going through a rough patch as a guitarist


Active Member
May 24, 2022
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You mention your depression flaring up. Have you talked to a doctor about it?

Jack Lord

Aug 30, 2022
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I went through something similar when I was 49 going on 50. I suffered major depression. It got very ugly and very, very dark until I learned it was depression I was suffering from. It affected all areas of my life and, of course to me in the beginning, my lack of creativity troubled me the most. Long story short...I needed to seek help. Therapy, meds at times, and many personal life changes helped. I stopped playing for a couple years. Today is different. When creativity strikes, I love it and when it doesn't, that's ok. I still have my dreams but from a different mindset. I've met many men who have experienced problems just before the 50 year mark. You're not alone. Give yourself a break and take it day by day if you are able . Wishing you all the best!


Jul 27, 2012
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New Hampshire
Just put it down. Like others have said you'll know when to pick it back up. I've done it a few times in 47 years of playing. Sometimes it takes a few weeks. I've done a couple month long vacation trips that work as well. Just don't worry or obsess and focus on something else.


Dec 27, 2020
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I'm 65 & have been where you are. I agree with others that have said to seek help; mine is/was spiritual but not supposed to mention it here. It's okay to take breaks from your music but if it gave you joy once chances are it will again. I wish you the best life & music has to offer.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2015
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I live by the river.
I've been playing guitar in bands off and on for the past 32-33 years... a few months ago, I quit a band I was playing in, and for the first time in a decade, I am band-less. I have been focused on jamming with other local guys with the goal in mind to form a new band (a power trio), playing the exact type of music that I want, without any compromising... unfortunately, those endeavors have not been as fruitful as I had hoped. but not because I haven't found people to play with (I definitely have). things have kinda sputtered out mainly because of me. I don't know, maybe its partly my depression flaring up, combined with me just not being happy with my playing and my tone, and having a bad case of writer's block, in the riff department.

I'm going to be turning 49 very soon, and for the first time since I started playing guitar at 13, a very ugly thought has popped up in my head... and that is: maybe my days of playing guitar needs to come to an end. I don't know, maybe that's a dumb, ridiculous thought, but then again maybe not. the fact is, I'm not very happy with what I'm hearing when I am jamming by myself at home, in many ways. I'm not feeling inspired. instead, I'm feeling annoyed, and frustrated, and bummed. I'm not feeling the excitement vibes that I had hoped. I don't know what's wrong. it has thrown off my whole mood, in regards to playing music, and just living my day-to-day life. anyone else every experience this?
Yeah, I've been there and have seen a few players go through it.
Maybe take a little break, and then remember why you started playing. It feels great. It helps with your mental mood.

I've had long covid, not as bad as some but it affected my martial arts training which for me is debilitating.
The thing that really helped get my mind off of it, and therefore aid in recovery, was playing guitar.

So I'd advise to go back to the mental, emotional benefits of music. And remember that above all, you are doing this to feel good.


Aug 25, 2014
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I've been playing guitar in bands off and on for the past 32-33 years... a few months ago, I quit a band I was playing in, and for the first time in a decade, I am band-less. I have been focused on jamming with other local guys with the goal in mind to form a new band (a power trio), playing the exact type of music that I want, without any compromising... unfortunately, those endeavors have not been as fruitful as I had hoped. but not because I haven't found people to play with (I definitely have). things have kinda sputtered out mainly because of me. I don't know, maybe its partly my depression flaring up, combined with me just not being happy with my playing and my tone, and having a bad case of writer's block, in the riff department.

I'm going to be turning 49 very soon, and for the first time since I started playing guitar at 13, a very ugly thought has popped up in my head... and that is: maybe my days of playing guitar needs to come to an end. I don't know, maybe that's a dumb, ridiculous thought, but then again maybe not. the fact is, I'm not very happy with what I'm hearing when I am jamming by myself at home, in many ways. I'm not feeling inspired. instead, I'm feeling annoyed, and frustrated, and bummed. I'm not feeling the excitement vibes that I had hoped. I don't know what's wrong. it has thrown off my whole mood, in regards to playing music, and just living my day-to-day life. anyone else every experience this?
Hey man, i do understand, as ive felt that way too. Sometimes taking a real break, like not playing for a week or so will help. It did with me. Instead of quitting all together. Hang in there, its something we all go through. Im kinda there with you.


Feb 10, 2012
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Buenos Aires, Argentina
Gibson Marshall Guy47: I'm 67; been playing/singing since 12; been in all kind of bands and, since the 80s, in metal bands as a singer, four of them, but leave all of them frustrated...! Now, for the last ten or so years, I started my own power trio as a guitarist, in which I make the songs, the lyrics, play and sing them. Finding the right bass & drums guys was really challenging, to say the least, many changes and a lot of frustration... Now I'm fine with my band and like a lot my songs, BUT FOUND THIS: making music in collaboration with others, is a totally different thing than doing it just by yourself. VERY DIFFERENT INDEED ! Two or three heads can turn a song around and get the job done in a very different way than yours alone. Of course, many times you struggle with that, because you don't like the results, don't you? Hence, your own power trio!
It took time to adjust myself to the scenario of beeing alone in my place, trying to get in the mood, catching that elusive riff, thinking how inappropriate my gear was for the song I was trying to compose... I can't count the changes I made to my gear in ten years, to get what I really had in my head... (It's very similar to your gear: flying V in drop C, .011 Ermies, transistor Marshall to study, valve 50W Avenger clone, Marshall DSL, 1960 straight 90s cab with 75s.) Guitar-tuner-amp-cab. No fuss, no pedals other than a polytune. That's when I founded my sound, and everything changed for good.
The big challenge for us composers/musicians is having something real to say to the audience. For me, is the most difficult thing to achieve; many times I can't reach that sweet spot of mood in which music and lyrics flow, mostly because what the heck can we, simple mortals, say to people, in the era of information, internet, metaverse, AI and so...? Depressed? MANYTIMES ! But, as someone already wrote before me, beeing a musician is a life-long endeavour. Take your time, heal the wounds, ad know you're not alone in this race.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2011
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I can get this in a 1 hour noodle session. I start off and everything sounds great and I'm playing OK then a few minutes later everything sounds for shit and I can't play a thing and I wonder why I ever thought I'd be able to play the guitar then a few minutes later I'm smashing it and sounding great. And this is all without touching anything on the amp or guitar.
When this happens I remember someone told me that geniuses are never satisfied. I don't believe it applies to me but it cheers me up. That or I put a new set of strings on.

Buc McMaster

Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2022
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Mid-life crisis. Many come to this kind of existential crossroads........wtf am I doing?........why is this no longer fun?.......is this all there is? Well, yes.......pretty much, this is all there is.......getting up each day and finding a way to put one foot in front of the other with some kind of satisfying purpose. The simple answer is to roll with the punches.....priorities and perceptions evolve over the years......what was once golden becomes blurred and seems a pointless pursuit. The fix is in understanding that nothing has really changed.....your perception of situation and circumstance has shifted from an all too familiar baseline.......your mental and emotional comfort zone has evaporated for no apparent reason. As everything else in this life, this too will pass.......steer a course back to center, forge a new path......or remain stationary in confusion and self-doubt........it's up to you.


New Member
Oct 23, 2018
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This happens to me. I begin to get dissatisfied with my gtr tones. I feel like everything new I write I have done before. This may sound silly, but try some sublingual B12 spray from amazon. Mary Ruth brand.
Pull up some preset drum loops, and force yourself to play to patterns you wouldn't normally play to. Don't have it YOUR way, let the preset dictate what you write. You have time later to program out what you want. But you've been already doing what you want, and aren't happy. Follow something else's lead for a minute.
This is a lot like working with humans...because we all know that unless you're paying a human musician, you're unlikely to ever get EXACTLY what you want from their performance.
I've learned to accept this. It's ok. Adaptation makes you a better player, and (possibly) better at socializing with others. Every once in a while? Other people can have great ideas! I say that sarcastically of course.
And don't take the breakdown of a band situation to mean it had anything to do with your playing.
More likely just a human relations thing. And that happens in every aspect of life.
A new pawnshop gtr may help. I've tried this, unlikely though. It's behavior, not the instrument.
Writing something on a different instrument (keys?), and adapting it to gtr may help too.
Break the pattern man.

Totally serious about the sublingual B12 thing though. Especially going into winter.
Without it? I become MISERABLE. It has helped several friends too. Amazing what it does for your brain.
Total transformation in a short time.
Best of luck to you my friend!


Active Member
Jun 14, 2023
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Florida Keys
I am in my 60’s and have been playing guitar since I was 11 years old. I have had the same experience where I didn’t feel like I was progressing anymore, became frustrated, got caught up in different life situations or just felt apathy toward the guitar or playing in bands and have stepped away from it all. This has happened many times in my life, for up to six months or so at a time, but I have always come back to the guitar and playing in bands because it has given me so much previous pleasure. In 2019, I got a bone infection that kept me bedridden for 2 ½ years with 20 months of that in the hospital. I couldn’t do anything but lay in bed during that time. I am now cured and with a lot of physical therapy, I am now able to play guitar again and playing with a band at a local bar on the weekends. I can say I enjoy it as much now as any time in my life. I have a renewed desire to learn new songs, lead parts and play as much as possible. There is nothing like lying in bed for a couple of years and not being able to do anything for yourself to make you realize how much doing the simplest tasks can be so pleasurable. Although I wouldn’t want anyone to go through what I went through, if you really love playing the guitar, you will always come back to it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2020
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I write and record original music all the time.

I have been in cover bands and it is always a chore. You never get the chance to release your music aspirations because you are either overcompensating or squeezed in the background of the music.

Too many walls to stand behind.

Don't give up!

You will find something that wakes up that spark


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2012
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United States
I can't thank everyone here enough for all of your kind words and helpful, insightful info. during a time of my life where I feel like my depression and anxiety is as bad as it will ever get (lately, almost every day that goes by I feel like I don't want to be here in this earthly existence) to have people contribute lots of positive ideas means a lot to me. it means more than words can say.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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I can't thank everyone here enough for all of your kind words and helpful, insightful info. during a time of my life where I feel like my depression and anxiety is as bad as it will ever get (lately, almost every day that goes by I feel like I don't want to be here in this earthly existence) to have people contribute lots of positive ideas means a lot to me. it means more than words can say.
You ought to be able to write a lyric or two out of this don't you think? Feel better bro :yesway:


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2011
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Option 1 : Step away for a bit

Option 2 : Buy new gear

Both options have worked for me.

I prefer Option 2, but if that doesn't work refer back to Option 1.

Good luck!
Errr no - if option 2 doesn't work refer to option 2. Keep practising option 2 until progress is achieved.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2023
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Melbourne, Australia.
OP, we're the same age and I've suffered depression and anxiety since I was a teen. Also having a bit of a guitar slump, I feel you. Personally I've required medicinal intervention all my adult life, but since contracting Covid I can no longer take medication to help. So, for the most part I'm a passenger on this ride, which is very frustrating.

On the plus side, the one thing that *always* puts a smile on my face and brightens my day is helping other people. Finding an avenue to help someone else while exercising the thing you want to practice isn't that hard... start teaching someone else to play guitar. Do it for free. Do it because helping someone else actually helps you.

Personal relationships are the single most powerful influence on your state of mind. Finding a positive relationship which is rewarding, even with a complete stranger, might be an eye opener. Has been for me.

I hope you find your way.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2012
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United States
OP, we're the same age and I've suffered depression and anxiety since I was a teen. Also having a bit of a guitar slump, I feel you. Personally I've required medicinal intervention all my adult life, but since contracting Covid I can no longer take medication to help. So, for the most part I'm a passenger on this ride, which is very frustrating.

On the plus side, the one thing that *always* puts a smile on my face and brightens my day is helping other people. Finding an avenue to help someone else while exercising the thing you want to practice isn't that hard... start teaching someone else to play guitar. Do it for free. Do it because helping someone else actually helps you.

Personal relationships are the single most powerful influence on your state of mind. Finding a positive relationship which is rewarding, even with a complete stranger, might be an eye opener. Has been for me.

I hope you find your way.
thank you so much for your kind words. I truly hope that you are able to find and sustain true happiness and peace. have you ever thought about utilizing medical marijuana to help with your depression and anxiety? I have to say, it works wonders for me. I don't know what country or state you're in, but that could be an option for you. there are so many different varieties aside from smoking or vaping. I would strongly recommend considering it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2011
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West Seattle
We have some things in common. Keep putting one foot forward. Good luck with the scenario!