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  1. D

    DSL40 CR tube bias drifting during bias process

    Thanks to all for your replies. Learn something new every day, it was a battery issue on my multi meter ! I was able to bias the amp to 35mv and it held there over an hour of playing. I wouldn't have thought it would matter as long as there was enough juice to get a reading, but there you go...
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    DSL40 CR tube bias drifting during bias process

    Hmmm. I figured if it had enough juice to take a reading it would be ok, but I'll replace the battery and give it another go. As far as playing the amp a while and then checking, what would that tell me? The amp had been on for about 45 min when I took the last reading. I am here to learn, but...
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    DSL40 CR tube bias drifting during bias process

    Hi everyone, Been a while since I've been on here, work and family illnesses have kept me away. Things are easing up so I pulled out my DSL40 CR to prepare for a holiday jam with some friends and decided to check my bias. I followed all the steps and let the amp warm up for about 10 minutes...
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    Mini Jubilee 2525H preamp tube questions

    Thank s to all of you, Mad Jack and Jethro Rocker too for your help in my other thread on the diodes as well !! I'm going t take all this advice and do some serious tube swapping this weekend. Set my head up on the cab backwards with the back grill off and go to town !
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    Ah, NAD !! Always a good day. Congrats !!
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    Marshall enough?

    In my opinion, Marshall has done a great job at least with their tube amps of knowing who they are and staying true to the "Marshall " sound. Sure there are variations of that sound but it is the Marshall sound. I have borrowed and or played thru a Mosfet 100, a JCM 800 combo, 20 and 50 watt...
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    Mini Jubilee 2525H preamp tube questions

    So I have a Sovtek 12AX7-LPS that I picked up from somewhere a while ago ( might have been from Amazon?) and decided to put it in my PI slot of my Mini Jubilee. I have read that a Long Plate 12ax7 can be a good thing in that slot. My amp has the originial Marshall branded ecc83's in it now...
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    Mini Jubilee clipping diodes

    Thanks Mad Jack and Jethro Rocker! I have some more tube questions but I'll start another thread as they are not related to the diodes.
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    R.I.P Jeff Beck

    I dreaded this day. My fave guitarist of all time. There will never be anyone like him. Sure there are innovative players, but you couldn't remotely sound like Jeff Beck unless you were Jeff Beck. Not too many around that we can say that about.
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    Mini Jubilee clipping diodes

    Thanks Mad Jack. I don't want to mod it really, other than maybe trying some different tubes at some point. Just more curious as to where the diodes were. And what pre-amp tubes they were after. It has plenty of gain so I don't think it needs modding for that - at least for what I want from...
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    Mini Jubilee clipping diodes

    It the Mini Jubilee head, model 2525H studio.
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    Mini Jubilee clipping diodes

    I'm not good at reading schematics, but would like to know where the clipping diodes are in the pre-amp section. I think there are a couple of sets of them. Can anyone shed some light ? ( kind of a pun as I think some of them are LED's) I've been pretty happy with my Mini Jube head, just trying...
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    Mini Jubilee Head, feet too short

    Cool, thank you for that ! I think I am going to get a 2x12 cab with side handles at some point in the next few months but these look perfect for now and even when I do get bigger cab. With my DSL combo I ran 4 cable method to my pedal board and brought the FX send and return cables under the...
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    Mini Jubilee Head, feet too short

    Hi all. Been a crazy last few months so I haven't been 'round much. Hopefully things quiet down and get better. Anyway, just looking to see what you Mini Jube players have done with the feet on the head. One of the 1x12 cabs I have has a handle that every other amp I've had clears, but the Jube...
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    A 2x12 cab with a 1x12 cab on top?

    I am thinking about the 8 ohm V30's in the closed back cab, wired to series which will give me a 16 ohm cab. Then used either a Green back or a J75 Scumback 16 ohm - 65 watt rating ( for got to mention I have one) in the 1x12. The V30 is 100db and the Scumback I think is 98db? My...
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    A 2x12 cab with a 1x12 cab on top?

    Throwing around some ideas for my Mini Jubilee head. Was initially going to find a 2x12 closed back, but after some researching I thought I might like a cab that has a removable panel so I can go partial open if the room or whatever might benefit. Then I went down the rabbit hole of should...
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    What speaker to pair the Mini Silver Jubilee?

    Good timing for this thread as I am considering a 2x12 for my Mini Jubilee. Something from Marshall or maybe from Stage Craft or Mojotone. I have a pair of V30's from the late 90's as well as a pair of newer Greenbacks so the speakers are less of a concern for me than the build quality of the...
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    Is anybody actually buying speaker cabs new?

    As for buying new, I am likely to do so soon if I can't find what I am looking for used. But then there is the part where I decide what config I want. I don't want the used market to be the determining factor. I know some of what I am considering is available as new build from a couple of cab...
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    Marshall Mini Jubilee 2525h - Review

    So you are saying with the lead channel on ( red light) you keep the output master at 8 or better and control the volume with the lead master volume, correct ? Awesome, I will try that. I will try my Greenbacks as well. Have just used the V30. Thank you for the advice !!
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    Marshall Mini Jubilee 2525h - Review

    Hi all! Been away for a bit, new day job blah blah. I recently picked up a Mini Jubilee head and at first I was pretty " meh" about it until I found some example settings on the internet. Once I had an idea on how to dial it in, I am really digging it. Just from a quality of sound...