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  1. Quinny

    Admin please delete

    I'd likely stick the '73 50W on the cab if I had it (LOVE that amp!). But, have the PS100 to hand too....
  2. Quinny

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  3. Quinny

    Admin please delete

    @TAZIN - thanks as ever for your expertise. That's a fair bit - I wonder if that blurs the lines between routine maintenance/replacement versus restoration/rebuild. I'll try get a pic to 100% confirm (or otherwise) the T2562. I'm baffled by the LEAD missing too! For some reason I'd a...
  4. Quinny

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    Please delete
  5. Quinny

    Query on a couple of old G12H.

    Having one each of Bass/Lead in what is quite a cool looking cab is intriguing for me. Local to me and price seems very fair, so might go check it out. Apparently both speakers in good order, no rub or issues. Worth a punt methinks.
  6. Quinny

    Query on a couple of old G12H.

    Hi folks Looking for someone to check my thinking on a pair of G12H I've seen. They've both got the same label on greenback - G12H, 30W, 16 ohms, 75 c/s. One has a date code I can make out, making it December 1968... the other I can't make out. One of them has the expected 102 003 code on...
  7. Quinny

    1973 Super Bass 100 - look OK?

    Given the mods done and the partial kinda conversion between Bass and Lead, what impact do you think that would have on the tone of the amp? The full Bass to Lead tweak I'm loosely familiar with, but wonder what the intention was with the mods as they are...
  8. Quinny

    1973 Super Bass 100 - look OK?

    Ah, that's good to hear! I looked at some other circuit pics earlier and came to conclusion it was some manner of semi-conversion, but had assumed I just didn't understand properly.
  9. Quinny

    1973 Super Bass 100 - look OK?

    All easily reversible back to 100% stock should one be so inclined? Or, some original components no longer in place?
  10. Quinny

    1973 Super Bass 100 - look OK?

    So the fairly standard mod to tweak the stock Bass circuit to Lead?
  11. Quinny

    1973 Super Bass 100 - look OK?

    I've seen mention of a small number of 73s with white piping from the factory, not sure of numbers though (or even if it's true).
  12. Quinny

    1973 Super Bass 100 - look OK?

    Hello all! Wondering if the good folks here could cast their eyes over this '73 SB100 and let me know what you think in terms of originality/mids/issues etc? Common power cable mod done but looks very good on the whole to me. Would much appreciate the views and experience of those much more...
  13. Quinny

    Best places (UK) for JMP flight cases?

    Hi! Got a '73 50W lead and a '77 2203. Heads both the same dimensions, looking to pick up a pair of flight cases for them? Any recommendations? Have only ever dealt with Castle Cases before, long time ago but seemed a decent bunch. Anywhere else I should be comparing quality/price? Thanks!
  14. Quinny

    NAD - 1973 JMP 50W Pre-PCB

    Congrats!! My favourite of them all is a 73 50W, just has a little something extra I haven't come across elsewhere. Fantastic amps - play it loud and in good health!!
  15. Quinny


    '73 1987 and '77 2202 here, both have knobs as per the left on OP (marker on face, no pointer).
  16. Quinny

    What are these old Celestions?

    Good stuff, hope you enjoy them!!
  17. Quinny

    What are these old Celestions?

    These things have just popped up for sale locally. Spiders needs re-glueing, though not sure whether it's just a bit or a complete realignment job required. Dust cap missing on one. 20W badged so could be 20W or transition-y 25W things. If I understand correctly the one with missing dust cap...
  18. Quinny

    Reverb Listing: Marshall Super Lead 1968

    Ah bugger, sorry to hear that. Did you lose power altogether, or just sound with the amp staying powered up? I'd a similar sounding situation with my '73 - low volume all was well but, consistently, soon as you got to around 5-6 on the volume the power light flickered and all went quiet (but...
  19. Quinny

    1969 JMP 50w NAD, but....

    My '73 had similar symptoms recently, detailed here: One of the EL34 sockets had a trace which allowed arc'ing between pins. Also added screen resistors - sounds heavenly again now. :)
  20. Quinny

    What is this old Marshall 4x12 I just purchased?

    I'll give you £100 for it - 100% return on investment! :) :) :) Seriously though, that's an absolute deal there... almost like 'tatty ol' cab for 50 bucks, what's it worth?' is some manner of joke! Stupid good deal and should sound outstanding if all's well with the speakers, which I hope is...