Why is JVM still being made???

  • Thread starter Shae201
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2017
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My JVM410H sounds great. I run mine on a Marshall 2X12 loaded with one Celestion V-30 and one Celestion G12-K100.
I kept it in my Home Studio for a long time when I first got it.
For 2024 I just took the JVM410H 2X12 rig to the Band's rehearsal room to use for rehearsals, and brought home the DSL40CR w/Marshall 1966A extension cab for a well deserved break.
I tried using my Mesa Boogie Mark Five 1X12 Combo w/ Mesa 2X12 Vertical Slant cab for rehearsals.
I had the Mesa sounding great (EL34's Variac mode), but it's not and never will be a Marshall.
I have a Marshall 100H, a Marshall 100HR w/4X12 cab (2 Celestion V-30's and 2 Celestion G12-K100's), 3 Marshall DSL40CR amps, a Marshall DSL20CR loaded with a V-30 and w/ Marshall MX112 extension cab loaded with a Celestion V-Type, a Marshall Class 5 loaded with a 10" Greenback, 2 Marshall CODE 50 amps, and the JVM410H 2X12 rig.
The DSL100HR and DSL40CR amps sound perfect and gets every job done. Currently I use these live.
We've been using the DSL40CR amps more frequently because of venue volume complaints (for 40 years LoL).
As I mentioned I finally took my JVM410H 2X12 rig from home to the Band's rehearsal room.
One of the reasons for that is because I'll eventually take it out for live shows.
The 6-Way Footswitch PEDL-91016 is interesting for at home, but I did get the 4-Way Footswitch PEDL-91006 before I took the JVM410H to the Band's rehearsal room.
I have the 4-Way Footswitch programed as such :
1 - Crunch Orange 2 - OD1 Orange 3 - Crunch Red 4 - OD1 Red It's perfect !
I understand the original question "Why is JVM still being made???"
I'm kinda hoping they never stop making it.
The newer DSL amps have the "half-power" option on the standby switch, and that would be a nice upgrade for a newer version of the JVM410H.
Having a Presence knob for each of the 4 individual channels would be a nice upgrade for a newer version of the JVM410H.
I'm thinking of buying a second JVM410H, and would certainly buy one if they made some upgrades to it.
I will pay the $3500 for a second JVM410H with or without upgrades. I'm glad they still make it.

View attachment 143073
Just buy this one...



Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2022
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I'm most likely in the minority but at least to me I'm more than satisfied with old school Marshall tones for the rest of my days . Marshalls already delivers the best tones IMO so them needing to always come up with something new just to stay relevant is nonsense to me . I want them to make more JCM 800 and JMP amps perhaps offering more control for the end user . I also love Les Paul's just the way they are , I don't give a damn about how heavy they are but I know I'm in the minority once again .

Karl Brake

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2018
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I don't consider the modding that people may do to any amp to be a negative if i am considering getting one. FWIW i think most of the mods are just ego stroking, bragging rights, and just plain useless. As an example every 6100 that was modded that was sent here did not work correctly and to get them to the mods had to be reversed. Then if you look at the amount of amps that are modded by somebody with a name that come up for sale should tell you something.

It's not a perfect world and nothing is going to ever be 100% for all. if you don't jive with it move it along and try something else. There is plenty of stuff out there to play with.
Yes! And just remember how much modding was done to classic Marshalls back in the day. Marshalls on the whole are easy to work on, so my old master Marshall tech used to tell me. He just hated the stacked boards of the TSL.

Karl Brake

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2018
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Never played a JVM. This sounds close enough to the real deal to me. The JVM comes in at 30 seconds in.

I don't know how anyone could argue that is a bad sounding amp. I have seen mentions here and there that it also does a solid 2203. But I heard the same about my DSL 50, which I think isn't really true. But the DSL does it's own thing well enough.

My hangups with a JVM would be optionitis and repairability. I haven't looked at the schematic, but I bet the board jumpers and switching are a nightmare. Also, too bad that it has digital reverb. Even the short'ish tank solid state spring reverb on my DSL 50 is so much better than any digital reverb I have heard onboard an amp. And I do actually use that onboard spring reverb for cleaner settings sometimes. I think my ideal Marshall would be a 2-in-one 1987/2204 (separate tonestacks!) with a nice spring tremolo and reverb. Or better yet, the same including a JTM45.

My really experienced Marshall tech really likes the JVM build, and told me it was well designed, and not a problem to work on. Said it is a clean rig.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
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East TN
Just throwing it out there but..

If people are still buying them, that shows demand for them.

If there is demand, Marshall will keep making them for a while.

Dogs of Doom

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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
I believe the OP, to not be in good faith...

I mean, if he truly didn't like the amp, that's fine, but, he seemed to have the ulterior motive to use the OP, as a means, to bait / start sh*t w/ people in here. He wanted to see who would defend it, then heckle / attack them for defending it.

Juvenile trolling at it's worst...

& to add - the reason I left the thread live, after giving the OP the axe, is because I feel that the discussion has it's merits, good or bad, & as long as those continuing to post can keep it on point & keep it civil (there was no reason for it to not be), then go for it.

I personally think that the amp's strengths & shortcomings are fair game for discussion. The amp is 15 years old & has had a good run thus far. I'm a fan. I like most amp's by Marshall, but, do not have an affinity towards the JCM2000 series, nor the 900 series. Not that there aren't good amp's in there, just I like others better.

There's others that I haven't really spent time w/, like the 6100s, the Jube's & other rare birds, but, I think that they all have their place. I'd probably pick a Jube over any of the 900 models, but, I wouldn't turn down any of them, if I could get one at the right price...

Everybody has their thing, & that's cool. If everybody had the same thing, what a boring world we'd be in. So, I'm glad that everyone can find that one thing that inspires them, in their journey to create the music of their dreams... even if it's not the same as mine :shrug:
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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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I believe the OP, to not be in good faith...

I mean, if he truly didn't like the amp, that's fine, but, he seemed to have the ulterior motive to use the OP, as a means, to start sh*t w/ people in here. He wanted to see who would defend it, then heckle / attack them for defending it.

Juvenile trolling at it's worst...

I haven’t followed that closely enough, and while it’s a mod’s lot to supervise that sort of thing, I can’t say fruitful discussion hasn’t developed regardless of OP’s intent.

Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
Looks like too many knobs to turn for me.
I would spend all day turning kno b so.

Guitar, chord,DSL amp,speaker, nothing else.
To be fair, DSL is a 2 channel amp. If it had separate EQ for each channel, would it be too much? Same basic thing as a JVM. 3 modes per channel instead of 2 per DSL.
I don't get it.

Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
I believe the OP, to not be in good faith...

I mean, if he truly didn't like the amp, that's fine, but, he seemed to have the ulterior motive to use the OP, as a means, to start sh*t w/ people in here. He wanted to see who would defend it, then heckle / attack them for defending it.

Juvenile trolling at it's worst...

& to add - the reason I left the thread live, after giving the OP the axe, is because I feel that the discussion has it's merits, good or bad, & as long as those continuing to post can keep it on point & keep it civil (there was no reason for it to not be), then go for it.

I personally think that the amp's strengths & shortcomings are fair game for discussion. The amp is 15 years old & has had a good run thus far. I'm a fan. I like most amp's by Marshall, but, do not have an affinity towards the JCM2000 series, nor the 900 series. Not that there aren't good omp's in there, just I like others better.

There's others that I haven't really spent time w/, like the 6100s, the Jube's & other rare birds, but, I think that they all have their place. I'd probably pick a Jube over any of the 900 models, but, I wouldn't turn down any of them, if I could get one at the right price...

Everybody has their thing, & that's cool. If everybody had the same thing, what a boring world we'd be in. So, I'm glad that everyone can find that one thing that inspires them, in their journey to create the music of their dreams... even if it's not the same as mine :shrug:
Yup. Pointless to respond to OP directly

Dogs of Doom

~~~ Moderator ~~~
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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
I haven’t followed that closely enough, and while it’s a mod’s lot to supervise that sort of thing, I can’t say fruitful discussion hasn’t developed regardless of OP’s intent.
I added to my post, as I realized I should have added the 2nd part...


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2015
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I live by the river.
I recall getting my JVM410h for around $1,400 used, but it was 2011 or so. I think the retail on a new one at the time was $2,500. I'm probably not remembering that right. $2,800? $2,400? I mean, it's been a long time since I bought it, so I don't even remember what I paid for it correctly at this point. I know it's sat on my shelf for years not getting used because it's so damned loud. It's protected in its flight case very well. Now that I have the JVM1h, there's really not much reason to have it. I'm not in a band. I don't write music. I think I have it just 'cause I have it now. It's still an amazing amp that can blow your mind. But it's just so damned loud, you can't really play it when you have neighbors.
I just had a late night/early morning practice with my JVM 205H at around 70db. Excellent Master control.

Even at low volume, I get the bass and lower mids I need.

Perhaps the Master is different on the JVM410H?


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2023
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I have been getting great deals from Sam Ash on my last purchases. I always price check and call both Sweetwater & Sam Ash to see who will give me the best deal. I don't mind making them bid for my business.
pro audio star always has good deals

new JVM 410h https://www.proaudiostar.com/marsha...-channel-all-valve-5xecc83s-4xel34s-head.html

Sweetwater - https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/JVM410H--marshall-jvm410h-100-watt-4-channel-tube-head

Of course with Sweetwater, you get to chat with your "guy" so you feel like you've got someone who cares about your needs


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2017
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I found a smoking deal on JVM210H for $999 at a local GC. But I just didn’t get along with it. Ended up returning. Shame as it was a hell of a deal. Someone ended up getting after I returned it though.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2009
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The JVM's models has the best master volume I ever tryed.

A "Master Volume" is just a master volume! - It's just a pot! - same as on a 2203.

The difference is that a JVM is designed to produce almost all its distortion from the pre-amp, and doesn't rely on the power valves being cranked.

Having said that, with all my JVMs I tend to find the "sweet spot" for minimum volume seems to be around 90-95dB - which can be quite loud for home practice, particularly if (like me) you like to practice singing at the same time as guitar. For this reason, I find my AVT20 (into a vintage 412 Cab) a better bet for home practice....


Mar 25, 2011
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I had a JVM410H so long ago (~10 years), I can't remember that much about it! I think I had a weird one as it had quite a shrill high end, but many people told me the 410 is qutie a dark amp?

The individual EQs and controls for each channel, plus the modes appears to be super useful...

I've actually been using an Engl Ironball (lunchbox) with a Boss ES-5 switcher to layer on either a Keeley modded DS-1 for just a hair of gain, or a Carl Martin Plexitone for, well, Plexi tones..and then the Engl gain channel for the 'ugly'. I do love a good clean channel and 'open' sounding crunch tones.

I also use a Torpedo CaptorX and often gig without a cab, just taking an XLR from the CaptorX to FoH.

I'm all about small and portable and I'd love it if Marshall would make a smaller / lunchbox version of the 410 so I'm breaking all my rules even considering this!.

Anyhow, the reason for my post is I've found a mega deal for a second hand JVM410......and I'd fascinated for any insights on the 410. I play everything from funk and reggae to country, to Prog rock / metal and write a lot of original music that goes from clean / just broken up sounds to all out mayhem......

I use an ISP Decimator II G string noise gate, and I imagine that would deal with the JVM's propensity for noise / feedback?

Is there anything in particular I should look our for or be aware of as a negative with the 410H.

**I will find the time to read through all the pages in this thread, but have just seen the deal in question and am about to head out of the door, hence my uninformed post**

Many thanks in advance,

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