Inexcusable quality control...

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New Member
Oct 21, 2010
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I got a good deal on a new MC412A. Recently I was in the process of moving it and happened to get it turned almost upside down. That's when I heard something rattling around inside. When I got the back off I saw 2 screws laying on the bottom. Turns out they're speaker mounting screws. When I went to reinstall them I noticed that the other 2 were also loose. And looking further I find that EVERY ONE of the screws is loose to the tune of allowing each speaker at least a quarter inch gap away from the board! So,out of a total of 16 fasteners 14 are extremely loose and 2 are missing. That's some pretty impressive Quality Control there Marshall. And the 2 "Finishing" labels that were stuck to the corner cover were signed: "D. Downes",and "P. Billingham". A bit too much ale for lunch there gentlemen??:wtf:


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
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This. If the screw heads and threads were stripped, THEN id raise a storm about quality control. Just screw them back in tight and dont worry about it.

I concur.

But don't screw them on too tight it will damage the speaker frame.

I would advise you do it by hand, finger tight and then a final half twist with a screw driver. I don't advise you use a power drill.

I suggest you google "how to tighten speakers". You will find information like the following tutorial.

Do tighten opposite screws, not adjacent, screws until they are snug.

If using four screws, tighten one pair of opposite screws then the next pair a little at a time.

Do tighten progressively by following the same pattern around the speaker. (Do not tighten one screw down all the way and then proceed to do the same to the next screw.)

If there are five screws, or bolts, (not likely on a speaker I know, think car wheels...) tighten in a star pattern, tightening every other screw, around the speaker, down a little at a time, until snug. Do not over tighten.

This will allow the frame to be snugged down without a great chance of bending.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2010
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Snug them up like the other guys said and you're good. Not a big deal.
You wanna hear something funny tho..... My bro brought over his $1200 Cameron cab a couple weeks ago to jam on, when we plugged it into a good thumping metal amp, it started buzzing, rattling, farting all over the place. We took it apart and found they neglected to install a back panel screw for the center brace! LOL!!! And several others were installed shitty and loose. Hand built quality....after a 12 pack apparently...:lol:


New Member
Oct 21, 2010
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Thanks for your input. I've been playing a long time and have had plenty of amps and cabs without having the speakers falling out. This is just pathetic. The cab has low hours and very little travel time on it. The way I see it it's one of two things. Either the assembly line screw gun was unbelievably out of it's torque spec or the moron fell behind and put the screws in finger tight. NOW the screws are in....with Loctite.
And as long as I'm on a rant here let me tell you about the plastic input jack that broke and fell inside the chassis. Now it's anchored with epoxy.
Good thing I'm handy. But then if you have a Harley that pretty much comes with the territory. Marshall and Harley and I wouldn't have it any other way.


axe arsenal

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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Belgium (Flanders)
Snug them up like the other guys said and you're good. Not a big deal.
You wanna hear something funny tho..... My bro brought over his $1200 Cameron cab a couple weeks ago to jam on, when we plugged it into a good thumping metal amp, it started buzzing, rattling, farting all over the place. We took it apart and found they neglected to install a back panel screw for the center brace! LOL!!! And several others were installed shitty and loose. Hand built quality....after a 12 pack apparently...:lol:
Perhaps they never install a screw for that center brace..Marshall didn't do this in the seventies, eighties and nineties (I think). I'm not sure when they began doing this (my 1992 cab doesn't have it, but my 2002 cab has one).


New Member
May 20, 2012
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Northern Ireland. UK
If you've been rockin out loudly (which I'm sure you have) over the last couple of years things do loosen.
Doing a little 'home maintenance' on things like tightening screws, checking tubes, pots etc is similar I guess to what a responsible car owner would do; checking oil, tyres, bulbs etc.

What has happened really is no biggie, and as far as Marshall quality goes I think they're pretty good considering what's out there at the moment...


New Member
Oct 21, 2010
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If you've been rockin out loudly (which I'm sure you have) over the last couple of years things do loosen.
Doing a little 'home maintenance' on things like tightening screws, checking tubes, pots etc is similar I guess to what a responsible car owner would do; checking oil, tyres, bulbs etc.

What has happened really is no biggie, and as far as Marshall quality goes I think they're pretty good considering what's out there at the moment...

The cab isn't that old and has only seen sporadic use. Far less than the other 3 4X12 cabs I have including a Carvin and a Behringer which are at least a sample of what's "out there" and have spent their time under the 100 watt Valvestate head. All without incident. So,all things considered,I'm personally not giving "Marshall" a pass on this one. It's not uncommon for a large company to "relax" when they're on top. Gibson and Harley to name a few. A budget priced cabinet got less than budget priced attention to detail. Still,it's no excuse,imo. Not when you're putting your name on it.