Marshall vs Marshall 😜

Jul 31, 2024
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Salut Ă  tous les amoureux du fils. J'ai envie de savoir ce que vous ressentez par rapport aux diffĂ©rentes tĂȘtes Marshall.
je pense qu'il ya des marshmen qui sont plus vieux que moi et on du jouer plus de tĂȘtes en condition soit de concert soit de studio ou de rĂ©pĂštes ! Donc voilĂ  j'ai jouĂ© le plus clair de ma petite carriĂšre sur un JCM 800 en haut et JCM 800 bass-1984 en bas. Et j'avais aussi le combo 50 w JCM 800 qui Ă©tait aussi bien si c'est pas mieux , j'ai aussi pas mal pratiquĂ© le jcm 900 ,et aujourd'hui je goĂ»te avec toujours mon vieux baffles Marshall jcm 800 bass 1984 le jvm 205H et je trouve finalement que le canal clair du jvm est comme un clone du JCM 800 on
a les mĂȘmes sons avec des possibilitĂ©s en plus,reverb etc, je pensais que je jouerai toujours sur mon 800 et je pense que le jvm pour moi pour l'instant remporte cette comparaison. J'aurais jamais cru dire ça. Mais je suis trĂšs Ă  l'aise avec le canal clair car les diffĂ©rents rĂ©glages peuvent donner des son trĂšs diffĂ©rents mais complĂ©mentaires et sans se trimballer un pedal train juste ce dont on a besoin. Ok il y a le foot Switch mais ce qui me fait flasher c'est que grĂące Ă  lui tu peux jouer sur le canal saturĂ© si tu en as besoin tu retrouves le jcm 800 et 900 et quand tu passes sur le canal clair ou crunch tu as le son il y a une saturation naturelle comme sur un bon 800 bien chaud et tu peux dĂ©cliner les sons jusqu'au son trĂšs clair rock a Billy et un super son pour les fĂȘlĂ©s du blues. VoilĂ  mon avis est ce que je vois pas la poutre que j'ai dans l'oeil ou je suis dans le vrai. Donnez nous vos ressentis par rapport Ă  vos expĂ©riences Marshall. Bien Ă  tous les Marshmen et vive l'Ă©lectricitĂ© !đŸ€©đŸș Rolo


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2023
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English Translation from (SOOO much better than Google Translate lol)

Hello to all lovers of the son. I want to know how you feel about the different Marshall heads. I think there are Marshall users who are older than me and have played more heads in concert, studio, or rehearsal conditions! So here's my experience: I played most of my small career on a JCM 800 on top and JCM 800 bass-1984 on the bottom. I also had the 50W JCM 800 combo which was just as good if not better. I've also practiced a lot with the JCM 900, and today I'm enjoying the JVM 205H with my old Marshall JCM 800 bass 1984 cabinet, and I find that the clean channel of the JVM is like a clone of the JCM 800. We have the same sounds with additional possibilities, reverb, etc. I thought I would always play on my 800, but I think the JVM, for now, wins this comparison for me. I never thought I'd say that. But I'm very comfortable with the clean channel because the different settings can give very different but complementary sounds without having to carry around a pedalboard - just what you need. Okay, there's the foot switch, but what makes me excited is that thanks to it, you can play on the saturated channel if you need it, you find the JCM 800 and 900 again, and when you switch to the clean or crunch channel, you have the sound - there's a natural saturation like on a good, warm 800, and you can vary the sounds down to a very clean rockabilly sound and a great sound for blues fanatics. That's my opinion. Am I not seeing the beam in my eye, or am I right? Give us your feelings based on your Marshall experiences. Best wishes to all Marshall users and long live electricity!


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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I have owned essentially all the amps you mentioned:

2203 (JMP)
1992 (800)
4100 (900)

I have not owned a JVM, but I owned the MF350 (valvestate predecessor of the JVM) and tried a DSL and I have owned some other Marshalls as well.

I have heard that some channel on the JVM was modeled after a JMP 2203. I often hear with the DSL and JVM that you can get a close sound to the 2203. I understand the versatility these 2 channel, 3 channel and 4 channel amps offer to a practical musician who wants to take ONE amp to a gig, but that versatility comes with drawbacks.

The ModeFour was supposed to have an 800 (type) channel and the DSL was supposed to dial the sound. They can do something close (surely the JVM can as well) but it is not the same experience.

Usually I don’t want to play my 2203 straight in with the gain on 9 and the master on 5, nor do I want to play with the gain on 4 and the master on 7, but if I did, would the JVM perfectly replicate the 2203 sound at ALL its settings, or is it mainly voiced for one popular sort of 2203 setting?

What I usually want when I play my 2203 is the gain set to 6-7 while using a Hot Mods V2, and I slam the front end with certain ODs. That interaction is what the 2203 really is for me, not some stock “low gain rock tone.” This is what I think the problem is for many pedals and amps with a 2203 voicing- they can do the general sound, but perhaps not duplicate the way it sounds at the range of its settings or how it interacts with other pedals and gear.

I understand the JVM to be a fine amp but I wouldn’t bother with half the crap it has onboard. If I want the plexi sound, I plug into my 1959. If I want the so-called “800 sound” I plug into my JMP 2203. And if I wanted to play the JVM, it would be on the red channel (or orange with some OD) 90% of the time. I’d rather that they just made a cheap 1 or 2 channel amp that had one channel with the modern JVM high gain options and maybe a clean-to-medium-gain channel. Better still, I’d rather two channels that just did the modern high gain so I can set them differently because I would rarely ever use that second “clean/medium gain” channel.
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