Lead 100 MOSFET ( similar tones as Vintage mode Rectos )

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2010
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Across the World
I know, SUPER random and interesting observation done today.

Clean boosting (w/ SD -1 ) in to the Marshall MOSFET Lead 100 (pull) boost channel sounds very similar to the Vintage mode on my Single Rectifier & Single Rectoverb heads. Of course, my favorite setting on all my Rectos. I believe the similarities may be due to the Single Rectifiers using the SS Rectifier. It keeps it tight ( why they're a favorite) similarly to what the MOSFET is doing. Add the SD-1 and the recipe is pretty close.

All heads test running through my Soldano V30 412 or JCM800 1960 T75s. The tone knob is the secret with pull boost for more of that scooped tone - which, IMHO really makes these amps shine. It's FAT/THICK and slices very well. The Boost Channel is underrated which I don't see discussed often. Fantastic for rhythm and leads.

I've lived on the boost channel since I've had all my MOSFETs.

Anyway, in case anyone had both amps and wanted to experiment on their own. Check it out!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2010
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Across the World
Yeah the Tone knob on the Boost channel is great. I pull the gain pot to blend in the Normal channel EQ with the Tone knob on the Boost channel. It makes the amp incredibly versatile.

Very versatile! Love that blend of the normal channel right in to the boost channel. Just rippin'!

I'm using a little bit of a different set-up since pulling out the MOSFETS last time so as always, a little kid in the candy store! Lol

Glad I never sold mine! ☠️