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Mar 12, 2018
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Hi guys..

Witch speakers go best with the JVM410H?
For band I need old bluesy/rock sound like SRV, Bonamassa, ZZ Top..
And witch tubes are best for amp? And some advice for biasing?
What I can do with the amp to sound the best it can?

I Have ENGL Pro 2x12 BOX with pair of V30.
And Mesa Boogie rectifier 2x12 box with V30.
Maybe change some speaker??
And advice?


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2008
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Witch speakers go best with the JVM410H?
For band I need old bluesy/rock sound like SRV, Bonamassa, ZZ Top..
Probably something similar to greenback speakers.

And witch tubes are best for amp? And some advice for biasing?
Which tubes are "best" is up to each person. I can only well you what I like and what I use(d), which is not what you have to buy/like. I generally buy current production tubes, but new old stock (NOS) tubes is an option if you're interested.

*I use SED Winged =C= EL34 power tubes. SED Winged =C= EL34 have proven very reliable for me, and to my ears, seem project a well-balanced EQ spectrum and a tight bass. SED Winged =C= EL34 are usually expensive wherever you shop.

*JJE34L has been a reliable power tube that doesn't cost too much money. These seem to have a bit of a darker tone, but I might be the only one saying that.

*Electro-Harmonix EL34 has also been a good tube for me in the past: good reliability and good sound qualities.

*Tung-Sol EL34B and current production Mullard EL34 have also served me well in the past.

And some advice for biasing?
Advice on biasing? You'll get lots of "advice" on biasing on this site. I can only tell you what I do regarding biasing, but you have to what is right for you (that includes whether you bias it yourself or take it to a tech).

I bias my power tubes as 35mA each (that corresponds to 70mA for two power tubes since biasing is done in pairs on a 410H). I take into consideration several factors, including the plate voltage.

If you are not sure about biasing (including safety procedures), then take it to a tech (the tech might even bias it right there in front of you so you can see how it is done.

What I can do with the amp to sound the best it can?
The best thing you can do is treat it right. What I mean is don't be abusive in how you handle and transport it. You don't need to treat it like it was a museum piece, but just don't be rough with it. Also, make sure the amplifier is properly maintained throughout the duration of your ownership.

I Have ENGL Pro 2x12 BOX with pair of V30.
And Mesa Boogie rectifier 2x12 box with V30.
Maybe change some speaker??
And advice?
I advise not changing anything until you play the amplifier through those speakers you currently have. You might find that you get a great sound with what you already have.

Good luck with your gear. Let us know your thoughts.


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Jan 7, 2009
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I agree with 4K on his bias recommendations as that is what set the bias to on my 410H. There are several videos on Youtube on how to Bias i recommend you look at it. There was a excellent one that used to be on JVM forum that is currently down, that i can't find at the moment but there are several on Youtube that are helpful to learn how to do it. You can do it but you need to be careful and make sure you know what you are doing first before you do it. But i taught myself thru looking at videos, so it can be done.

As for speakers you will get lots of debate on that between 1960A/B cab with G12T-75 speaker or 1960AV/BV - Vintage 30 style speakers or cabs like the 1960AC/BC with G12M 25 Greenback speakers (which are harder to find). Majority of JVM people probably use the standard 1960a or 1960B style cab.

I have both a 1960B (G12T-75) and a 1960AC (G12M-25) cabs. I personally prefer my 1960AC cab with the greenback speakers with my JVM 410H. I am a classic rock guy and greenbacks have a great classic rock sound. For me for the tone and sound i am looking for i like that cab the best.

Tubes there are lots of choices. The original tubes that shipped with the JVM were Marshall logo SED Winged =C= EL34 power tubes. I loved those tubes but blew two of them a few years back. After that occurred i replace all my power tubes with Electro-Harmonix EL34 several years ago. I like them as well, but I will say they sounded different and took a little time getting used to and some EQ tweaking and tube wear in time to get the amp to sound like i wanted. But I am happy with how they sound and i have not had a single issue with them.

Part of me wants to buy a set of SED Winged =C= EL34 power tubes and try them again one of the days if i get time to compare and contrast the two sets of power tubes. In fact i still have all 4 of the original tubes (two bad, Two good). But i am pretty happy with my tone right now so i have not been in a hurry to do it, but will one of these days. Different pre-amp tubes also make a difference and there are a ton of options in that space as well.


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2011
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that mesa cab should sound killer as is, i wouldn't change the speakers in that one.
or you could look for a cab with greenbacks in it if you really want another speaker than V30's


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May 22, 2010
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SoCal U.S.A.
G12-65 and/or Creamback M65 . . . .

For older Classic Rock up to Modern Rock.

Stay with V30 for Metal.


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Feb 21, 2018
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I agree with the previous answers but I will tell you a little bit of my experience with the JVM (205).

I'm not a huge fan of V30s. My stack (special red edition) came with a 4x12 cab loaded with G12M/25 Greenbacks and I really love them.
The V30s sounded a bit harsh in the clean channel but were great at high-gain. I would choose them, if I would play metal stuff all the time.
The Greenbacks sounded more "complete" for me.
Hard to describe but for me, they sound very very good for all the sounds I use. Especially these classic rock things are great.
They also sound warm with clean sounds.

But you'll probably have different settings and guitars like me. So there is no general answer.
Also I tried just the V30s and the greenbacks because I had a cab with V30s at home. I don't feel like I should try different speakers with my JVM - I love the sound with the Greenbacks.

Some really like the Creambacks, they are a bit more "creamy".

Tubewise I'm using a JJ 12AX7 ECC83S in V1, TungSol 12AX7 in V2 and for V3 and V4 some TubeTown 12AT7.
In the power amp section are TAD EL34s, there are like the Mullard EL34.

What I can recommend for the JVM If you don't like to spend sooo much monex on tubes:
V1: JJ ECC83S V1 selected
Sounds really "normal", nice gain, balanced sound. Neither high or low frequencies are dominant.
You can try the EH 12AX7, I dind't like them. Sounded to shrill for me.
V2: Also a JJ ECC83S
V3+V4: some 12AT7, I use TubeTowns but I don't know if you can buy them at yout country.
If you like it a bit warmer and don't need too much gain the 12AT7 are great.
I tried also the EH 12AT7 and some standard 12AX7 from TubeTown (labeld JJs) in V3 and V4.
The EH sounded a bit harsh and shrill to me.
Stadnard 12AX7 hat a bit more gain but just a little bit.
Maybe the better tubes for something like AC/DC.

The JJ EL34L (Red Label) sound very "standard" but in a positive way.
They got a little bit more mids. Some had problems after a short time, tubes startet to "rattle" (don't know a better english word for "rasseln" in german :D) - I had no issues.
Very similar to EH El34s but the EH sound a little bit more compressed for me.
Mullards are also great tubes for a nice old school rock sound.

All in all you can say that different tubes are not as important as speakers, guitars, pleks or your fingers. For me, it is fun to try different. But if you don't need to change them and you're not willing to try several tubes, use the stock ones or but something standard like JJs.

Here is a nice map, this explains a few different tubes:


Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
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2 mi from Jim Beam, KY
Ditto all the above!

G12M25 Greenbacks for 4x12 and G12M65 for 2x12s are fantastic for classic rock. Joe uses EV12Ls in his Marshal cabs. G12T75s are probably a much cheaper alternative.

Tubes are the last thing to worry about. But when you get to that point here are a few thoughts.

CP Mullard are copies of old Mullard xf4 EL34s.
TADs are copies of old Mullard xf2 EL34s.

Either will likely serve you well. I’m putting CP Mullards in my TSL and TADs in my HJS.

The above preamp tube suggestions are great, but with one caveat. Our ears are not your ears!

As an alternative idea, once everything else is pretty well lined up, you’ll want a baseline of preamp tubes to work from. Marshall preamp tubes are likely the furtherist away from your goal. Why not start with a set that’s much closer to your goal?

Once your rig is like you want it, decide what you like and don’t like about the DETAILS of your sound. Do you want the underlying base tone to move to more of an 80s sound? More Plexi? Do want a tighter or lose bottom end? Thicker mids? More or less chime?

Once you figure that out, call Doug at Doug’s Tubes. Tell him what you want out of your amp, as your ears hear it. Then follow his advice. I swear Doug is a wizard at this! This is your baseline and will be close, if not spot on, to where you want to be.


These are my opinions, based on money I’ve spent and my experience. I believe my opinions parallel the above members opinions, but with a slight twist.

I suppose that means, one could say, Danny’s opinion is twisted! :D

Good luck to you and your band!


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