Marshall JVM 2 Series OD1 Approximation


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Jan 22, 2022
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I have a Marshall JVM205c and have always loved the tones i get from it.

I know the 2 Series OD Channel is based on OD2 rather than OD1 from the 4 channel versions, and has the scooped mids centred around 500hz rather than the traditional 650hz

From a pure experimental/educational point of view, short of modding it which i am not really interested in at this stage, what EQ'ing could i do (Parametric or Graphic) to get quite close to OD1 with the 650hz centred mids. I know it won't sound exact but i'd imagine you can get relatively close.

Apologies if the answer is quite obvious, i'm definitely not an expert when it comes to this stuff.

Thanks in advance !


Oct 31, 2021
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I have a Marshall JVM205c and have always loved the tones i get from it.

I know the 2 Series OD Channel is based on OD2 rather than OD1 from the 4 channel versions, and has the scooped mids centred around 500hz rather than the traditional 650hz

From a pure experimental/educational point of view, short of modding it which i am not really interested in at this stage, what EQ'ing could i do (Parametric or Graphic) to get quite close to OD1 with the 650hz centred mids. I know it won't sound exact but i'd imagine you can get relatively close.

Apologies if the answer is quite obvious, i'm definitely not an expert when it comes to this stuff.

Thanks in advance !
I have the 210H, and ran into similar sentiments (ultimately came to enjoy it for what it is after spending quite a bit of time with it, and experimenting with speakers-ultimately picked up an EVH cab, and it really made a difference in bringing the classic heavy rock/metal sound out of the 2 series).

Also, make sure you don’t get too carried away with the resonance knob (really starts eating up what mids are available after 11 o’clock). And like many have said, the same philosophy applies to the gain as well 😅.

This thread I started during my concern phase might help if you still want to dig deeper and pursue shifting the mid frequencies without major invasive procedures lol.

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New Member
Jan 22, 2022
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Hi LP,

Thankyou for the input. I have had the JVM since 2008 and similarly to you i have always enjoyed the OD for what it is. I've just grown quite curious as how to potentially appropriate that OD1 tone and see if i'm really 'missing out' or its just a nice to have.

Thanks for sharing the thread that is incredibly helpful and answers some of the questions i had as it looks like we had the same way of thinking

Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
Without mods? I dunno. Try a graphic or Para EQ and push the 650 range, if that is what the 410 OD 1 is for mid.