Marshall I lost or what...?

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Apr 12, 2020
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I somehow while hacking around on my computer I stumbled across a new hand wired Marshall called the Astoria. I watched a couple of videos and it seems 3 models were made,or planned to be made. This appears to have been in 2015. What's up ? What did I miss ? I worked many years in music stores and was able to really stay on top of who was releasing what. However,this model does not show on Marshall's site (or if it does I missed it). Did it get made ? Is it being made ? If so what's up with it ? I can't imagine there not being a thread somewhere on this,but I have not been able to find one and when I put Astoria into the site search nothing comes up.
Anyone know what the deal is with this elusive amp ? Thanks and forgive me if I am really stupid and just don''t realize it.


Active Member
Apr 12, 2020
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You've been under a rock. Astoria was built for a short time. 3 Models. Astoria
Astoria classic and Astoria custom. Head cab and combo models. Quite expensive. Too much for me. But I bet they sound like I like. There are a few on the MF forum who have them.
Man...I guess I have been under a rock because that one completely slipped by me. I stay focused on the vintage and boutique gear and am a bit old school. Thanks for the speedy replies gang. It looked pretty good under the hood,but I can't say I dig the GT racing stripe tolex scheme. I wonder why it didn't catch on. Tolex would really be the last thing I would take into consideration when buying a amp. I don't care if it looks like a 50 cent whore wrapped in tolex if it sounds good and performs as I desire. However, I get it that cosmetics do come into play. Most especially if you are looking for a certain backline look or appeal. Thanks again for the update. I need to stay in the game a bit better.


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Apr 12, 2020
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Marshall gave it a disastrous rollout...
That's a shame. It looks like it might have been a winner if given the chance,although for around 3 grand I might start looking at a Germino or something along that line. Sounds like Marshall screwed up what could have been a great amp.

Jethro Rocker

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Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
Man...I guess I have been under a rock because that one completely slipped by me. I stay focused on the vintage and boutique gear and am a bit old school. Thanks for the speedy replies gang. It looked pretty good under the hood,but I can't say I dig the GT racing stripe tolex scheme. I wonder why it didn't catch on. Tolex would really be the last thing I would take into consideration when buying a amp. I don't care if it looks like a 50 cent whore wrapped in tolex if it sounds good and performs as I desire. However, I get it that cosmetics do come into play. Most especially if you are looking for a certain backline look or appeal. Thanks again for the update. I need to stay in the game a bit better.
Yes at the price it has to be appealing in all respects. For me, I don't give a rat's if something is hand wired or not. I'm also a more modern tone guy so it was a no go right off. I think if they gave some models with more options amd price poimts and yes, tolex choice, it might have appealed to more people.

Solid State

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Jan 2, 2016
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Astoria was right up my alley really - it features a bigger bottom end than a traditional Marshall and in all of the demos I saw it sounded pristine. At the time I really wasn't looking for an amp though and they were a bit pricey. If they reissue them I'd take a close look at them.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2019
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WA state hinterlands
I was talking to SteveD the guy who designed the Astoria recently, he said..."The Custom should do any of the guitar hero tones from 65 to 80, again, with the appropriate guitar and playing ability."

I was binge listening to Hendrix Red House and about to have a JTM45 fit of GAS when it dawned on me, maybe the Astoria Custom has that covered.
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Jul 20, 2008
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To me I think the Astoria line would’ve done better if it was just a bit more affordable and had a more traditional Marshall look.

I get the hand wired thing needed to be done to compete with the hand wired competition they were targeting, but I think that’s not a very large market, and most guitarists who pay attention, realize hand wired doesn’t mean it sounds better, it means it cost more!


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2019
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WA state hinterlands
realize hand wired doesn’t mean it sounds better, it means it cost more!

Oh they 'can' sound better for sure. Mass produced PCB suitable for automated pick and place manufacturing significantly limits component choices, there's no such limitations on tag/turret board construction. That said if the builder uses the same cheap components used in mass produced PCB well then not so much.

Agree the Astoria was over priced though. I gutted mine, its not on par with similar priced boutique construction of the time.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2016
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Man...I guess I have been under a rock because that one completely slipped by me. I stay focused on the vintage and boutique gear and am a bit old school. Thanks for the speedy replies gang. It looked pretty good under the hood,but I can't say I dig the GT racing stripe tolex scheme. I wonder why it didn't catch on. Tolex would really be the last thing I would take into consideration when buying a amp. I don't care if it looks like a 50 cent whore wrapped in tolex if it sounds good and performs as I desire. However, I get it that cosmetics do come into play. Most especially if you are looking for a certain backline look or appeal. Thanks again for the update. I need to stay in the game a bit better.
I hear Jim marshall just got finished designing a new amp that players have nicknamed the "plexi". You might want to check that one out also.