

    Working on lead for Ten Words..............
  17. billdncn

    What the hey....

    Wow man Thanks! From one newb to another :wave:
  18. billdncn

    What the hey....

    Crappy video (including bad camera placement) of a new backing track I'm working with........... YouTube - Trying new MXR pedals 2203X USA SL2H ZW-44 M-108 10-band Carbon Copy Kinda my way of sayng Hi. Pretty new here. Been through a lot of Marshall's. Loving my new JCM800 vintage...
  19. billdncn

    JCM 800 vs. JCM 2000 DSL?

    Reissue as stated. Now the 800's can be bright and a lot of people snip/replace bright caps, etc. I thought of having mine modded but with an EQ and the tonal selections of the TB Classic I'm pretty satisfied with the array tones I can get. Jason used 800's and later switched to the 900 believe...
  20. billdncn

    JCM 800 vs. JCM 2000 DSL?

    An EQ in the loop of your DSL can help by cutting the harsh frequencies. I have owned 4 DSL's and 3 TSL's over the years. I now have what I should have gotten a long time ago. JCM800 2203. Love it! Don't miss any of the JCM2000's I've had. With a MXR 10-band in the loop (yes, it's a reissue)...