Dsl1h Or Something Else To Get 'closer' To Zakk Tone

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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2016
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Thank you but it's hard for me to set up pedals (with a toddler in a tiny, messy apt). I still prefer to use amp only. It's no way for me to get 'that closer'. So... I just wish it's 'the closest one' among all these cheap amps.
The Marshall amp, a chorus, and a OD are a must. You’re not going to get that tone w/o those. Put the pedals up out of reach of your toddler?


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2016
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Good morning.

Must say that this has become quite an enjoyable thread. So much so that I ended up watching the videos posted on the thread again and then hauled out some of ye olde Ozzy stuff including "Ozzy Osbourne - Live At Budokan" (DVD) which, in my opinion anyway, is Zakk at this best (Black Label Society never really "did it" for me).

So here's some comments (and I just figured out how to use "Multi-Quote"!!! LOL!!!):

These dudes don't "do it" for me to be honest. Not sure what the later or newer (post Ozzy) Zakk tones are like but the chap with the CODE25 (below) gets way closer to the older stuff (subject to my additional notes though). And these chaps are talking about +£4 000 GBP to get "their" Zakk tone (which, admittedly, includes the guitar and pedals of course).

This is fantastic in my opinion. Especially given that it's a CODE25 (which has way less "chug" than the CODE50 or the CODE100 or the CODE100H with cab.). BUT: I took a look at the chaps YouTube channel!!! This guy ain't no beginner lemme tell ya. And he's got a LOT of other gear and not to mention years of experience. Point is: I'm not ENTIRELY sure that is just PURE CODE25 and, unfortunately, he doesn't give much away (many comments on YouTube asking for his preset settings). It COULD be (just the amp.???) i.e. I COULD be wrong. Dunno. One thing to be very aware of with the CODE range is that while they come with built-in PRE-FX "Stompboxes" i.e. Compressor, Distortion, Auto Wah, and Pitch Shifter: only ONE of them can be selected and used at a time. What I'm saying is that if the chap in this video is NOT using ONLY the CODE25 for his Zakk tone then some pedals would be necessary (sure wish I could find out EXACTLY how he set this up and recorded it). I can also tell you for sure (as has been noted possibly more than once) his guitar and pickups (and not to mention his playing) plays a HUGE role in the tone that he's getting. From experience: I've only ever been after the early '80's Dio/Vivian Campbell tones and I get them real nice with MY guitars (because Vivian was playing hotrodded Charvel strats. at the time in question). But on some other occasions he used a Gibson LP and you can really hear the difference i.e. TOTALLY different tone (it's got that "guitar body" sound for want of a better description). And, of course, there's this thing of talent and experience!!! LOL!!! (Most of this directed to the OP of course). The OP says he's a beginner. Not QUITE sure what that means in the context of this thread BUT let me say this: don't get disheartened, no matter WHAT amp. you end up buying, because it doesn't sound like Zakk right "off of the bat". A whole lot of his sound comes from his playing style and until you get that "chug" going and master them pinch harmonics (which I love to death but I've read many comments where his playing, because of the pinch harmonics, pisses people off for some reason): you're not going to sound like Zakk. Anyways. If only for my own curiosity I'm going to try to contact the chap (tell him he's become a bit of a celeb. here!!! LOL!!!) and ask him exactly what the "deal" was in this video. If I get an answer I shall post the details here for ya. He has other videos by the way (a lot of CODE25 stuff). And I'll tell ya what: if he IS using ONLY the amp. then Marshall should have paid HIM to make promo. videos for the CODE range (was going to say something about the CODE promo. videos made or commissioned by Marshall themselves but thought it better to keep my mouth shut) (for a variety of reasons). And (and I say this "tongue in cheek" of course!!! LOL!!!): a dude like this with all his gear and skills and chooses to put himself "out there" with a MERE ("beginner" or "for practice only" or "bedroom playing only") CODE25??? Nuff said!!! LOL!!! (F**k: Marshall should be paying me for this!!!) (and no they're not in case anybody is wondering!!! LOL!!!).

I found this video comforting because of the noise levels!!! LOL!!! The CODE's JCM800 emulation/modelling is VERY noisy (I think I may have noted this before). At least I thought so until watching this video (and I don't remember my JCM800 being as noisy but that was a LONG LONG LONG time ago and, well, the memory and emotions can play tricks as the years go by). One thing I REALLY DO hope though: is that somebody that has a vintage JCM800 as well as a CODE100H can play a LITTLE bit more than a rather amateurish rendition of the main riff of "Rock You Like A Hurricane"!!! LOL!!!

You making fun or what??? LOL!!! Don't joke. I SWEAR these things sound better after about a half hour or so!!! LOL!!! (Yeh: probably just me I know i.e. takes ME long to warm up is all!!! LOL!!!).

Anyways. As somebody else noted "to the best forum ever": have a GREAT "Marshall filled" day!!! :jam:(Love this particular smiley or emoticon or whatever they're called!!! LOL!!!) (note the headstock i.e. he's playing a Charvel, Jackson, or Kramer!!! LOL!!!).


It’s his tone, in the Anderton’s video, for less than 1500 pounds, not 4000.


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2016
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Not to turn this into a code vs everything else topic or anything, I was just trying ot give the guy some general advice. He said hes a beginner, so the code might be great for him. You can't beat that cheap price either. Chances are it doesn't matter what he plugs into, hes not going to sound like zakk wylde. A lot of this stuff boils down to personal preference -Everyone has different ears and some people think something is good and others think it is bad. All I can tell you is, my rythm guitarist in one of my bands plays the Code 100 half stack at full volume, and even with my 50w Marshall tube amp through a 2x12 I drown him out completely at volume like 1.5. We can barely rehearse without him plugging into the PA, which thankfully the code can do, or youd never know it was there. At gigs however, when im running 250w of marshalls through 4 cabs, that guy doesn't even exist. As I said I owned the code (The code 50) and I could get pretty manageable practice tones out of it. It can do a lot of approximations of a lot of different sounds. It's probably worth keeping around as a practice tool. If you mic it it can sound ok in a gig situation. BUT- and only BUT if you are going to take guitar seriously or do it for a long time, you would be better served getting something more quality. The pricetag pretty much says it all on this one. It's not a gigging amp, its more of a play at home thing. For me, I only get inspired to play by a good tone, if I'm not hearing good tone I can't even play anymore. That's why I sold my code 50 on the street for like 140 bucks.
Someone also mentioned some sort of "play-off" your code vs my marshall valve whatever, I'd be down for that if anyone is willing.
You’re recommending a modeling amp, and not a very good one at that, over an all tube Marshall?
If the OP plans to jam with a drummer he’ll be really glad he went tube.
I’ve played Code’s, and own a DSL. The DSL smokes the Code tonally, IMO.
OP, a mahogany bodied guitar with EMG 81/85’s will help too. If you can afford the tube route, do it. Just because you’re a newbie doesn’t mean you have to play newbie gear! I wish the amp I learned on was an all tube Marshall! They were way out of my reach financially. It’s good to be a guitar player these days, gear wise any way.


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2014
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Code vs. JCM800 shootout:

Well, I didn't think a 2203 could sound bad but, there ya go.. I think he just blew out the mic though, bad positioning. Also, if that 2203 was allowed to open up there wouldn't have even been a point in making a video!

Now, OP, if you want the Zakk tone it's going to be tricky. He uses 100 watt amps pretty much wide open AND boosted which is not a thing most of us ever have the opportunity to do. He also uses a chorus pedal and a univibe which make a huge difference in his tone. The biggest thing with him though is the way he picks and bends, if you watch him play (like the hello kitty video in this thread) you'll see that he holds his pick unlike most people and sweeps the strings as he plays, that's why he always has that 3d "swoosh" thing going on. He also does a lot of vibrato and his fingers are extremely fast, those put together make the Zakk sound. Most of us mortals will never sound like that no matter what we do.

That said, in your case I would grab the DSL1HR or the DSL20HR and get a boost! The tube screamer mini is fantastic but a classic, cheap SD-1 is what you want for this. I understand not wanting pedals, I was that way for years but I finally tried it and was amazed at what I was missing. Also notice that Zakk sounds the way he does no matter what he's playing. The Gibson through the wall of doom or an Epiphone into a mini stack, he always sounds the same! Ooh... Why not get one of the Zakk MG series mini stacks? That may just do it for you.


New Member
Nov 4, 2018
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It looks stupid but it sounds damn good when I connect my DSL1H's emulated output with Zound's Woburn stereo speaker. It's much better than a 1x12 cab but it's just my opinion. I'll keep this combination before I get a decent 4x12 cab :)


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