Search results

  1. Kaptain_Krunch

    Wall hangers

    Thanks for the replies guys, much appreciated. I did the whole Google thing, but I was more wondering if anyone has and uses one regularly that can recommend a good quality reliable one as the very last thing I want is an expensive guitar falling to the floor from 8ft in the air... I do have...
  2. Kaptain_Krunch

    Wall hangers

    Evening all, how is everyone? I have decided to mount a particularly nice looking Explorer on my wall and am wondering if anyone has a suggestion of a quality hanger to use? It will be mounted horizontal instead of the usual straight up and down fashion. Thanks folks
  3. Kaptain_Krunch

    Your 2020 Bicycle

    I'm 41 and i still ride bmx. Nowadays it hurts more when i fall off though
  4. Kaptain_Krunch

    Christmas Pizza

    Hi Vin! You made me hungry again and i just ate 12 (no joke) mini pizzas
  5. Kaptain_Krunch

    Dsl 15c no volume then all of it

    This gives me hope at least. These days i'm neither competent nor confident enough to try a repair on something that might kill me if i don't take the right precautions. I'll be taking it to a tech at the first opportunity for a full health check i guess. Its good to know it could be something...
  6. Kaptain_Krunch

    What's your blues name?

    Sticky legs green checking in...
  7. Kaptain_Krunch

    Dsl 15c no volume then all of it

    Hi guys, been a while since I ventured onto forums, no pc for 3 years and what not. Anyhow, my dsl 15c has an issue on the ultra gain channel where the volume knob does nothing in the lower half and once past that you get a LOT of volume all at once. If I twiddle the knob it does cut in and...
  8. Kaptain_Krunch

    Well, It Looks Like I'm Going To Be A Dad …

    Congrats man! All the best for what the future brings! Your life is about to change for the better in a huge way, enjoy it and make every moment count
  9. Kaptain_Krunch

    Zillow. Santa Rosa, Ca

    I'm in Anaheim at the moment, Tuesday seemed somewhat apocalyptic at times what with the sun going deep red and ash falling all over and the sky dimming quite considerably. My condolences to any who lost their homes or will do so in the coming days
  10. Kaptain_Krunch

    Mattress Shopping

    I've used kaymed mattresses for the last ten years and I would definitely recommend them. The last one I bought got me no change from 1k gbp but worth every damn penny. 100% will buy again. I sometimes suffer from either a sore back or shoulder and more recently a sore hip and kaymed are the...
  11. Kaptain_Krunch

    New Truck Day

    He still has the original windshield... ;) Nice truck! Looks to be the width of UK roads. I'm guessing parking it is more like docking though
  12. Kaptain_Krunch

    Video Games

    Been gaming since duck hunt. Still got all my old consoles too, every one. Only things missing from my collection is a Sega Dreamcast and an Atari Lynx. More importantly I own every version of Mario Kart released to the public. Approaching 40 and not stopping anytime soon
  13. Kaptain_Krunch

    Hello From Worcester Uk

    Hello and welcome :cheers:
  14. Kaptain_Krunch

    Cleaned Up Studio After Gig

    Is that a FIREPLACE in your practice room?!?!? Awesome room!!! I don't even have a room for my stuff until we extend the house next year. It won't be anything lime that however! The perfect use of a large room if you ask me
  15. Kaptain_Krunch

    It's A Beautiful Morning

    Congratulations man! jump in with both feet , you won't regret a thing
  16. Kaptain_Krunch

    Metallica Live Now

    As per title, find them here
  17. Kaptain_Krunch

    Ngd Taylor 12 String & Video Clip

    Very very well done Aus, and what a voice!
  18. Kaptain_Krunch

    Alvis On Pbs

    Awesome! Will have to hunt the net for the full episode for sure. Great tone and playing/singing there
  19. Kaptain_Krunch

    Biggest Trend of 2016? Sex Robots

    Think of the possibilitys! Lifelike Megan Fox doll anyone? :agreed:
  20. Kaptain_Krunch

    Question For Machinists Or Tinkerers

    Yes get them made if nobody sells them . Just go for the bolts that way nothing else is changed on the vehicle. Tapping out the hubs is a permanent mod

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