Marshall Mini Jubilee 2525h - Review

  • Thread starter Chris-h11
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Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
Yes you can. Preamp tubes, always. Power tubes, yes in this case as it is a cathode bias so no need to bias when changing tubes. Mine should be here by Tues. I have a set of NOS Mullard EL34 go put in. oh....yeah....


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2015
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I haven't finished swapping out my cab (going from a 1x12 Greenback to a 2x12 Greenback) so I'll wait until then, but I'm really happy with my 2525H with the standard valves so far. I hadn't realised that it is cathode bias though, so that does make it easier when I do want to change. I've been going through my other amps checking the bias lately, so this is one I won't have to worry about. :)

Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
it is cathode biased, you can use any octal tube you want without having to do anything. It is the nature of that circuit (same as preamp tubes)
Fixed bias is a different thing, they rely on an internal voltage which is "fixed" and that can be adjusted or not. 100W Marshall amps are fixed adjustable bias, Boogies are fixed non-adjustable bias
Santiago mentions using ANY octal tube so can I put in a pair of 6L6? I would presume this....

Toby Krewbs

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Mar 2, 2013
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I dont want to be a spoiled sport or party crasher here but...
If it were me spending that much coin on these amps I would check the plate voltage and bias voltage and make sure it is within a safe acceptable operating range whether the amps have a bias pot or not when changing tubes from anything other than what Marshall shipped them with.The amps prolly have a pretty forgiving range in the bias circuit but since it cannot be adjusted without a resistor change checking it would give me peace of mind.

Every Marshall I have ever owned or encountered has had a bias adjustment pot so this is a bit unusual with this Jubilee amp.Man I sure would like to have one!

RawkOn and Have Fun and Be Safe!!!

Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
Im gonna check mine with the tester just to see where it is at. As Santiago pointed out, it is the nature of that circuit and is just like a 12AX7 in that regard. I gotta take it from him. But I will look at it cause I can, jist go see if it's ridiculously off or not.
It's unusual to me too, but then so is a 20 /5 watt EL34 amp to me.


Mar 13, 2017
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Istanbul / Turkey
Every Marshall I have ever owned or encountered has had a bias adjustment pot so this is a bit unusual with this Jubilee amp.Man I sure would like to have one!

The thing here is, cathode biased amps are easy to use if you are after more or less standard sound that the amp is aimed for. Adjusting the bias to your preference (and even to standard values during a tube rolling process) is tiresome for people like me. Besides 2525 is a reliable workhorse to me :)
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New Member
Aug 22, 2008
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I have one of these. I'm running it through a Suhr 1x12 with a Celestion Creamback M, and I couldn't be happier. I have everything set between noon and 1 o'clock. I have a ClinchFX EP that I leave on all the time just to give it a little goose. If I want slightly different tones I use the Carl Martin Plexitone. It's like having a 3 channel amp.


Toby Krewbs

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Mar 2, 2013
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I used an Egnater Tweaker with a bunch of different tubes for several years.The Tweaker has the same type of wide ranging bias circuit as this Jube prolly does.One day for curiosity's sake I checked the plate voltage and bias using my Multi Meter and bias probes.I had E34ls in it.Not the 6v6s it shipped with.
I was horrified to see how high the bias was.Way Too Hot

I know Egnater told users of that amp to stick to robust 6v6s after about 4 years of production of the amp.
I put JJ6v6s in it and the bias cooled way down and the transformer was no longer hot.

I have since sold that amp.My Marshall Haze kills it.


Apr 16, 2014
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I just bought a new Marshall Silver Jubilee 2525 Combo.
It definitely rocks and i like the sound of the clean and the crunch channel without the rythm clip engaged very much. I also noticed a big difference between the 5 and the 20 watt setting. While in the 20 watt setting the amp really shines and kicks a big ompf to my balls, i just don`t like the 5 watt setting. It just feels like somethings missing. Maybe just the big bottom punch of the 20 watt setting.
Now i am seriously thinking of giving a try to the original 2554 in the 25 watt setting. I think 50 watt ill be too loud, as i experienced with my JVM 215 combo.
So, has anyone compared the two silver jubilee combos, the new and the old one and can give me some insights and thoughts on it? I read some comments on the first page about it but maybe someone just had the experience too.
Will the old one sound different and will it give that punch in the 25 watt setting too?

ps: i would get a full refund for my new mini combo and get the old one cheaper! ;-)

Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
The 25 watt setting on original SJ is triode mode and I find it does indded lack some of the punch of tbe pentode, full power mode. I always run my 2558 in full power mode but admittedly rarely get it up enough to push the power section. It is very loud as per most 50 watt tube amps.
I prefer full setting on my Mini head as well, there is a lack of punch in lower settings. So I would think there would be no real gain in that particular area in a 2554 vs 2525 combo.
Also remember the caps etc are 30 years old on an original. But, it Is an original and a limited edition if that means anything to you.


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Jan 9, 2011
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I am considering getting the combo. Before I take the plunge, I wanted to understand:
- does it sound good at bedroom levels?
- how does it take pedals on clean and drive channels, for shred playing?


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2015
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I play mine in my living room at slightly higher than what I'd consider 'bedroom levels' (I have no direct neighbours), but I find it sounds good even at these quieter than gig/rehearsal levels. I haven't really tried any pedals into it yet though as I don't really feel I need to use any; with two gain controls and a very powerful eq section I can get the sounds I want just with the amp alone.

I just picked up a matching 1936V cab with UK made Vintage 30s inside on a near half price deal. There is a little cosmetic damage which the shop is swapping it straight out tomorrow for, but a quick play as it is and I'm very happy with the sound.

I now have two smaller Marshall stacks. The one in my avatar and this one below. :jam:

Silver & gold.jpg


Active Member
Jan 9, 2011
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Thanks for pitching that looks awesome, surely it sounds too..
I am hoping it is not too loud, so I can enjoy it well if I buy it...


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2015
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It does sound great...kind of 'grown up' if you get what I mean. I guess I'm lucky that I can crank it up a bit if I want, but even when my OH is working from home I can play it quietly and still enjoy it. There is another 2x12 behind the projector screen with Heritage Greenbacks in it, but I think I prefer this one, plus I can take it out to rehearsals or gigs (if I ever get one...).

Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
I prefer the 20 watt mode even at lower volumes. I will try my OD in front in the next day or so and get back to you on your other thread. I want to be able to use both channels dirty or failing that, have the ability to get more dirt or less on channel 2 and boost solo volume in loop. I want to use mine this Thurs at a small fun show. Want to see if it behaves like it's big brother!,
Thanks for pitching that looks awesome, surely it sounds too..
I am hoping it is not too loud, so I can enjoy it well if I buy it...

Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
I am considering getting the combo. Before I take the plunge, I wanted to understand:
- does it sound good at bedroom levels?
- how does it take pedals on clean and drive channels, for shred playing?
It sounds good a t lower levels, even in 5 watt mode. I ran mine yesterday with a Bad Monkey OD using ONLY Level control NOT gain on the Monkey.

If you run it on clean channel, you must keep R CLip ON and keep gain on amp quite high if you like really distorted, ballsy 80s tones. Otherwise there is not enough gain. If you are looking for ACDC tone then ditch the OD it's not required.

This means however, that the gain is quite high when you switch to Lead channel and the high Level on BM and high gain setting on amp makes it VERY gainy and thick. A bit much for some people but if you plan on tapping and shredding at lower volumes, you might welcome the extra gain.

So in short, I would use it with a pedal on clean only in R Clip mode and use it on lead channel if you really need to take it over the top. It's not really necessary with a Jubilee. My 2525H sounds good through a 1x12 closed back, I cannot speak for the combo. You could also turn off OD when selecting Lead Channel
I intend on using mine tomorrow afternoon for a fun gig at my buddy's school through a 2x12 but I will use Lead channel most stock and with OD up front and an EQ in loop for boost during solos. I rarely use clean and certainly won't need it for this one.
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New Member
Feb 7, 2010
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I just picked up a matching 1936V cab with UK made Vintage 30s inside on a near half price deal. There is a little cosmetic damage which the shop is swapping it straight out tomorrow for, but a quick play as it is and I'm very happy with the sound.

I now have two smaller Marshall stacks. The one in my avatar and this one below

Have you ever tried your 2525h with the 2061cx cab? What speakers are in them. I'm currently in doubt if I should get the combo or the head plus either the 2536 matching 2x12 or the 2061cx cab.


Open Lane

Aug 24, 2016
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I got a delay pedal (dd7) on tuesday for my mini jube and with it, i no longer need the boost its infront of it. Sounds absolutely stunning.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
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Have you ever tried your 2525h with the 2061cx cab? What speakers are in them. I'm currently in doubt if I should get the combo or the head plus either the 2536 matching 2x12 or the 2061cx cab.


I am not an owner of those amps however I would say that most players will always recommend getting the head with separate cab.