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  1. whatknot

    Esp E-ll , What Do Think About Them ?

    I was in the same boat you are in now. 2014 Tobacco Burst E-ll. I think this guitar does everything well! I went passive and I'm so glad that I did. Still rips your head off if you want it too. Plays great, sounds great. Desert island guitar for me. You won't be disappointed.....
  2. whatknot

    1987 4x12 Jubilee Cab Speakers

    And some combo's.
  3. whatknot

    What is the 'secret' to your tone?

    original Jubilee w/ Vintage 30's and my hands. Earthquake devices "talons" overdrive for dirt box nasty. Really you can dial up any overdrive sound you want.
  4. whatknot

    Smantha Fish !

    watched her live last year at Daytona Blues Festival. She rocked it good too. Closed with a ripping version of War Pigs.
  5. whatknot

    Sounding more like Geoff tate, than Tate himself....

    Mindcrime tour was incredible and one of my fav shows ever. The whole concept telling a story with awesome video behind them was powerful. This, not my fav song, but at the show it was mind blowing cool. Try it at the 3:20 mark if not from the start.
  6. whatknot

    New Amp Day - Marshall 2555X

    Congrats dude! I have that same combo. Bought it new. Can't say enough about it. Enjoy the new one!!!
  7. whatknot

    ESP USA or Japan?

    E-II owner. Could not be happier with this guitar. It does everything, and does it well. Fit and finish is fantastic. Really nice fretwork. Perfect setup from the factory.
  8. whatknot

    Lets see your crazy craigslist deals

    RARE Cigarette Pack Guitar Amplifier
  9. whatknot

    Seymour Duncan JB and Vintage 30's with a DSL?

    Yes, I have an esp E-II with the jb and play through a Jubilee combo with V30's and a JMD. It sounds great to me, but my ears could be f'd up too... to each his own.
  10. whatknot

    pickups Active or Passive

    If you can find a used ESP Eclipse with passive, you would/could be happy. I have the E-II Eclipse and I fn LOVE IT! Also original owner of an 86 Charvel model 6. I have not played that guitar since I purchased the E-II. ok, the b string broke. I would play it if I was motivated to put on...
  11. whatknot

    best chorus all around here:)

  12. whatknot

    February 2015 Les Paul sales figures

    I checked em out before finally purchasing an esp E-II Eclipse. The fit and finish on the eclipse is great. Real nice fretwork too. Gibsons in the same price range looked like they were painted and sealed with a spray can. Orange peel and all. Shitty fret work also. They were grabbing my hand on...
  13. whatknot

    My jubilee is on the fritz!!

    Can I ask what you paid for the caps replaced? How many are there?
  14. whatknot

    Tubes and caps for 2558 Jube recommendations

    Thanks for your response Jethro.
  15. whatknot

    Tubes and caps for 2558 Jube recommendations

    Bueller? Bueller?????
  16. whatknot

    Tubes and caps for 2558 Jube recommendations

    I am the original owner of a 2558 Jubilee and need to have it serviced. I have changed the el34's once, and a long time ago at that. Caps have never been touched. I am getting volume drops and in's and outs. I don't play outside my home and usually play the JMD1. I would love to know your...
  17. whatknot

    JMD:1 and new to me 1965A cabinet test

    Don't rag on my slop. Thanks go out to Ken and Mickeygd5 for the help.
  18. whatknot

    Input on the 1965 4X10 Cab!

    Cancel request. Got it all done up right. Sounds great!
  19. whatknot

    1 Caster Needed

    pm sent