Search results

  1. Conghaille

    SC20C or H: what am I getting for the ticket price?

    For me, the SC isn't close enough to the real 800--too gainy and modern--and has no usable clean. The SV demands an attenuator to get its tonal range without blasting volume, and I've never played an attenuator that didn't darken the tone. So for $2500 + $500+ (for an attenuator) you can get...
  2. Conghaille

    I want an SG with P90s without getting an SG -UPDATE ON P4

    PRS McCarthy 594 Thinline is the best SG I've ever played.
  3. Conghaille

    SC20C or H: what am I getting for the ticket price?

    I’d say it’s about expectation. Ive owned both and didn’t like either. To me they are the kind of amps where you can see where they were going, but they missed by too much (if you are expecting Plexi or JCM800 Tones). if it must say Marshall and you have a price ceiling, I agree that the...
  4. Conghaille

    Ebay is now going to ask for your SS# and send you a 1099-K

    If I know my fellow Americans, I KNOW we all want to expand the size and expense of the IRS. Enormous government agencies are exactly what we desire most!
  5. Conghaille

    Ebay is now going to ask for your SS# and send you a 1099-K

    Sorry, you are correct—you were off topic.
  6. Conghaille

    Ebay is now going to ask for your SS# and send you a 1099-K

    That’s not accurate. “It gets taxed again” isn’t really correct. The tax we’re talking about here is a tax on earnings you made because of the increase in value of the item since you bought it. So it’s your earnings being taxed, not the item. And the tax applies only to the income. So if you buy...
  7. Conghaille

    Essential Pedals. What's Yours?

    All the delays.
  8. Conghaille

    Connecting 2 heads into 1 cab

    The Radial stuff is studio quality. I have a Headbone and an effects loop switcher. They’re both great.
  9. Conghaille

    Ebay is now going to ask for your SS# and send you a 1099-K

    This is basically the same as capital gains tax. Why is this hard to understand?
  10. Conghaille

    Best affordable 1x12 cabs

    Years ago I used Peavey 1x12 cabs for testing and comparing speakers. They weren't bad and were the best new-cost deal at the time. I'm guessing today there are cabs from HB, etc. that are a better value. But yes: USED you can always steal a 4x12 cab for nothing. Too heavy to ship and buyers...
  11. Conghaille

    EVH tone pups

    I've built a number of frankenclones over the years. The last one I built used an SD Custom. I find those mid-high output pups work best for VH1&2. The 78 is very good too, but I wanted to do something different this time.
  12. Conghaille

    What guitar do you most regret selling?

    I had an "employee build" Gibson Les Paul that was pretty special to me. P90/P100, gorgeous wood choices--crazy heavy figuring, and an unusual deep green finish on the top. I'd have kept it, but it didn't seem to have any weight relief, and my old back could only endure playing it for 20 minutes...
  13. Conghaille

    Marshall Origin 20C metal/hard rock?

    You can put a BE-OD or a 5150 OD (or many more) in front of anything (or in the return of the FX loop and use one as a preamp) and get those tones. You can get those tones on a Hot Rod Deluxe with the right pedals. If you're getting your tones from a pedal, it's not all that different from...
  14. Conghaille

    Your Favorite Guitar.

    My PRS McCarthy 594 Thinline is the best >SG< I've ever owned, by far, and has been my first #1 in years. I guess if you're an 'SG guy' and married to neck dive and tuning problems, you might not like it. :cool:
  15. Conghaille

    I want an SG with P90s without getting an SG -UPDATE ON P4

    After owning eight SGs, my “SG” is a PRS McCarty Thinline. For me it’s all the fundamentals of an SG that I love, less the neck and headstock weirdness that I couldn’t live with
  16. Conghaille

    Do not reply. It is a fact. The tube era is finished.

    I used to work in IT before I retired. I worked with a lot of self-described Linux guys or Windows guys or Java programmers or COBOL programmers,etc. all of them idiots. I was always technology agnostic. I pick the tool that works best. if I want something that pleases my ears most, I will...
  17. Conghaille

    WTH? where are all the good 4x12 cabinets going?

    Yeah, I was going to say “the landfill”? it’s just so hard to get any real money for them. I think some people just give up, since it’s so heartbreaking to see how little they are worth. I sold my last one last year and should have parted out the speakers instead. I’d have made more by...
  18. Conghaille

    A Better DSL40

    So I have a DSL40 that I really like. It’s not perfect, but it feels like home, you know? If such a thing exists, I’d like a better one (better for me). That is, a Marshall that does what I like, but better. So I never use the Lead channels, just clean and crunch, but the crunch doesn’t quite...
  19. Conghaille

    Dsl40c Vs Evh 5150 (50 Watt)

    I've been playing a couple years with the Marshall, but just got a great deal on the EVH. Gonna be hard to keep both. (Been A/B-ing them, but there's no across-the-board winner to my ear). They both have good points and shortcomings. What would you keep if you could only keep one? (I play some...
  20. Conghaille

    Lighter Gibson Les Paul?

    You do have to admit that it is objectively cooler to play low though. ;) If there were no health implications, I'd smoke every day, and my Les Paul would drape just above my knee. :dude: