Mod me to Heaven Juub 2555

  • Thread starter Spyderg0d
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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2011
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The middle east of the united states of America
I have researched this and found the following.

It was not designed to make any change in that channel but the volume drop is indicitave of a signal drop in Lead channel,when clip is engaged, which, I guess, changes the tonality of the gain a bit .
Again, because of the volime drop, I have never distinguished a tonal or gain change.
You reiterated what I posted with different words. :)


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2015
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If I may chime in, the rhythm clip was not intended to do anything on the lead channel. However, the way it is designed, with parts of the rhythm channel circuit being effective in lead channel, it does affect it a little bit. To my ears it hollows out the lead sound a little. I mostly agree, with what Jubilant wrote above.

However, being able to footswitch to rhythm mode would be very cool. This would require a separate volume for the rhythm clip mode, or at least a volume pad which is (automatically) switched in for clean and lead modes. A good tech should be able to mod the amp, although this would be easier on the vintage models , since their circuit does not rely on PCB construction as much a s the reissues do. But that would be a sacrilege, I guess.


Active Member
Nov 13, 2021
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104 I can hear the difference.
Anywhoo, I did look into the possible mod of extra lead channel and whatnot and found it not practical.
However . I did find a peddle controller that ALSO switches amp channels coinciding with whatever patch is programmed into the controller for effects loop routing. So.. that will do what I want. Be able to make several channels on the amp essentially and only have a couple buttons to push. Granted it costs a grand. But convenience on a juub won't ever happen sadly. 😕


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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You should be able to find a used MusicomLab switcher for much less than $1k. I paid $400 for my MkIV and that included shipping. 🤘


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2009
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Thread is a couple of years old, but what the hell. This is one reason I never bonded with the Jubilee. It just didn't seem like a good design, at least for what I would want. The amp did not have enough tube gain (tube driven distortion) for my type of playing. The "Rhythm Clip), IMO, was a bit useless, as it wasn't foot-switchable and the clipping sounded no better than a decent distortion pedal. and also had a resulting decrease in volume (counter intuitive, IMO). So, it was simpler (for me) to just use a distortion pedal, which was foot-switchable, rather than the amps "Rhythm Clip" mode. Long story short, I used the amp like a medium gain one channel amp with a pedal up-front.


Active Member
Nov 13, 2021
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You should be able to find a used MusicomLab switcher for much less than $1k. I paid $400 for my MkIV and that included shipping. 🤘
So. What I found is sorta specific to what I want. It's a Laa smartswitcher.
The physical router box can sit wherever (for me thats by the amp, on the floor or in a box) with all the peddles and amp channel switch control connected, while the stomp controller is a seperate box that can either run corded or Bluetooth to the router box out on stage. So no giant peddle board on stage and the amp can switch along with peddle loop routings for whatever sounds I want. The only think I don't like is that it HAS to be programmed via a phone or tablet. Although it does do wet or dry controlling of any peddle, and it's full analog switching so it sorta makes sense to me.

Il just have a tiny pad with my wireless receiver, crybaby and phaser and the switch board. Then whatever other 10 peddles back by the amp hidden. Plenty of room to jump around without tripping over a giant board and I won't be constrained to some tap dance BS to get sounds I want. AND... it turns my Juub into a multi channel amp. Lol


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2009
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So. What I found is sorta specific to what I want. It's a Laa smartswitcher.
The physical router box can sit wherever (for me thats by the amp, on the floor or in a box) with all the peddles and amp channel switch control connected, while the stomp controller is a seperate box that can either run corded or Bluetooth to the router box out on stage. So no giant peddle board on stage and the amp can switch along with peddle loop routings for whatever sounds I want. The only think I don't like is that it HAS to be programmed via a phone or tablet. Although it does do wet or dry controlling of any peddle, and it's full analog switching so it sorta makes sense to me.

Il just have a tiny pad with my wireless receiver, crybaby and phaser and the switch board. Then whatever other 10 peddles back by the amp hidden. Plenty of room to jump around without tripping over a giant board and I won't be constrained to some tap dance BS to get sounds I want. AND... it turns my Juub into a multi channel amp. Lol
That's cool, but unless I'm missing something, it basically just controls routing of the signal, still no way to foot-switch the "Rhythm Clip" mode of the amp,
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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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So. What I found is sorta specific to what I want. It's a Laa smartswitcher.
The physical router box can sit wherever (for me thats by the amp, on the floor or in a box) with all the peddles and amp channel switch control connected, while the stomp controller is a seperate box that can either run corded or Bluetooth to the router box out on stage. So no giant peddle board on stage and the amp can switch along with peddle loop routings for whatever sounds I want. The only think I don't like is that it HAS to be programmed via a phone or tablet. Although it does do wet or dry controlling of any peddle, and it's full analog switching so it sorta makes sense to me.

Il just have a tiny pad with my wireless receiver, crybaby and phaser and the switch board. Then whatever other 10 peddles back by the amp hidden. Plenty of room to jump around without tripping over a giant board and I won't be constrained to some tap dance BS to get sounds I want. AND... it turns my Juub into a multi channel amp. Lol
That's some pretty cool next-gen gear!!


Active Member
Nov 13, 2021
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That's cool, but unless I'm missing something, it basically just controls routing of the signal, still no way to foot-switch the "Rhythm Clip" mode of the amp,
True. Not the rhythm clip. But it does give me a clean, rhythm (which is the lead channel) and a lead (lead channel with an activated boost and any effect pedal) at just a single button flick and at the right volumes I want. Which is all I really wanted.