Blades Amplification

  • Thread starter Billyblades
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2012
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I dont know why everyone is clamoring for new pics. I think we have seen enough.

I am also not uderstanding why this deal is so tricky. Billy promised a pro amp, but it would appear his idea of pro was quite different than ours. He claims he viewed Steve as a good friend. Steve unhappy with the amp. Ok, so why dont you good friends just reverse the transaction? If BB refused to do that I am not sure how genuine his idea of friendship could be. And BB if you dont have the means to refund under $1000 how the hell would you have funds to start up an actual company?

Far Rider

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Apr 11, 2011
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EVERY circuit Billy is using is STOLEN from another designer/modder!!! :lol::lol::lol: He openly stated the amps he was copying when he started! Changing a couple of resistor values doesn't make you Isaac Newton or Ben Franklin. Billy is more of the Bill Gates of the amp world.... :lol: But with the talent of Forrest Gump.

Hey! Don't knock Forrest Gump. Remember, he ended up successful and rich :naughty:


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Hopehouse, Selkirk, UK
Why would Cross ban Billy? I haven't had this much fun since my last infraction.



Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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You know folks I started baking again thanks to all the cake references here and I just did this "death by chocolate" cake. Very tasty.

I guess what we can learn, is never buy anything from a business that has more than five font colors and three sizes on each page of their website :)


New Member
Sep 19, 2013
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I guess what we can learn, is never buy anything from a business that has more than five font colors and three sizes on each page of their website :)

Or a lack of proper communication skills in general.


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Jul 9, 2011
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Kyle, TX
I posted the quote below back when the amp was being built... It looks like the self proclaimed amp genius hasn't learned a damn thing...

Time to fess up, Billy... you're not an amp builder or designer... you're a thief and a fraud. You potentially put people's lives in danger and you don't seem to care. You call Steve a friend and you send him that??? You should be embarrassed and you're not??? That speaks volumes about your character and attention to detail. If you spent 50% less time patting yourself on the back and blowing smoke up people's asses you might be able to build an amp that is worth a shit... for some reason I don't think that'll ever happen...

Billy, you are the one to blame for trashing this thread...

Steve started a thread about his new amp and you come in here whoring yourself and your products out like the slimiest of snake oil salesmen... All you had to do was give a brief rundown about his particular amp build, not every ****ing thing you make, who's playing your amps behind the scenes, who's mods you're making "better", etc...

You have damn near 100 posts in this thread either arguing with other posters, or rambling on and on like a meth'd out junkie with bad grammar and spelling about how great your shit is...

If you gave that much of a shit about Steve, you would turn the other cheek, shut the **** up, and bust your ass to get his amp built no matter what shitstorms come your way...

Do you really think people are going to want to buy your amps when you spend your day either doing your day job or getting into it with people on a forum???

With the amount of time you spend here, you could've had his amp done, out the door, and in Steve's hands...

Are you posting here because you're Steve's friend as you claim or to stroke your own ego???

I feel really shitty for Steve because he's a ****ing cool dude and his excitement about playing and gear is infectious... He was really supportive and genuinely excited for me when I was getting a custom guitar built and I've been really biting my tongue and letting loose on you because I don't want to feed the flame... I was genuinely excited for him that he was getting a cool custom amp but your antics have really left a bitter taste in my mouth... No matter how bitchin' the amp may be, if it were mine I would feel a stigma after this trainwreck of a thread...

After all the shit you've put him through by running your mouth, you owe it to him to get the **** off the computer and get this amp done ASAP and double and triple check it that it's perfect because he deserves that courtesy...

In the midst of this chaos, you've forgotten (or maybe never knew in the first place) the most important thing about customer service... the customer!!! You've made him uncomfortable by getting in pissing matches and singlehandedly trashed this thread by thinking only of yourself and whoring out your products... Shame the **** on you...

Darth Federer

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Apr 9, 2012
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Atlanta, GA
Wow. I didn't see any of these threads before Australian posted the kudos to Dirty Steve in the backstage. This guy is certifiably insane. It's shocking how easy this would've been to resolve. A psychologist would have a heyday drawing conclusions from BillyBlade's ramblings. I mean he has Steve's address since he sent him an amp. All it would take to resolve this is a check in the mail to Dirty Steve. However, based on his ramblings and business acumen I'm guessing he doesn't have two pennies to rub together.

Gene Ballzz

Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2013
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Las Vegas, NV
Funny Thing

I started reading this thread during it's first couple days and decided to avoid it about 1/2 way into page #2, as it seemed to have a bit of animosity growing. But much like passing a horrific car accident, today, I "JUST HAD TO LOOK" and I must say that the apparent ignorance and animosity that seems to abound in this thread is astounding. The only somewhat positive thing/tip that I may be able to add is that actual "Sharpie" can be easily removed by using a dry erase marker over it and immediately wiping it off!:cool:
Just My $.02 & Worth Even Less,


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2012
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Estero, Florida formerly from Indianapolis
This thread is like a sink hole, ever widening, ever deeper. And it needs to stop, it's maddening. Billy needs to show us some of that promised quality in the "new" up coming builds, if Steve's was, in fact, just a garage amp prototype. Ok, then all that's in the past as you say.

Show us the cabinets that you are premiering, or the iron you're putting in the amps, or some of those turretboards all populated up. Stop the madness before this sinkhole turns into a blackhole.

There's a couple of old sayings too, that comes to mind. "There's no sin like homemade sin". "Show me the money" "Ain't nothinn like the real thing", and lastly "Taking care of business"


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Nov 19, 2010
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in that first pic, is that a transformer connection just hanging in the breeze?

well, i guess i stand corrected. there may be some safety issues going on here. billy, invest in some shrink tubing bro. edit: oh, is that the secondary neutral?

steve, you might want to break those little solder balls loose and get them out of your chassis b4 they break loose on their own and short something out.


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2013
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Oxford ish sorta...
What does the goop do?
Keeps the shitty solder joints from falling apart.

I'm a little amused by his claims of being picked on at sites where Cameron has fingers in the pies.

So does Cameron have a vested interest in SLOclone then? Where mr Blades had his arse firmly handed back to him, having gained the information he needed to perform these mods at that very site, and then turned into a complete asswipe...

It's only yourself you've convinced otherwise Billy. The rest of the world can see the real truth.

As for Steve, I can't even begin to think of the turmoil that you've been going through both deciding to go public with the amp, even before this shitstorm dropped. That must have taken some real nutz.

You sir, are a consummate gentleman, and to be admired for the way you've contained yourself. I can only apologize for the way I (and others) have added to the mixed bag of feelings you are probably agonizing your way through since this blew up. Right now, none of us can even begin to believe a word that Billy is saying about any of the recent interaction that has happened between you two.

If you need any help or detailed advice on putting that amp to a reasonable level of safety, or even materials advice, feel free to drop me a PM. Or even start a thread. Hopefully one that won't get shat all over (sorry again. :( But not to you Billy... not sorry in the slightest there!)
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