• Thread starter Adrian R
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Adrian R

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2009
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Far North Chicago Burbs'
A great night at that 2100 MK3 was smokin' tonight! God that freakin' thing sounds hot rodded 800 sound..very organic and warm/thick..with great character...

This has got to be one of their best totally rivals the 100w JMP I had, but only with more gain..and better functionality. I even like it far better then the SL-Xs that I have owned!

Can't believe I hung with the 4500s for so long!! I mean I dig em', but the MK3s totally decimate them!

LPMarshall hack

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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San Diego, CA
A great night at that 2100 MK3 was smokin' tonight! God that freakin' thing sounds hot rodded 800 sound..very organic and warm/thick..with great character...

This has got to be one of their best totally rivals the 100w JMP I had, but only with more gain..and better functionality. I even like it far better then the SL-Xs that I have owned!

Can't believe I hung with the 4500s for so long!! I mean I dig em', but the MK3s totally decimate them!

I hear ya. I had my 2500 on 7 today and the thing was singin!

Adrian R

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2009
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Far North Chicago Burbs'
Fuck the MkIII. I wanna hear how that Line 6 did! :D :D

Hey Jon..

The freakin' guy didn't even show up! More excuses...always know..totally unprofessional..I've seen this pattern so many times...and in the end its always the same..

Kinda like know the type that can't handle their booze...trying to disguise their addiction..but it always ends the same..DUI, job..bummin' money and cigarettes...

Its too bad cause the guy is pretty cool otherwise..just a poor taste in amps..

I really hope he quits and then we go with just one guitarist, or me having a big say in the next guitarist! the meantime I'm looking again for something that might be better...

But logistically and pragmatically this band makes sense..its just the other stuff..and its always something isn't it?


Active Member
Nov 18, 2008
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Hey Adrian,

How and where did you pick up (2) of those MKIII's? Are they similar tonally to the 4100's? I'm thinking of trying one of these out, but finding one may be a problem. Send me one of yours for a weeK!?


Jonathan Wilder

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2009
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Greenville, SC
Hey Jon..

The freakin' guy didn't even show up! More excuses...always know..totally unprofessional..I've seen this pattern so many times...and in the end its always the same..

Kinda like know the type that can't handle their booze...trying to disguise their addiction..but it always ends the same..DUI, job..bummin' money and cigarettes...

Its too bad cause the guy is pretty cool otherwise..just a poor taste in amps..

I really hope he quits and then we go with just one guitarist, or me having a big say in the next guitarist! the meantime I'm looking again for something that might be better...

But logistically and pragmatically this band makes sense..its just the other stuff..and its always something isn't it?

Oh yeah I know that one all too well. And it sucks cause I know a drummer who is a smokin' 80s metal drummer. Was always fun playing the obscure Judas Priest shit with him. One of the few drummers I knew that could play shit with just the right dynamic, kick drum in all the right places, etc etc. Then he got back into the "smack" and it's been nothing but downhill for him from there. And there ain't no stoppin' people on that slippery slope unless they WANT to change. Some have to hit rock bottom before they do while others hit rock bottom and STILL don't.

People who die of overdoses n' shit...their loved ones are the ones who suffer...going through life thinking that they didn't do enough to stop it. When in reality you can only lead a horse to water. Very sad situation indeed.

I'm all for the single guitarist move. All the years I gigged I saw to it that I was the only guitarist in the band. It's kinda cool cause it makes you a better player in a way since you now have to play your shit in a way that compensates for not having a 2nd guitarist. Not as easy to do as one might think. But when you can't find a professionally minded guitarist who has the right tone and dynamics for the style you're playing that mixes just right with yours, what's a guy to do?

Now back on's been years since I played the JCM900 series. Like since my teen years. I played both the SL-X and the 4100DR. I wanna say the SL-X had the EL34s while the 4100 had the 5881s IIRC. The SL-X seemed to be a bit "farty" in the lows while the 4100DR had THE tone, but could've used more gain. This is all going from memory and at the time I had only been playing for about 2 years so I knew hardly anything about valve amps and tone at that point in my life. With all the good reviews I've read around here regarding the SL-X I'd actually like to get my hands on one and re-assess my tonal opinion regarding that model.


Active Member
Nov 18, 2008
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Now back on's been years since I played the JCM900 series. Like since my teen years. I played both the SL-X and the 4100DR. I wanna say the SL-X had the EL34s while the 4100 had the 5881s IIRC. The SL-X seemed to be a bit "farty" in the lows while the 4100DR had THE tone, but could've used more gain. This is all going from memory and at the time I had only been playing for about 2 years so I knew hardly anything about valve amps and tone at that point in my life. With all the good reviews I've read around here regarding the SL-X I'd actually like to get my hands on one and re-assess my tonal opinion regarding that model.

I've got both the slx and the 4100dr. I find the slx a lot warmer, but the 4100 is a lot tighter and crisper. I cannot make the 4100 have a loose low end, but the slx does seem to get flabby at times. With that being said though the 4100 is a bit thinner in the low end than the slx, but takes a eq really really well that takes care of that fact. If I had to keep just one, it would be the 4100. I'll catch hell for saying that, but I mean it. By the way my 4100 runs EL34's and the slx has 5881's. Maybe I like the EL34's better?

Adrian R

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2009
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Far North Chicago Burbs'
I've got both the slx and the 4100dr. I find the slx a lot warmer, but the 4100 is a lot tighter and crisper. I cannot make the 4100 have a loose low end, but the slx does seem to get flabby at times. With that being said though the 4100 is a bit thinner in the low end than the slx, but takes a eq really really well that takes care of that fact. If I had to keep just one, it would be the 4100. I'll catch hell for saying that, but I mean it. By the way my 4100 runs EL34's and the slx has 5881's. Maybe I like the EL34's better?

I had 2 SL-Xs. One was as you said, flabby, and the other was quite its really the luck of the draw I suppose. The flabby one I tried replacing tubes, bias, etc..and I could never get that 'Metallica' like tight bottom end. The other one sounded quite good. I still though preferred the sound more of my 4500s and 2100 MK3s..The SL_Xs to me, although sounding good, just aren't quite there.


Active Member
Nov 18, 2008
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I had 2 SL-Xs. One was as you said, flabby, and the other was quite its really the luck of the draw I suppose. The flabby one I tried replacing tubes, bias, etc..and I could never get that 'Metallica' like tight bottom end. The other one sounded quite good. I still though preferred the sound more of my 4500s and 2100 MK3s..The SL_Xs to me, although sounding good, just aren't quite there.

I agree with that sentiment. I think all of the hype with the slx's is that they are all tube path with no diodes. I don't know why diodes get such a bad rap, as they really sound great especially for the type of music that most people are trying to play with these amps. I can understand if you want to replicate AC/DC crunch, so you think diodes suck, but for the music that the slx's and other 900's are geared toward, the diodes are almost a must, IMHO of course. This is almost proven though, by the fact that everyone is using diode stomp boxes to get "the tone".

Claret Badger

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Nov 19, 2009
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AMEN brother

My 4502 combo with 5881's sounds great -esp through a 4x12 at practice.

Can't understand this no love for the 900 thing - they're just using received opinion rather than judging for themselves.


Jonathan Wilder

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2009
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Greenville, SC
I agree with that sentiment. I think all of the hype with the slx's is that they are all tube path with no diodes. I don't know why diodes get such a bad rap, as they really sound great especially for the type of music that most people are trying to play with these amps. I can understand if you want to replicate AC/DC crunch, so you think diodes suck, but for the music that the slx's and other 900's are geared toward, the diodes are almost a must, IMHO of course. This is almost proven though, by the fact that everyone is using diode stomp boxes to get "the tone".

No theyre NOT "almost a must". I honestly see them as a "band-aid" to correct for a design that they didn't wanna spend a lot of time on and use less components to pull it off.

Here's a couple of clips of a DSL I just modded and a 100 watt 80s Classic build I just did with all valve gain and no diodes. You tell me what's "AC/DC" about it.


80s Classic


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2008
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The diodes add a bit of hair to the overall tone. That can be viewed as a bad thing or a good thing.

One amp that definitely nailed it with diodes is the Silver Jubilee series. There's definitely something going on with those amps, but a lot of that has to do with the way the diodes are setup, the type of diodes and the whole EQ stack.

That DSL clip sounds real good BTW, Wilder. I've been wanting to post clips (as opposed to specially eq'd A/B clips) of my DSL with my own transformers. Just need to find the time. That green channel is wicked.

Adrian R

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2009
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Far North Chicago Burbs'
Hey Adrian,

How and where did you pick up (2) of those MKIII's? Are they similar tonally to the 4100's? I'm thinking of trying one of these out, but finding one may be a problem. Send me one of yours for a weeK!?

Hey Ironlung..there is one on ebay right now. I just bought another one! This time though it was a 50w version (2500)..I'm curious to see how it sounds with respect to the 2100..

Who knows..if you want one maybe I will sell you one eh? Incidently, I never owned a 4100 so I cannot compare the two amps, but I have owned a few 4500s that I loved..and I think the MK3 sounds better! Much more like an 800..thicker..and with good character. Doesn't have quite as much gain as the 4500s B channel, but is far thicker....

It is also a single channel amp with no quality is a bit better too...(cabinet enclosure, tube sockets, wiring, handle..slighty thicker chassis material..darker gold control panel..much like the 800 series...


Active Member
Nov 18, 2008
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i'll be watching ebay and craiglist. I may get one if the price is right. I'd like to try one anyway, and if I like it, I would sell off my slx most likely. If you are serious about possibly selling one, I'll keep that in mind. I really don't need to buy another amp until I sell a couple, but I'm open to finding a good one to try. Are they all EL34 equipped? I'm thinking this is the case from what I've read.

Adrian R

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2009
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Far North Chicago Burbs'
i'll be watching ebay and craiglist. I may get one if the price is right. I'd like to try one anyway, and if I like it, I would sell off my slx most likely. If you are serious about possibly selling one, I'll keep that in mind. I really don't need to buy another amp until I sell a couple, but I'm open to finding a good one to try. Are they all EL34 equipped? I'm thinking this is the case from what I've read.

Yes, they are. However, I replaced the tubes with 6L6s as I like that tone better....Right now there are selling for around $6-$650 shipped on ebay..which ain't bad for a what I think is the closest 900 to a more modern 800...The one on ebay right now (100w) 2100 that is located in Charleston Illinois seems to be very clean...I talked to the guy as well...; a farmer in downstate Illinois..seemed to like a decent, honest guy...says the thing cranks...and I believe him. Check out his sound clip on the add.


New Member
Dec 2, 2009
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Hey Adrian, how are you able to switch from a clean neck to a gritty bridge type sound with the MKIII. I only have the 2 channel 4100 so I'm not familiar with the MKIII. Can you use the two amp volumes to do this?

Right now I am able to get this type of switching out of channel A on my 4100 using guitar volumes, then my B channel is all out high gain.

Adrian R

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
Far North Chicago Burbs'
Hey Adrian, how are you able to switch from a clean neck to a gritty bridge type sound with the MKIII. I only have the 2 channel 4100 so I'm not familiar with the MKIII. Can you use the two amp volumes to do this?

Right now I am able to get this type of switching out of channel A on my 4100 using guitar volumes, then my B channel is all out high gain.


I just take the old school approach to this by employing a good O.D. pedal, and between the setting on the pedal and the overall drive on the amp's preamp, find the ideal distortion tone. I then simply toggle off the OD pedal and turn back my volume on my guitar for a beautiful 'dirty' clean Marshall tone. I then use the 'B' master volume for a very effective lead boost. Works killer!

I essentially did the same thing with my 4500 (50w DR head) and only used the B 'high gain' channel for only a lead boost. This worked well, but as you know the B channel doesn't have quite the cut and bravado as the A channel.