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Feb 15, 2011
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Original article

Looks like he had his socialist ass handed to him.

Leahy's office said Tuesday on Twitter the proposed changes were only "ideas," and would not withstand the mark-up phase of the bill process in the Judiciary Committee, which he chairs.
Let me interpret this. Lawyers came into his office and said the press this would get during court challenges would kill the idea. I am sure the lawyers proposed another way to do we don't know about yet. What these piece of shit politicians cannot pass in congress they do by regulation. Regulation is not passed or voted on but is has the same teeth as the law does.


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Well, you can't do everything at once and you can do what is within your reach.
Not voting is a start.
Not falling for the propaganda that everything is black and white is another.
To embrace and accept that we are a brainwashed society and try to cleanse that. Most people are oblivious to this and don't even know how deep it goes.

People DENY that they are brainwashed and don't accept it, and blame any other cultures pointing the finger saying how brainwashed "they" are.

People are generally good. The problem is when we as a people are constantly lied to and deceived people begin to do things based on the lie. Look how divided our nation has become with each other based upon the 24 hour lies. Independent thinking is not gone but it is rare.

The media in large is a big part of the problem with the world today. In the USA network and print media do not report news they give opinion to further a political agenda. They also present and package the news to form popular opinion. This in return leads people down the wrong road because the politicians need them as useful idiots.

To me it starts with killing the fourth column of government which is the media complex. All media depend on advertizing dollars or private funds to stay in business. If people organized against those that fund and advertize these media outlets it could have a major impact.


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Mar 9, 2011
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Brother I don't watch the news or read the paper. I have nothing to do with propaganda or anything that is not in front of me. I still don't see how this 'enlightement' changes anything. You can think all you want but in the end you just have thoughts. And not voting? Mine didn't matter anyway. But what does that fix?
I would love to see changes as much as the next guy but I'm still not seeing any great ideas, just thoughts.
It's just that I hear this stuff all of the time from a lot of people who aren't happy.
My question is still, what do you do?

We are constantly talking to ourselves, our brain is having "conversations". Part of the brainwashing is to maintain most of these "conversations" negative. It's basically what keeps us in line.
I see that you have that awareness and you have that interest or wonder of how the masses are kept in control.

It's about doing your part. Of course one person won't change everythnig as we know it overnight! We have to do it together. By throwing sticks at the bike's spokes it can be harder, but still possible.
The "throwing sticks at the bike's spokes" is the programming to make sure it doesn't get out of hand but we have the control.
Unfortunately some people are helplessly "asleep", and have no idea how they are being manipulated and kept in line and in imaginary chains for the mind, but we have the power.

Like I mentioned, it's about doing your part within one's reach.
Since there are so many people completely hipnotized and aren't even aware of it, what one can do for starters is to try to make them aware of this. I believe this is the first step and it is an important step and you are helping out with your part.

Don't doubt the power of the mind and the power "we the people" have.



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Nov 19, 2010
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My question is still, what do you do?

that is the great frustration, isnt it?

have you ever heard the anecdote of the butterfly on the coast of africa becomes the hurricane in the gulf coast?

i guess the point of it is, that breeze originates somewhere...


Well-Known Member
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Nov 19, 2010
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People are generally good. The problem is when we as a people are constantly lied to and deceived people begin to do things based on the lie. Look how divided our nation has become with each other based upon the 24 hour lies. Independent thinking is not gone but it is rare.

The media in large is a big part of the problem with the world today. In the USA network and print media do not report news they give opinion to further a political agenda. They also present and package the news to form popular opinion. This in return leads people down the wrong road because the politicians need them as useful idiots.

To me it starts with killing the fourth column of government which is the media complex. All media depend on advertizing dollars or private funds to stay in business. If people organized against those that fund and advertize these media outlets it could have a major impact.

well said.

here is a little story i found today, its a little bit silly, but there are a couple of interesting tidbits. i highlighted them.

Maine TV news co-anchors quit on the air

Associated Press – 5 mins ago

BANGOR, Maine (AP) — Two news co-anchors for a Maine television station shocked viewers and colleagues by quitting on the air, later citing frustration with their management.

Cindy Michaels and Tony Consiglio announced their resignations at the end of Tuesday's 6 p.m. newscast on WVII.

The two didn't give specific reasons on the air for their sudden departure. Consiglio said that while they enjoyed reporting the news, "some recent developments have come to our attention, though, and departing together is the best alternative we can take."

Michaels said she and Consiglio were "are very sorry for having to say goodbye for now, but we'll still be around." She plans to pursue a writing career and paint, and Consiglio said he would continue his career "in a different capacity."

Their boss said Wednesday they had been on their way out the door anyway. He said he was not surprised by the action they took.
"Sometimes people leave before they're officially told to leave," said Mike Palmer, station vice president and general manager. He declined to discuss issues that may have caused disagreements but said, "There are things that they know."

The Associated Press left messages with Michaels and Consiglio. Both told the Bangor Daily News after their last newscast that they were frustrated with management and cited a dispute over journalistic practices.

Asked about reaction from viewers in the small market served by WVII, an ABC affiliate, Palmer said, "I have not heard from a single viewer."
But he said he had received about 20 applications for their jobs after posting them Tuesday night on an industry website.

"I've had people from all over the country send resumes and audition reels," Palmer said
WVII and another station Palmer manages, Fox affiliate WFVX, have made headlines before. In 2006, The New York Times reported that Palmer prohibited his staff from doing stories on global warming.

Consiglio, 28, started with WVII as a sports reporter in April 2006. Michaels, 46, was the news director and spent six years at the station.

take that a step further, with regard to the NYT...., in 2006 when they called out management at the above station, they were hot and heavy on the global warming bandwagon.

i guess my point is that it doesnt take much effort to recognize that A) media report only what they are allowed to report filtered thru management, and B) agendas play a huge role in news reporting, and are filtered and disseminated thru management.

happens everywhere, every day. the larger the reporting entity, the more influence they potentially weild, and more dangerous their selective journalism becomes.


[SIZE=+1]"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]He went on to explain:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]-- David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan Quayle[/SIZE]
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Well-Known Member
VIP Member
Mar 9, 2011
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People are generally good. The problem is when we as a people are constantly lied to and deceived people begin to do things based on the lie. Look how divided our nation has become with each other based upon the 24 hour lies. Independent thinking is not gone but it is rare.

The media in large is a big part of the problem with the world today. In the USA network and print media do not report news they give opinion to further a political agenda. They also present and package the news to form popular opinion. This in return leads people down the wrong road because the politicians need them as useful idiots.

To me it starts with killing the fourth column of government which is the media complex. All media depend on advertizing dollars or private funds to stay in business. If people organized against those that fund and advertize these media outlets it could have a major impact.

I agree, although:

This in return leads people down the wrong road because the politicians need them as useful idiots.

I think that is the issue: Ideas implanted posing as what is "right" or "wrong", or best or worse, black and white.

Extremist thoughts: "You're either with us or against us."
That's why I feel like this is a "drop down menu" society. We're given the illusion of choice and diversity, when it's only carefully chosen stances or views, etc.

But I agree, the media is a very powerful tool to spread propaganda and implant ideas.

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