JVM1H emulated out

  • Thread starter Pat6969
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Active Member
Apr 21, 2014
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Anybody using the 1H straight into the board? I've been toying with this idea for a while. I've tried searching the topic but can't find anything. Do you just switch to .1 watt and go from line out to the board with a regular guitar cable? No cab hookup needed?



Dogs of Doom

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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
From the grand master himself...
let's start with the 1W amps. The first three, JTM1 / JPM1 / JCM1, have an internal load and a series resistor with the speaker to attenuate the power. That means that when you plug them into a line input you will see a rather high voltage as the external load impedance it is quite high. Theoretically you will put approx 6V peak into whatever you connect them if you use the 16ohm output, approx 4Vpeak if you use the 8ohm output. That's more than enough to overdrive 9V powered stompboxes and some FX return in amplifiers even in the +4dB setting.

The DSL1 and JVM1 use an L-attenuator that serves both as load and output voltage attenuator so those will deliver an output voltage that is much more independent of the input impedance of whatever you connect them to, being the voltage more or less constant an approx 1.8V peak. This is the reason why the DSL1 and JVM1 use a combined single output speaker and don't need to be switched into 0.1W to operate safely without load.


Active Member
Apr 21, 2014
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Has anyone run their 1 waters straight to the board? What can I expect for sound quality?


Active Member
May 22, 2014
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I can't say for the 1w JVM, but for my 410h, it sounds just fine into a console. It's a little lacking in the top end, but that's why consoles have a band EQ


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2014
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Hey, havent been on here in a while but i have a mode 4 that i run through the emulated out at home sometimes. I cant really explain but i'll try..... the emulated out feature is cool, it is supposed to give the sound of your amp being Mic'd up. I have never Mic'd my mode four as i have never needed to so i wouldnt have a clue of what Mic it is supposed to sound like but its like this.... it gives a cleaner tone than just playing live and almost sounds digital. Not a bad thing at all in my book because its like a whole different amp to play with. I have videos on YouTube of me playing through my stereo with it . I like a live un Mic'd sound too but as far as just having more tone options it a bonus any day. On YouTube my name is slugzzups if you want to check out the difference in just playing out of a cab vs emulated out. Hope that helps.


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Mar 30, 2015
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"riginally Posted by santiall View Post
let's start with the 1W amps. The first three, JTM1 / JPM1 / JCM1, have an internal load and a series resistor with the speaker to attenuate the power. That means that when you plug them into a line input you will see a rather high voltage as the external load impedance it is quite high. Theoretically you will put approx 6V peak into whatever you connect them if you use the 16ohm output, approx 4Vpeak if you use the 8ohm output. That's more than enough to overdrive 9V powered stompboxes and some FX return in amplifiers even in the +4dB setting.

The DSL1 and JVM1 use an L-attenuator that serves both as load and output voltage attenuator so those will deliver an output voltage that is much more independent of the input impedance of whatever you connect them to, being the voltage more or less constant an approx 1.8V peak. This is the reason why the DSL1 and JVM1 use a combined single output speaker and don't need to be switched into 0.1W to operate safely without load."

Is it true?
How do you know that?I´m searching it in internet and i don't know where is that information
i want to use the simulated line out of my new jvm1c,and need that the speaker be muted
im afraid off my new amp be broken
the speaker is a celestial ge8c-15.......but 8ohm or 16 ohm? That´s because i,m thinking about to buy the pdi06 palmer attenuator......

thanks a lot,.....and sorry,,,,,my english level is very low

Dogs of Doom

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Los Angeles
The quote I posted is from another thread. (click the blue arrow to follow it back)

Santaill is the forum monicker for Santiago, who is the engineer at Marshall Amplification UK, who designed the JVM1 amp. If anyone would know about it's features & limitations, it would be him...

I run mine in straight to the Scarlett 18i20. Sounds good. I've compared it to the H&K Redbox V on the speaker line & they sound almost identical. They are both just as good. The way I'm running mine currently is my amp into 2- 1912 cab's, 1- loaded w/ V30 & 1- loaded w/ H30. I mic both of those & run them l/r stereo. I then run my simulated out into my Quadroverb II & into my interface w/ semi-heavy effects, for a wet/dry kind of setup. At 1 point, I was also hooking up the H&K for a dry-mono track just to add some meat to my signal. I just feel kind of funny running 5 tracks for my rig all the time & getting used to it, if I record w/ a drummer, that would take a bit of my interface away...

I have my 2 speakers in an iso box. I bought an Anvil equipment case that fits both cab's & 2 mic's. I drilled holes where the top/bottom mate, so the cables go through, but get clamped down, when the case gets locked...