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  1. jman271

    Cap Question

    ahah, very educated though I'l give ya that!
  2. jman271

    Cap Question

    you are so strange
  3. jman271

    Cap Question

    "jman271: dude, your avatar is red-plating." Yes, I know, it is an old pic that I had of my amp when I got it..I fixed it now and it is not red plating anymore. I have noticed you mentioned it a few times in all of my posts that my avatar is red plating...I keep posting that is it an old pic...
  4. jman271

    Cap Question

    I have looked at a few different 50 watt plexi designs over the past few weeks and I have noticed some designs use a electrolytic cap 50/50 500v canister/clamp style on the chasiss rather than the same value multi-sectional on the board. Here is the question- is there any tonal benefit to...
  5. jman271

    Home Build

    thx! It is still a work in progress here and there but it plays good and stays in tune lol. Thx
  6. jman271

    50 Watt Plexi With Variac, Diff Voltage Readings And Clips 120v Down To 90v

    ahahaha thats an old pic not from the variac.
  7. jman271

    50 Watt Plexi With Variac, Diff Voltage Readings And Clips 120v Down To 90v

    The best aggressive volt reading was about 107 for really hard right hand stuff, I love this thing! go easy on my VH riffs, not eddie but trying for that "tone"..clips ends at 11:45,,,,my favorite tone starts at 10:35
  8. jman271

    Help Fixing Ceriatone Effects Loop?

    that may work, test it! ps- posting a new amp clip, I bought a variac, omg,,,
  9. jman271

    Home Build

  10. jman271

    Home Build

    Hey Russ, yes, I bought Ebay templates and measured once a day for 6 months before I did anything lol...only rechecked my work everytime
  11. jman271

    Help Fixing Ceriatone Effects Loop?

    post a pic of the metro loop?
  12. jman271

    Sound Clips Amp Voicing 50 Watt Plexi

    I just got a variac so the next test will be for me to see the effects of voltage reduction..I took a meter reading via the receptacle port on the variac and the dial was "off" as the voltage readings were compared to what the label said and what the reading actually the dial said 120v...
  13. jman271

    Help Fixing Ceriatone Effects Loop?

    I flipped my chassis upside down and installed on the right side of the back panel, I had no loop at all so I had room..not sure is the spacing of the holes will be right from your existing holes? post pics?
  14. jman271

    Help Fixing Ceriatone Effects Loop?

    the send comes off the Treble pot, in hindsight as for the passive loop goes, i think off the master would be a better place but I think you have to do some other things to it as should ask to join the facebook ceriatone user group....people on there all day, Nik too.
  15. jman271

    Home Build

  16. jman271

    Home Build

    her name is "leather" and she sounds great, I messed up in a few spots here and there but it plays fast and feels great. Has a nice mid punch! Here is a clip of me noodling... The finish is laquer, under it is a light oak stain with a hint of gret stain too. Thx!
  17. jman271

    Home Build

    Hum-single, basswood 2 piece body glued down the centerline. all the typical cuts for tummy, forearm, etc, a little more aggressive on the horns for clearing large hands lol. recessed tele jack, recessed floyd route, one v one 3 way switch. Neck is 1/4 sawn hard rock maple, glued maple cap...
  18. jman271

    Help Fixing Ceriatone Effects Loop?

    dude the franky wow nice work
  19. jman271

    Help Fixing Ceriatone Effects Loop?

    I made the guitar, ( I will try to post a pic?), the pickup is a seymour duncan 78' custom shop (low output like 9k), the amp settings are normal bas/mid treb, etc,,it is a 50 watt plexi Ceriatone JMP with diff mods I did on the inside with caps and resistors etc I really think the 25 watt...

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