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  1. cybermetatron

    Sound problem with my JCM 900 4100 - loss of bass and middle freq

    The amp has been retubed and biased 3 months ago. The guy who did it is a professional and told me he did some soldering which where suspicious. I play once/twice a week. I got this amp second-hand last year, it has been manufactured in 1996, but I don't really know what the previous owner has...
  2. cybermetatron

    Sound problem with my JCM 900 4100 - loss of bass and middle freq

    Hi, I have recently encountered a sound problem with my JCM 900 model 4100, and wanted to share this with you here, hopefully someone can help me ! I've switched on the amp, everything was normal, but after 10 minutes the sound has completely changed and lost all bass and middle frequencies, I...
  3. cybermetatron

    Hello from Switzerland

    Excellent ! I'm sure you pronounce it better than me for Swiss-German is quite difficult even for people from the french speaking part of Switzerland.
  4. cybermetatron

    Hello from Switzerland

    Thanks for your welcome ! First rehearsal with my band yesterday since I have the JCM900 head, and changes are amazing ! Really have the sound I've wanted since years...glad to be a Marshall user !
  5. cybermetatron

    Show us your Marshall

    And I love that stealth :metal:
  6. cybermetatron

    Hello from Switzerland

    Thanks guys !
  7. cybermetatron

    Show us your Marshall

  8. cybermetatron

    Hello from Switzerland

    Hello, I'm from Switzerland and I'm new here ! I've been playing guitar for more than 25 years, but I'm a new (and very satisfied) Marshall amp user. I've played with a 1960A cab for a while though. I mostly play death-metal, I've been a huge Morbid Angel fan since more than 20 years, and...