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  1. Lee J

    AVT150h extension cab

    great stuff, so a 2x12 using 2 of the speakers out of the avt412 cab should be a good job!!!
  2. Lee J

    AVT150h extension cab

    how do I set the impedence? If I use 2 speakers from the 8ohm AVT412 what will I have? the head has 2 speaker cab sockets on it... 8ohm and a 4/8ohm
  3. Lee J

    AVT150h extension cab

    I've just had a brain wave moment of inspiration! I don't know what type of speakers are in the AVT412a ? I could buy 4x GT12T75's and swap them out... then build a custom 2x12 cab to sit underneath using 2x of the avt412 speakers. :dude:
  4. Lee J

    AVT150h extension cab

    I'd be interested in the tonal difference, would it be a smoother sound? less bass? more bass? fuller? I'm tempted.
  5. Lee J

    AVT150h extension cab

    you got a photo of the set up? I might just pull the trigger and get me a 1960
  6. Lee J

    AVT150h extension cab

    Mr Broadsword : does the avt150 head fit on top of the 1960 using the proper rails for the feet to go into?
  7. Lee J

    AVT150h extension cab

    I saw the B cab option but it's probably a bit overkill for me. A nice 1936 would be a better size. However, I've now seen a 1936 and a 1960a cab. So another question is, would this work... AVT150h 1960a (jcm900 lead) cab 1936 ext cab
  8. Lee J

    AVT150h extension cab

    Will an AVT412a cab sit on a 1936 2x12 ext cab securely?
  9. Lee J

    What a nice looking Les Paul. What are some of your favorite Les Paul finishes?

    I have one of these... but I always wanted one of these...
  10. Lee J

    Why I like Marshalls

    I used Fender Twins for years playing Country Blues stuff with a telecaster cranked and always said I'd never use anything else. Then I tried a Boss GT10 and found a great tone through the PA and ditched my Twin and the back ache that went with it. Then, about 12 months ago I joined an...
  11. Lee J

    AVT150h extension cab

    Good afternoon, I have a Marshall AVT150 head and a AVT4x12 cab that I love the sound of. I gig this half stack every gig and it just works really well for the tone I want. However, most gigs I find myself scratching around in storerooms looking for a table to put the amp up on as I like it at...