Why is JVM still being made???

  • Thread starter Shae201
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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2017
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I remember seeing this thread and going: "I really should make a video about how great JVMs are"

So I did, and then never posted it in this thread.

The JVM is great. Probably the most versatile and "playable" amp that I've ever played. It's hard to get it to sound bad. If you only had 1 amp in your life, you could do a lot worse than a JVM.

While I'll acknowledge it's not as good as one of the classic heads, it can do the job of all of them. IE: It's a 9\10 JCM800, a 9\10 JTM45, a 9\10 1987x etc.

So look, if you need a JCM800, oddly enough, only a JCM800 is ever going to be good enough. That's why the JCM800 is so awesome because it is dedicated to doing the 800 thing with 0 compromise or concession to do anything else.

But if you need an amp that's a little bit of everything, rather than dedicated to being ONE thing, the JVM is killer. It's great at everything it does.

(If you cbf watching the long-form video, here are all the demos I recorded with my JVM)

What are your settings for the Lemmy bass part? Which channel are you using?


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2017
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Supposedly Marshall engineers have had ideas for newer updated versions of the JVM in years past but management or whoever is in charge didn't want to make them. Would be cool if they did a JVM MkII or something like that.


Mar 25, 2011
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@HFloyd - ah, V30s or similar (the old speakers from my TSL122 combo) are what I use. What is it about V30s the JVM doesn't like?


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2015
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I live by the river.
2007 was (IMO) the end of the “jack of all trades” Flagships. With 5-10 more years’ hindsight (a luxury no business has), I’d say the JVM was a blunder for the uncertain future ahead.

In hindsight, Marshall should have gone with a 2-channel Recto-slayer… something that sat at the apex of high gain metal amps that crushed the 5150. The age of the 6100 Swiss army amp was had already for 15 years and while lauded, nobody was cloning or clamoring for a RI 6100 as opposed to a 2555.

If you wanted a metal amp, the JVM can hang but no metal guy would call that the “first word in such amps” by any stretch. And if you are not a high gain metal person, there are much better “classic tone” Marshalls to choose from. Sure, it does it all (passably) for the cover band that does 4 genres, but so does a Fender and a stocked pedalboard.

It was a solid amp, but it is not a legendary amp IMO, and it should/would have been replaced years ago once Jim passed if the successors had any real interest in living up to the Father of Loud’s legacy (which clearly, they did not).
That's your opinion which I respect, but for me and others the JVM is excellent.

I have a couple, and have no need for another amp. Though naturally, that probably won't stop me from getting more amps.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2015
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I live by the river.
Unless specified, everything in that video was Guitar -> JVM. However I was playing through my cab with Greenbacks\Alnicos. JVM is NOT a fan of V30s.
Are you micing up the amps, or using something like a Boss TAE? What's your interface?


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2015
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I live by the river.
Supposedly Marshall engineers have had ideas for newer updated versions of the JVM in years past but management or whoever is in charge didn't want to make them. Would be cool if they did a JVM MkII or something like that
Probably doing what their Swedish overlords tell them to do.

Jim Marshall would be proud. Not.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
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Probably doing what their Swedish overlords tell them to do.

It's very common at companies' R&D and product design departments to churn out tons of ideas that never see the outside world, British, American, Chinese, you name it. You might also want to review your timeline; Santiago had some (supposedly, of course - I've never seen/heard them) cool ideas for new amps that didn't make it and he left the company well before the transition. It's a shame in one way, but consider that just about EVERY company making such products has had many of these.

I think the JVM and the DSL follow the same sort of logic; they do clean to mean and most stuff in between - they're not targeting a specific type of genre. Of course, the 2203 is not exactly a 'one trick pony', neither are any of those classic amps, but you're not going to buy a plexi to switch from country picking to death metal. By carefully omitting the notion of 'who' the intended audience is, they created a pair of lines that cater to anyone and everyone.

If I were Marshall, I'd try something new, something where others have fallen flat on their face yet where there might be potential. How about a NuTube based amp? Just imagine the possibilities you have driving those things vs valves. No high voltage requirements, no output transformer (though I guess, if they want to put a valve output stage on it, or some valve preamps to mix and match options, why not). It could be super portable, cheap-ish and feature all kinds of digital switching, etc. Not exactly an amp that would tickle my fancy, but if one or two "big names" would catch on it could be a massive win. KORG/VOX failed at it, but I see *potential*. People say Marshall should try modelling and profiling. Well, against Fractal and Kemper, with Fender already in the fight... I wouldn't be throwing money at catching up.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2015
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I live by the river.
All personal opinion, as far as I'm concerned Swedish Marshall can go F themselves.

British Marshall for this British rocker.

I'd probably stick with American Gibsons, if Gibson were to also lose their balls and outsource. Even with their legendary lack of quality control


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2014
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2007 was (IMO) the end of the “jack of all trades” Flagships. With 5-10 more years’ hindsight (a luxury no business has), I’d say the JVM was a blunder for the uncertain future ahead.

In hindsight, Marshall should have gone with a 2-channel Recto-slayer… something that sat at the apex of high gain metal amps that crushed the 5150. The age of the 6100 Swiss army amp was had already for 15 years and while lauded, nobody was cloning or clamoring for a RI 6100 as opposed to a 2555.

If you wanted a metal amp, the JVM can hang but no metal guy would call that the “first word in such amps” by any stretch. And if you are not a high gain metal person, there are much better “classic tone” Marshalls to choose from. Sure, it does it all (passably) for the cover band that does 4 genres, but so does a Fender and a stocked pedalboard.

It was a solid amp, but it is not a legendary amp IMO, and it should/would have been replaced years ago once Jim passed if the successors had any real interest in living up to the Father of Loud’s legacy (which clearly, they did not).

As mentioned before, I owned a JVM410H for a few years and never really fell in love with it. The sounds were "good" but not great, to my ears. I also think it's way too complicated.

The amp they need to make that would set the world on fire is the amp that captures the early EVH tone that everyone seems to be clamoring for. I'm not talking about a one-trick pony, though. Let it have the capability of that sound, but everything in between. Everyone else seems capable of modding an early Marshall to do exactly that. Bray, Ceriatone, Rockstah (formerly), Granger, Kruse, Germino, the list goes on and on.

Harley-Davidson was smart. When they saw that the aftermarket was cleaning up by offering mods for their bikes, they hopped on board and beat them at their own game. Marshall could do the exact same thing and take the world by storm.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
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I'd probably stick with American Gibsons, if Gibson were to also lose their balls and outsource. Even with their legendary lack of quality control

Well, if we count Epiphone as part of Gibson, those are all made in China now. *Maybe* a few select models elsewhere, but all I've seen is MIC. Same for Gretsch.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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The amp they need to make that would set the world on fire is the amp that captures the early EVH tone that everyone seems to be clamoring for.

Maybe. Certainly some would be interested. 10s of thousands in a saturated market (as you point out)? Dubious… very dependent on how well Marshall’s execution stacked up to its competition and at what price.

I'm not talking about a one-trick pony, though. Let it have the capability of that sound, but everything in between.

No. This “capability” injects two poison pills into the works. It injects compromise (Exhibit A being the JVM, which you yourself cite as being underwhelming and too complicated). It also injects cost.

EVH wankers only want to record “Unchained” and “Little Dreamer” clips all day and little else. Moreover, such flagship amp buyers almost invariably have more than a couple amps, giving a platform for them when “Eruption” wankery becomes a bit tedious and they feel like doing something else for once.

Make the thing fucking perfect for what that market wants, make it simple (unlike the bullshit the YJM ended up becoming) and make it price-competitive with the saturated offerings.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
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Fender and Gibson are still American controlled and owned company's though.

OK, but would you rather have a Made In China amp by an American company or a Made In The UK amp from a British company partly owned by Swedes? While I don't have this festering hatred for anything Chinese like many here do, I'm certainly not a fan of supporting them and their economy. The Swedes... I have nothing against whatsoever. Plus, it's not as if some Viking ship came down the Thames and Marshall's HQ was overrun by tall blondes wearing helmets and swords forcing someone to sign a contract. There must have been mutual interest in the agreement.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2015
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I live by the river.
No, it's Marshall being the pu#sies as far as I'm concerned.

The Swedes merely took advantage of Marshall losing their manhoods. I don't blame them, that's business.

All three of my amps are British Marshalls, that's all the amp I'm playing.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
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No, it's Marshall being the pu#sies as far as I'm concerned.

Respectfully, your statement indicates either willful ignorance of the truth on how the world works or a personal grudge. Of course it's a crying shame to see a company like that change hands, but I'd rather see Marshall still making amps than going bust. As long as they're producing and have their HQ in Blighty that means jobs, and that's a good thing in my book.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2015
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I live by the river.
Respectfully, your statement indicates either willful ignorance of the truth on how the world works or a personal grudge. Of course it's a crying shame to see a company like that change hands, but I'd rather see Marshall still making amps than going bust. As long as they're producing and have their HQ in Blighty that means jobs, and that's a good thing in my book.
We can have opinions on this. You don't mind Fender being owned by another country. If China purchased Fender, you'd be cool with it I get it.

I'm not going to imply your ignorant, because you don't care about American jobs and money going to China.

Similarly, it's not very constructive to imply I'm ignorant because I take pride in a British achievement, and don't want it in foreign hands.

I fail to understand how you cannot comprehend the sentiment, even if you do not agree with it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
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Similarly, it's not very constructive to imply I'm ignorant because I take pride in a British achievement, and don't want it in foreign hands.

I fail to understand how you cannot comprehend the sentiment, even if you do not agree with it.

No, no; I understand it. In fact I indicated that I prefer a Sweden/UK based situation to, for example, Fender and VOX's production in China. I think we're on the same page, just that I would still be willing to purchase a brand spanking new Marshall *if* they launched something to convince me.

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