Marshall Mini Jubilee 2525h - Review

  • Thread starter Chris-h11
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2015
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Have you ever tried your 2525h with the 2061cx cab? What speakers are in them. I'm currently in doubt if I should get the combo or the head plus either the 2536 matching 2x12 or the 2061cx cab.


That isn't a 2061cx cab in my avatar; it is a custom made 1x12 cab to match my JMP-1H head. It had a Greenback in it and now has a (Chinese) V30. I also have a Thomann MDF 2x12 cab which has two Heritage Greenbacks in it: I think the 2525H sounds better through it's matching 1936V cab which has UK made V30s in it.

I took my Mini Jubilee stack to rehearsals last night which was the first outing with an acoustic drum kit and two other guitarists to play with and it sounded great. We tried a few different guitars through it and two other players, so it was good for me to be able to sit back and listen to it. :)
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Dec 16, 2011
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Does mini jubilee has clean sound similar to 1959 slp? I was thinking to try it in some shop and maybe, maybe....maybe... sell my yjm for it. NOT for the tone, for weight and transportabiliy reasons only!!
I don't need lead channel, just a clean channel or clip mode similar to slp, so i will try it and then will see.
But does someone can tell me if I could have with strato the classic rock tone, bluesy funky? (from hendrix to frusciante to ac/dc ....etc etc)?????

Kinkless Tetrode

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2017
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Yes it does to my ears. The cleans are indeed similar, but maybe not the cranked overdrive tone using the clean channel alone.

Looking at it technically, the clean channel signal path through the preamp is essentially the same. The EQ section is different and comes off the plate of V2, instead the cathode, like a Hiwatt, though. In fact the tone stack values are close to that of a Hiwatt instead of a 1959 as well.

I would certainly play one to know if it will give you want before unloading a YJM though.


Apr 11, 2016
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Hey!!! Looking to go to a lower wattage head and I am between the 2525h and the Friedman Pink Taco too...did you ever pull the trigger on One? If so thoughts?! Cheers!

Well, after careful consideration, the 2525h is on its way back to Sweetwater. I just couldent get the chunky palm muting to keep up with the band. I A/B'd it with my Splawn Supersport, and realized that I will never be able to get the mini jubilee where I need it, even through a 1960a with UK made greenbacks. I loved how the jube sounded at lower volumes, but I cant justify the cost for a bedroom amp. Now, im considering getting a Friedman PT-20 so satisfy my gear addiction.


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Apr 26, 2018
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I just got mine about a month ago and I want to marry it, fact! I purchased the head and 1X12 Orange cab at the same time. I pulled the V30 and replaced it with a GB M12. Now that the speaker and tubes have had a chance to break in it sounds fantastic, not that it ever sounded bad at any point. I have missed days of work because of this little sliver hooker. I have it mic ed with a C414 and SM57 for recording in my home studio and use it with my other primary amp which is a Fender 68 Deluxe reissue. Making a change in tubes may make it sound better? I doubt Ill find out anytime soon because I am more than pleased with the way its sounding now, that and I know have not conquered the learning curve with this yet. I tried it with my Wampler Euphoria and I had a to put it away because ...
1) I wanted to get down with my new amp just to know what she could do.
2) I kept busting a nut listening to it, and playing naked at home freaks guests out.


New Member
Nov 11, 2019
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Hi everyone,

I what the 2525h for a year. I pluged into Marshall 4x12

Is good idea to go to the 100w version to play at home like I do with 2525h? Or is unecesary


Best regards


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Dec 13, 2012
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Alicante (Spain)
I just joined this site again. Was a member for many years back in the early days. Anyhow, I got back here for questions concerning there not being a bias pot for the 2525H. I just got an order in from Eurotubes. A set of JJ E34L's and 12ax7 with a balanced PI. I just got a 2525 a few weeks ago and it just didn't sound like I remembered. I had two of the small box 50 waters in the late 90's and loved those amps. Then I remembered, they had JJ E34L's in them. I read a post here that said a guy replaced the stock tubes with JJs and wasn't happy. I can tell you this....after I put the JJs in(with no biasing this sounds like I remember!!! happy camper now :) There is that Jubilee tone I remember!!! Yeah, if yours sounds a bit anemic ....get some JJ E34L's with the balanced PI. They sell the kit ( I got the high gain one) for the original and it works for this one as well. I was so ready to return this to Sweetwater but I had to fork out the cash for tubes to just see.....Right Choice!!
It’s 5 years since this post, but “you saved my life”, so I want to give you credit. I followed your advice and got a JJ high gain kit, night and day! Now my 2525h is a beast!! Before this I found the amp to be kind of “polite” soundwise, but now it has balls and rocks!! Thank you very much!!!

Michael Roe

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Mar 25, 2017
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Springfield, Ohio
It’s 5 years since this post, but “you saved my life”, so I want to give you credit. I followed your advice and got a JJ high gain kit, night and day! Now my 2525h is a beast!! Before this I found the amp to be kind of “polite” soundwise, but now it has balls and rocks!! Thank you very much!!!
Glad to help!
I think if I remember right, the real problem was the stock Tung-Sol power tubes were bad but the JJ E34Ls did the trick.


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Jul 25, 2022
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Marshall Mini Silver Jubilee 2525H

I grew up around tube amps of the 1970s and was fortunate enough to own a Marshall Plexi. I recently pulled the trigger on the Marshall Mini Jube head and it sounds better than most of the tube amps I grew up around.

It's a two channel amp with some very musical EQs. Powered by two EL34s, you have s dedicated clean channel and an overdrive chanel. The input gain controlling the clean channel is a pull-push pot that activates the Rhythm Clip function producing some very memorable mild distortion reminiscent of an overdriven Plexi.

I experimented with a number of NOS tubes in the preamp stage, settling on a GE JAN 5751 in V1 and Telefunken ECC83 ribbed plates in V2 and V3, which really brings out the warm midrange. The 5751 in V1 cleans up some of the graininess in the clean channel, but with the rhythm clip activated, brings out super sweet distortion along the lines of SRV.

The overdrive (lead channel) gets you into Slash territory, but is not super distortion territory, which is fine for what I do. The Mini Jub is switchable in either 5 or 20 watt modes, yet is certainly loud enough to gig with in a smaller venue.

I purchased a 2x12 Origin angled cab and replaced the stock speakers with two Celestion Greenbacks I had from the 1970s. I also experimented with some other vintage 12 inch speakers, including a Vintage 30. Really no comparison.

Hands down, this is a versatile amp and one of the best sounding Marshall's I've heard since the 1970s!


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Dec 13, 2012
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Alicante (Spain)


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Oct 24, 2019
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I have been using my 2525h and loving it for a couple of years now. Every time I play through it I just love the sound.
I mostly use it with a 1x12 I made myself, open back, fitted with a late 70s celestion g12-65.
Call me primitive but my standard strat sounds amazing through it with presence about half way then everything else flat out with the exception of the lead master and output master. The lead master stays where it is, where I get a volume boost on the distortion "channel" mostly for solos. The output master is usually on around 3 in 5w mode for rehearsals and then around half to 3/4 in 20w mode for gigs.
I have no issues whatsoever keeping up in a 5 piece funk/ disco band.
Best of all it's a light compact amp. I wish Marshall had brought these out in the 00s!
Absolutely love it.
It's so good I've barely touched an sv20h I picked up but I do mean to spend some time this summer getting to know that.

Dave J

Active Member
Mar 13, 2019
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Hi all!
Been away for a bit, new day job blah blah. I recently picked up a Mini Jubilee head and at first I was pretty " meh" about it until I found some example settings on the internet. Once I had an idea on how to dial it in, I am really digging it. Just from a quality of sound perspective it's a clear step up from my DSL40CR. Currently running it thru one of two 1x12 cabs I have, and have a pair of English V30's from around 1998, a pair of newer Greenbacks, and a Scumback J75 to try. I am thinking about a 2x12 for it using the speakers I have on hand. The V30's are 8 ohms and the rest 16 ohms so I can't mix a V30 with the others, but beyond that I'm wide open. I am thinking along the lines of a vertical cab, but not sure if I wanna go angled, diagonal, or both angled and diagonal. I was really split between the Jubilee or the SV20 but the flexibility of the Jube won out. The Jubilee is not a Plexi or a JCM800 but that sonic area is where I want to live. Doesn't have to be spot on either, just a good late '70s to '80s Marshall sound that is not overly hot rodded, like a modded Plexi or JCM 800. I already get sounds I like from it but was thinking an angled 2x12 might be the ticket. Note that I am not talking about a angled baffle but a "A" type 2x12. From what I have read those give a bit more mids and maybe a touch less bass. That might be just the final touch on getting my sound. Any opinions on which would work for me? I don't have much to try locally so it's an internet buy. I am also not ruling out a straight vertical 2x12 or even a horizontal 2x12. But my bass player covers the low stuff so I am not in need of getting the most bottom end. The Jube gets pretty thick if I want it to, although of course not metal chugging, but I don't go there anyway.
I missed this place !


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2021
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USA, Pennsylvania
Hey Dave,
Like you I enjoy the 70’s&80’s tones.After trying at least 6 different speaker choices I landed on the Celestion G12M 25 watt speakers.I think they work great with this amp.Also the best advice I could give you with this amp is to have the output master in the lead channel at 8 or higher then use the lead master as your master volume.This little trick can’t be understated.I use it through a 1-12 mostly but also a 2-12 cab as well.My main guitar is a Gibson V with Seymour Duncan pearly gates pickups.The icing on the cake is to use a light boost to push it and the tones are glorious! Enjoy your new Jube it’s a beast!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
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I got the mini Jube a few months ago and it's basically my dream amp. And then after realizing it was my dream amp, I discovered how to really use the rhythm clip as well and omfg you couldn't pry this amp from my cold dead hands.


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Jul 20, 2008
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. ……….The V30's are 8 ohms and the rest 16 ohms so I can't mix a V30 with the others,……………
Well apparently we CAN safely miss-match speaker ohms with these Marshall Studio amps, that’s why all 3 of the amps have 5 speaker jacks

If you want to run a 16 ohm speaker with an 8 ohm, you can, just plug your 16 ohm speaker into the 8 ohm out and your 8 ohm speaker in the 4 ohm out.

I know it doesn’t sound right, but the information came from Santiago in a thread he started. I’ll look for the thread, maybe someone here recalls it.