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  1. Trower74

    Describe ēvil in your own words

    A colonoscopy administered with a cactus
  2. Trower74

    I have $6,000 left to spend...

    If I were you, I'd save that for either your Obamacare premiums if you decide to have the Government own you, or the penealty if you decide to be free of it, or maybe some food for what's coming soon. I'd keep it (The money) in a place where the Banks can't skim the 1% that they're planning on...
  3. Trower74

    Lost my Health Insurance today.

    I can't resist this one. You (Americans) haven't even begun to understand the ramifications of what this "Affordable" Health Care will do to your lives. Get ready because the shit hasn't even hit the fan yet, but it will, oh yes it will. Here's a question up front: Why did Obama's Administration...
  4. Trower74

    Sub-conscious tie-ins to GAS

    The due abides
  5. Trower74

    Apple introduces New Obsolete Object from the Future!

    Yea, that's how I think, I'm putting a cardboard across my monitor as I type ,there and putting on a tin foil face mask,...thseo os oe oiskf aapaslo prfnw nweri a of ae tjse iaeo eo oa beosikrdrn saeeodf aospp pa p o0w owekf esty l eoo ps pdn 5 jwjwe jewk mwej itr kweef kwek k hrw wed aei...
  6. Trower74

    Garage sales, flea markets, pawn shops

    I bought a mixed set of sockets once for my toolbox at a yardsale, what the hell that has to do with music I'll never know but telling you guys this gives me a wierd tingle in my groin area.
  7. Trower74

    Artists you can't stand

    I like that. I like that a lot. At least Mark played guitar on the MTV
  8. Trower74

    My NAD

    Don't leave it on the floor or it could get kicked in the nads LOL
  9. Trower74

    Say a prayer for me guys, wife is gonna kill me.

    The Who - My Wife - YouTube
  10. Trower74

    Breaking the bro code and other things...

    I'd tell her to come over to my place, get the tranquilizers, the duct tape and the chain saw..oops wrong forum.
  11. Trower74

    way huge pork loin

    That hunk of pork probably cost as much as the pedal huh?
  12. Trower74

    Marshall's 1 watt?

  13. Trower74

    Marshall 1 Watt amps

    I'm getting two and using em for bookends for my music books
  14. Trower74

    Official Hip Hop thread.

    And you all (Y'all) got pissed about the Political threads and rants and the conspiritorial rants and raves?? And now you post a thread on Hip Hop and Rap?? Are you kidding me? Oh, yea, now the Backstage has "JUMPED THE SHARK!" I'm done here. GOODBYE all it was nice being a part of this...
  15. Trower74

    The GENTLEMAN thread

  16. Trower74

    I would like to apologise
