Can I get a decent attenuator for a DSL40cr for under $300-400?

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Sep 27, 2019
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The DSL is the first tube amp I've had. I love how it sounds loud, but at bedroom volume I can't get a good high gain tone. It's very buzzy/thin/grainy sounding. In my price range, are there any attenuation solutions that will give me cranked tone at bedroom volumes.

The two I've seen mentioned a lot are the Torpedo Captor and the Bugera PS1. The Captor says the attenuator only goes to -20db. For a 40 watt amp (20 if I play on the lower setting), will that even get me to bedroom volumes? And for the other one, is it going to kill the tone?



Active Member
Feb 19, 2020
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Hi, I have the same amp, it has master volume so you dont need an attenuator. I dont think I have ever played any tube amp that sounds great at bedroom volume if you are trying to compare to practice/gig volume. Attenuators do funky things with tone too.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2019
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A common complaint about the 15, 20 and 40 watt DSLs is fizziness. I think it is an issue at low volumes because all the DSLs I’ve had sound great cranked.

My DSL40CR sounds fantastic with the Masters past noon. I had the DSL40C before the CR came out and I could not get away from the fizziness at low or moderate volume. But the DSL40CR has a thick meaty tone with no fizz when the Masters are at noon or higher. On mine, with the Masters set to 9 o’clock, the volume is tolerable, but there is less meatiness—enough so that you can hear a bit of fizz. Mine still sounds good at low volume, but not great.

Although I dont use an attenuator with mine, I think it might help you. I’m guessing you can find a good setting where you’re not overly attenuating (and destroying your tone). I use a THD Hot Plate with my 50w Plexi and I enjoy it—it has treble and bass controls to help restore some of the tone lost through attenuation. There are better attenuators but they cost a lot more. The best budget attenuators I see people rave about here are the Webers. I use a Bugera PS-1 with my Origin 50 and it works just fine. Should be plenty of options for $300 or less on Reverb or eBay. I bought the THD based on recommendations here and have been pleased with it. Although the Bugera is often panned as cheap and terrible, I haven’t found that to be true for me. It works well for its measly price. If I were buying another attenuator though, I’d try Weber (check pricing on as they sell Webers too) based on the mostly favorable reviews here.


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Oct 28, 2018
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I use my DSL40CR at bedroom levels on 20W mode and it is fine (to my ears).
So I can't advise you on which attenuator to try (never needed one).
But I do have mine set up in 4CM with a Boss GT-100.
I think the key thing is that I have the option of using a GT-100 EQ module in the FX Loop.
An EQ pedal is generally a cheaper solution to tone problems, and far more versatile than an attenuator.
As others have pointed out, virtually no (affordable) attenuator can operate without altering your tone in some way.
You could find you need an EQ pedal to fix the attenuator too!

That's my 2 cents.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
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Why do people always think that an attenuator is the solution? I had 3 of those things. They never gave me the sound of a speaker being pushed. And no tight bass. It is good for a vintage rock sound (with a non master volume amp).. but for me, no thanks!

Of course the speakers aren't being pushed however the power tubes are cooking.
Circumstance prevents the majority of players from playing the volumes you suggest.
Gotta make the best of less than optimal conditions right?


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
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Like @BanditPanda said,...Weber Mass 100.

I’m a bit surprised that you’re thinking about an attenuator for a Dsl40cr,...being that the 40cr has an legitimate master volume, but that’s fine.

Hey scozz. Does the MV control the amount of juice getting to the power tubes?
That is to say the volume control allows the pushing of the pre amp tubes and the MV regulates the amount of that juice getting to the PT's?
You see what I'm getting at.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2009
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The DSL is the first tube amp I've had. I love how it sounds loud, but at bedroom volume I can't get a good high gain tone. It's very buzzy/thin/grainy sounding. In my price range, are there any attenuation solutions that will give me cranked tone at bedroom volumes.

The two I've seen mentioned a lot are the Torpedo Captor and the Bugera PS1. The Captor says the attenuator only goes to -20db. For a 40 watt amp (20 if I play on the lower setting), will that even get me to bedroom volumes? And for the other one, is it going to kill the tone?

I wouldn't bother investing in an attenuator, it's not the "right" solution for your problem. "Fizziness" is a product of the preamp circuit, and can be enhanced by the choice of speaker. As SkyMonkey mentioned, you'd be better off spending your money on an EQ. Place the EQ in the loop (which is after the preamp). Use the EQ to dial out the unwanted "fizziness" at low volumes.
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New Member
Sep 11, 2020
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i do not thing you need an attentuator, the DSL40cr has a master volume. no need to waste your money on those


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2011
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I've used a bunch in recent years- many big names like Weber, THD, SPL etc. only one i kept was the Rivera Rockcrusher- should be able to find a used one for your price range.

On the 40C it definitely will cure fizzy tones because you raise the master way up- say 2 oclcock+, which under attenuation adds a midrange tonality reminiscent of old marshalls as the PI/Power section gets much more involved. If you can't get your master way up without attenuation, you will definitely appreciate the difference in tone- the DSL smooths out and can even sound "plexi/metalface-ish" on the green crunch channel.

The big issue is that attenuators sits between your speaker and amp, and even the best reactive ones affect the "feel" and the way the speaker interacts with the amp, which affects playing dynamics, attack, keeps the speaker from contributing as much as it normally would, etc. It's a sort of "detached" or "disconnected" feeling ( like a digital modelling amp) which drives me bonkers. Some attenuators, some pretty highly regarded ones i felt were really horrible for this feel. The Rockcrusher was the clear winner, and that's why I kept it. As the DSL already squashes dynamics compared to many other amps, I hardly use it anymore- even with the Rockcrusher, I find it too squashed.

i guess if you are playing with lots of gain and high output pickups, this is less of an issue (attenuation), as there is alot of signal and gain going on. But I don't.


Sep 27, 2019
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Like @BanditPanda said,...Weber Mass 100.

I’m a bit surprised that you’re thinking about an attenuator for a Dsl40cr,...being that the 40cr has an legitimate master volume, but that’s fine.

i do not thing you need an attentuator, the DSL40cr has a master volume. no need to waste your money on those

Can you guys explain what you mean with the master volume? Isn't the problem with low volume usage that the power tubes don't get driven? How can master volume help this?


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2018
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I don't have any evidence for this, but a lot of guys on the MF have asserted that the 40CR/100HR amps get virtually all their tone from the preamp.
Using the Master Volumes to control volume is probably going to colour your tone less than an 'affordable' attenuator.
All I can say for sure is that I don't find the need to use an attenuator.
The MVs work fine for me (+ a tad of EQ'ing).


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Jul 20, 2008
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I don't have any evidence for this, but a lot of guys on the MF have asserted that the 40CR/100HR amps get virtually all their tone from the preamp
I’ve heard this here also, I could be wrong but for some reason I think I heard it from @Gene Ballzz, but I may be mistaken.

If that’s accurate, than there’s no need to drive the power tubes. If there’s no need to drive the power tubes, there’s no need for an attenuator.


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May 31, 2008
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Wilton NSW
Id say that on DSLs and similar, yes there's plenty of drive available in the preamp, but there's different tone available driving the power amp. if the MV is up high, then on each cycle, the power tubes can be compressing before the preamp clips, and although both affect the tone, the power amp can be very significant or dominate the sound with its smoother squashing drive tone.

And there's description above of how fizziness smooths out at high volume. Thats what's happening then.

If that tone appeals most and you need it at lower volume, then an attenustor can help.


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Nov 16, 2013
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Midwest, USA
I had a 40c. Sounded very good at higher volumes, gain down. Lower volumes with the gain up sounded fizzy.

As John said driving the power amp some is a different kind of tone..more crunchy 800ish tone..less fizz. So I think using an attenuator can be beneficial just to take a few dbs off, and to open up "that" tone a bit. I use attenuators that way with my mv 800s.

Also Clean boosting the front end tightens things up too.