Anyone offer zoom tech support for PTP mods to an M.D.?


Jun 30, 2010
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Atlanta, Georgia
Wondering if I could get some help learning from the best, reputable and helpful people on this forum. I could Pay by the hour or for a 2-3 hour block of time.

I'd like to work on my late 60's and 70's Marshall heads; Traynor YBA-1's; Trainwreck clone, etc. - to troubleshoot hiss/noise; do gain mods; PPIMV installation, biasing, or even learn to use my oscilloscope to check the health of certain waveforms when biasing or just for the heck of it.

I could pay for the time block or trade services and expertise.
I'm a board certified M.D. and graduated medical school in 1995 working FT ever since. I could review your labs/blood work, diagnosis, and "EXPLAIN all of those abbreviations and numbers". I could help you or your spouse understand what to watch for - and why. I can explain this in your language - this lab value is off. that's no problem, it's like changing a resistor a tiny value. But this other lab value might be off a little too, and THAT one is akin to the 'death cap' and if you aren't careful you could be in serious health trouble. What "not to worry about" is also very helpful in healthcare. I can give you plain advice on how to get the best medical care you can from your provider, depending on your unique situation. You could have more years with your loved ones. Obviously I couldn't be your personal physician, but I can explain things in ways you WILL understand. Answer your questions. You'd answer mine too. Then you can make better decisions for yourself regarding healthcare. Now I've done this as many times as some of you have measured plate voltage or done a PPIMV mod. 30,000 patients=30,000 mods. They are all slightly different.

Now I'm strictly a hobbyist; having built a couple tube amps, I have basic knowledge of draining filter caps/safety; understand the basics of AC and DC current, I can measure plate voltage, do very basic chopstick troubleshooting etc. But I'd love to learn how to better compare layout diagrams to schematics. Things you find second nature, I don't and visa-versa.

I think it would be great to get help from experts on this forum via zoom or similar platform. Lmk your thoughts, It's kind of out there, but we all are experts in different ways. I'd appreciate no bashing me just for inquiring.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2019
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ATL in the house! welcome neighbor.
wish i could help you as i could use your trade offerings. :cheers:
you will find all the help here is free of charge.
most just ask that you come back and post as often has you can,
enjoy the forum, and give back what you can no matter big or small.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019
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Just ask a lot of questions on the forum - it's free. And buy a few good books


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Zoom is a good medium but it is direct and needs instant reply as you are connected. I dip in here as time permits, here and there between emergency cases at work or during down time at home (I am also a medic) but long slabs of time are tricky.
There are lots of people here that can help and maybe some can help you in this format?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
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Some City, USA
It is a great offer and perhaps someone will take you up on it. In the mean time please look up Uncle Doug on YouTube for many very good videos on basics like the how and why resistors, capacitors, tubes, and transformers work together to make the amplifier work, He goes into detail about each one and you will have a very good starting point from which to start your journey into amplifier hobby. is also a great resource and Merlin Blencowe's website. He has a great book you can purchase from links there.

As an M.D. you should find this stuff easy to understand as a system in no time. Some of it is very deep.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2020
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Other people have made good suggestions, but if you're still set on the Zoom idea, Blackie Pagano has started offering Zoom consultations. It won't be cheap, but he's about as good as it gets.