Dsl40cr And Midi Switching Problem.

  • Thread starter Sir Don
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Sir Don

Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2009
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Adelaide, South Australia
Hoping someone can help me here. I've just got myself the dsl40cr. The only problem I'm having with it is sorting out the midi switching. I use a Boss GT8 with the four cable method, I've been using this for many years with my JVM with no problems at all.

The issue is that, other than classic gain green with MV2 and the loop on, I cannot seem to recall any other settings once the amp has recognised the midi signal. If I set my rhythm for the ultra gain with MV2 and loop on, as soon as I recall my clean sound it seems to lose the rhythm settings. I'll go back to my rhythm and it will be on MV1, red on classic gain and loop off. All over the place.

Also, when I follow the instructions to select midi omni, I can put the amp into waiting mode and then press and hold the master select switch (as in the manual) but the master led does not flash. It simply puts the amp in play mode. I've tried doing this with and without the midi lead connected with no difference.

This is really annoying as I'm used to midi switching and can't really do without it.

Anyone have any ideas?


Jun 20, 2018
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I've been trying to use a MIDI Solutions Event Processor, but not having any success. Apparently the MIDI in the DSL40CR can't handle anything other than a straight 1, 2, 3, or 4 program change signal. I wish Marshall would distribute a downloadable firmware upgrade that fixes this issue.


Jun 20, 2018
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I haven't given up completely on the Event Processor, but it's not looking good.

Curtis Shelton

New Member
Sep 25, 2018
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See if this helps:

On the DSL each of the 4 channels clean, crunch, OD1, OD2 are assigned in a loop to every four MIDI program change messages and can’t be changed e.g.

PC 02 = OD1
PC 03 = OD2
PC 06 = OD1
PC 07 = OD2
PC 08 = CLEAN etc.

Connect the MIDI controller to the DSL – MIDI Out to MIDI In. Multiple equipment can be connected using MIDI thrus where available. Always ensure each piece of connected equipment is set to a different MIDI channel.

1. Set the receive MIDI channel on the DSL, this only needs to be done once.…

Press and hold the Loop On/Off switch (Front Panel Function #23) while powering up the amplifier to activate MIDI waiting mode.

The LED will flash until a valid MIDI command is received.

Send a MIDI PC command on the required MIDI channel from the connected controller to the DSL

The MIDI receive channel on the DSL will now be set.

2. If the user just wants to recall one variation of each channel, they can select each channel in turn from the front panel and set the state of the FX loop and Master (the switch settings are remembered per channel). They then only need to set their MIDI controller to send the appropriate program change message to recall that channel on the DSL.

3. If the user wishes to have multiple variations of each channel recalled e.g. Clean with FX Loop on and Master 1 and then clean with FX Loop Off and Master 2. They will need to set their controller to send a program change message to select the DSL’s channel and then MIDI CC messages to set the state of the FX Loop and Master.

For example:

Clean with FX Loop On and Master 1 – Send:

PC=00 [DSL Clean Channel]

CC=13 Value = 1 [DSL FX Loop On]

CC=14 Value = 0 [DSL Master 1]

Clean with FX Loop Off and Master 2 – Send:

PC=00 [DSL Clean Channel]

CC=13 Value = 0 [DSL FX Loop Off]

CC=14 Value = 1 [DSL Master 2]

One final thing to note. When the 2-way footswitch is connected the amplifier will not respond to any MIDI messages and the channels won’t recall the saved state of the FX Loop (the 2-way overrides it), but the 6-way can be used without
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