1989 Jcm 800 2204

  • Thread starter DonaldBort
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Jan 18, 2013
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Cleveland Ohio
So I picked up a JCM 800 2204 a few months ago from (out of all places) Guitar Center. I got it for a steal. Yeah it needed some work that i did, but i didn't stop there. It was a stock amp for the most part, except a funky diode clipping mod that the 2 position switch gave it more gain. and the "more gain" sounded not so good and a poorly replaced volume pot.
Nonetheless, I went ahead and contacted my go to amp tech Jens Kruse of Kruse Kontrol out of Los Angles California. We went over a number of items I wanted to do to the amp. I did what I could to to do the amp and then it was off to Kruse Kontrol to do the remainder including a number of Kruse Kontrol Mods.
I've read a number of posts regarding amp techs and mods on this forum both positive and negative. I know Wilder is an avid contributor and by no means am I stepping on his or anyone's feet with their go to amp tech with my post. However, I will give credit where credit is due. If you want your amp to sound like it should, or just want it updated, fixed or modded, check out Jens and his work. I've dealt with a number of amp techs both locally and well know ones. I will tell you that Kruse Kontrol takes your experience to another level regardless of who you are. Your name and band may not make his A-listed clients listed on his web site, but your sound will be no less than the A-listers sounds. Check him out at http://www.krusekontrol.com/
Enough Kudos, here is a before and after of My JCM 800 and it sounds amazing.

IMG_2171.JPG IMG_2183.JPG IMG_2184.JPG IMG_2188.JPG IMG_1880.JPG IMG_1881.JPG IMG_1883.JPG IMG_1882.JPG IMG_1887.JPG
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May 22, 2010
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SoCal U.S.A.

Besides the extra holes in the front and back of the chassis, is there any other added holes, as in more 12AX7 tubes for this mod?


Jan 18, 2013
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Cleveland Ohio
No more holes added. To be honest I wanted the 2nd gain stage Master volume & pre-amp gain, and the V5/low end toggle on the front; simply for ease of access. The depth knob right next to the presence looks stock. The toggle switch is where the previous mod was when I originally bought it, so we just used that hole for the new toggle. And lastly I had him install an FX loop. I'll post one more pic of the entire back so you can see that.
You can see in the first pic of my post that I have an EVH 5150 III Stealth and I don't like the fact that the resonance/power and stand-by are all on the back.
I also had Jens Kruse put in a variac, a sonic and clean channel mod on that head. You can hear it on his site as that is my head and sound clips posted.

I don't have a recording set up and the clips I recorded to my phone don't do either amps sound justice.
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Jan 18, 2013
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Cleveland Ohio
Thank you "JR". Although the added holes for the knobs are not original looking. I believe it still looks nice & clean. Most of all I like the ease of access to them, and not having to fumble around for them on the back of the amp.
I'm right there with you on the white tolex. Thank you for the comments
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Neil S

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2011
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I missed out on a really good 2204 here in Australia last year, I was thinking, should I, shouldn't I
and someone bought it while I was tossing the idea around. Still kicking myself for not grabbing it.
Looks nice.

Adrian R

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Jan 28, 2009
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Far North Chicago Burbs'
I had an 89' 2204. Had awesome tone: punched very hard, it would bury my DSL50. I sold it because I needed a good lead boost, so the single channel thing for me was a no go. Got a couple DSL 100s, replaced the transformers, added a choke...and with the mods was *almost* able to get the fidelity, clarity and crunch of a good 800, but with more gain and a very effective lead boost because of it's 2 channels. However, and I wish not trying to rain on the OP's announcement of a new, great sounding amp. I am sure he's quite stoked about it, as I would be as well, but man, one shouldn't have to mod a 2204 anymore for more gain. It's already out there, stock from the Marshall factory, a quasi two channel 800 with an FX loop, and it's called the 2555X Jubilee!
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Jan 18, 2013
Reaction score
Cleveland Ohio
Adrian R....Point taken. However There's ample room for improvement on every single amp out there regardless of whose name is one it, endorsed by it, and how it sounds when one played it.
What was done to this amp wasn't for additional gain. Look at my first posted pic of what the JCM800 is sitting on...EVH 5150III 100watt stealth. It's a high gain monster. Zoom in on the pics and look at my gain settings CH2 is about 9 o"clock and ch3 is just past noon. both volumes are barely turned up. So if i want gain this is my go to head.

The mods to the JCM800 were a voicing mod (5 different voicings) giving me a full Marshall line of amp tones to choose from and providing the thin sounding 800 a nice bottom end through out the volume ranges. a low end switch and a depth control enhances and fine tunes the bottom end.
Then there's the variac that takes this amp from 3,7,10,25,50 watts with no tone loss. The 2nd pre-amp and master volume gives me that lead boost you mentioned in your post. This "Quasi second channel" gives me the ability to volume and gain the 800 independently of the low gain channel. We put in a channel indicator light, used a single input cliff jack and going from the LOW to HI modes are foot switchable. lastly the FX loop that is self explanatory and works extremely well.
Everything done to this amp unleashes what was already there but shipped from Marshall with "room for improvement".
End results, this JCM 800 of mine will blow the doors off a 2555X Jubilee at a fraction of the cost.
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Adrian R

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2009
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Far North Chicago Burbs'
Lol, oh no, the gauntlet has been laid at thy feet! "Blow the doors off?" Well, flexibility wise, perhaps and even agree, but tonally in sheer impact/punch, don't think so. 2555x is a 100w amp. Btw, a typical 2204 stock in average shape in the states sells for around 1k. In other countries more. Now add the cost of the extensive mods, well now u most likely have eclipsed what I paid for my Jube new in which was $1300.00. Tone as most of us would agree, is very subjective. For me, well never a 5150 fan, and maybe can assume the EVH is similar? Don't know, have no experience with one. All I can say is there is several caveats that outline the 800's voicing (something I have always been a fan of) and they are dynamics, clarity, fidelity, punch and volume. The Jube has all of that and some additional flexibility. Lastly, through experience, I have noted that nothing comes w/out cost. Usually extensive modding comes with some tonal liability..hence why stock vintage amps hold more value. You're new amp though does look cool!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2016
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Curious about kruses variac .is it like suhrs sl 68 or metros variac , big difference in tone and application.


Jan 18, 2013
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Cleveland Ohio
Curious about kruses variac .is it like suhrs sl 68 or metros variac , big difference in tone and application.
Buzz I am not familiar with the Suhrs sl68 other than being a plexi style amp. And with respect to the Metro Variac, isn't that just a setting to drop the voltage down from a 110 to 90v? along with a 100/50 watt option?
Initially when i found out about the Kruse Variac i decided to have Jens put one in my EVH stealth and I was a little skeptical about it, but I had nothing to lose on this amp that is a beast and needed to be tamed somehow. When i got it back and took it for a test spin, I was blow away at how a 100watt head can sound so good on such a low wattage. Retained all the dynamics, tone and thump of running at full power Plus there was all the volume you needed at a low wattage setting as well. There was no need to re-EQ going from one wattage setting to another. All you had to do was set the volume to your liking.
As i stated in a post above. Jens has my 5150 III S pics and sound clips on his site that you can listen to and compare for yourself.
So when we did the JCM 800 I had Jens put a variac in that head as well. Good stuff, if you get it done you will NOT be disappointed with it at all; and for all the technical details about it, just drop Jens an email. Very cool cat to deal with and he'll be able to answer you in complete detail.
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Jan 18, 2013
Reaction score
Cleveland Ohio
Adrian R... You hit the nail on the head with regards to "Tone as most of us would agree, is very subjective". So your last sentence of "Usually extensive modding comes with some tonal liability" is subject to being subjective, and its hard to see it as a liability, because the majority of players are doing some type of mod on their amp, seeking their "subjective tone"
With "subjective" being agreed upon (you leaning toward the Jube and me toward my 800) I'd still put my 800 head to head against any amp regardless of it being 100/50/25 watt. In the end the "subjective" majority would name the winner.

Good banter man, thanks for the compliment on how the amp looks. I'm sure we both have a great sounds with the rigs that are working for us.

Adrian R

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2009
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Far North Chicago Burbs'
Adrian R... You hit the nail on the head with regards to "Tone as most of us would agree, is very subjective". So your last sentence of "Usually extensive modding comes with some tonal liability" is subject to being subjective, and its hard to see it as a liability, because the majority of players are doing some type of mod on their amp, seeking their "subjective tone"
With "subjective" being agreed upon (you leaning toward the Jube and me toward my 800) I'd still put my 800 head to head against any amp regardless of it being 100/50/25 watt. In the end the "subjective" majority would name the winner.

Good banter man, thanks for the compliment on how the amp looks. I'm sure we both have a great sounds with the rigs that are working for us.

We all have tone goals, or better said, that sound in our head we're chasing. I spent years developing what I consider the ideal Marshall tone. IMO, the best Marshalls in many ways should sound allot like an early Fender tube amp. To me great sustain, gain, and clarity, as well as excellent fidelity within that Marshall voicing is what I have been after. I have attached a clip of my band from last year covering some Motley Crue. This is a modded DSL 100. My Jube sounds even cleaner/better then this! Incidentally, the Jube as well as the DSL are modeled after the 800 circuit with the Jube being closer. To me this is nearly ideal, not quite, but pretty close. I would love to hear a clip of what your new amp sounds like dude!



Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2016
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As a rule now,after having many pleasant surprises in some so called "marshalls to stay away from" I dont judge until I try for myself.


Jan 18, 2013
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Cleveland Ohio
Adrian... I spent this weekend putting together a small recording set up and I will try to get some tracks recorded this week and post them. The iPhone recordings i attempted, well they just sound like shit.

Adrian R

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2009
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Far North Chicago Burbs'