Foam Roller for back pain

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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2008
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Calgary, Canada
So I hurt my back. At 1st thought it was my neck, as I had pinched nerve at 15, and occasionally I feel it, so went chiropractor, he tried but couldn't do any adjustments on 2 visits.

Decided to try a physiotherapist that I drive by everyday, her assessment was wrong. 4 sessions of dry needling, electric pulse massage, and $300 later and the pain radiated to my shoulder, front and back, in my trap, and around to my chest under boob.

Finally went to doctor, described the pain, explained it's been about 2 months. Not even assessment, or look at me, he sends me for ultrasound, xray and arthogram of my right shoulder. Arthogram is where they inject a die into your shoulder cavity then ultrasound looking for "leaks."

Booked up, so 2 weeks later I finally get it done, they say torn tendon across my trap from neck to shoulder, and arthritis in my rotator cuff. Problem is the pain is still in my middle back, and radiating, and honestly don't feel any issue with that tendon. I have had tendinitis in my right ankle so I know how it feels. Additionally I'm pretty sure arthritis doesn't come on like this, as in only in one area in entire body and affect basically all the muscles as I am feeling it, and if it was arthritis it should be in the joints and feel stiff, where this is more a burning/ripping sensation in the muscles. I have full range of motion and even the physiotherapist was impressed at my flexibility. (Thanks to the last 5 years of gym and healthy lifestyle).

Not satisfied with diagnosis, and no direction from doctor, I decided to try a sports physiotherapist. Cost $110 for assessment.

After an short assessment he diagnosed a ruptured/bulged disc in T4 of my thoracic spine area, which in his opinion is causing all the other pain issues as everything else compensates for that.

He too did some dry needling, but differently, didn't leave the needles in and then introduced me to using a foam roller and showed me a couple exercises.

Well holy shit! I did the exercises at the gym and after 3 days the pain is now manageable. I can tell from the itchy/achy feel it's healing and feeling a lot more like it should.

So yesterday I bought a quality roller, "The Grid 2.0" $80. Its more heavy duty with ridges in key spots and way more effective than the standard foam rollers they had at gym, and 2x the price.

I continue to use it a few times a day, and it's just ridiculous how 2 min of rolling completely eases the pain..... and I'm still just beside myself that no one ever talks about these.

If you play a lot , sitting or standing, If you're not using a roller, you should... it's fucking magic and wish I'd been educated about this year's ago.

Dogs of Doom

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Staff Member
Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
I use the Teeter™ inversion table. That helps a lot too...

It works by decompressing your spine & letting gravity pull it straight in the meanwhile.

I'll look into that though, because, there is one spot, right between the shoulder blades, that I can't seem to get on my own...

Marshall Stack

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2011
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St. Louis, Mo.
I have a foam roller for neck pain. The doctor owned a clinic with a chiropractor (him), a rehab doctor and physical therapist. He said he had nothing against me but said if I used the foam roller and did some of the physical therapy they showed me, I wouldn't need to come back. I told him that a neurosurgeon recommended surgery but he said that there are a lot of people that have my condition and don't have pain so I didn't do the surgery.

Fast forward to a year ago and I was in pain again. The one doctor went out of business so I was going to have surgery. A friend said I should see her doctor. I had already been to five different doctors. This one discovered that the pain wasn't from my neck but from a tear in my shoulder. They worked on that with PT and an injection and all my pain went away. I had been dealing with it for ten years.