
Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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Notice the little JHS volume box on top, that in the loop has made this all possible, I can get the tones I want at home volumes and they sound good, I'm using the 20 watt mode, no need for the 5 watt mode since I have the JHS, both modes sound good though. So a couple observations and a couple things I tried, jumping the channels is the way to go, plugging into each channel individually was either too fat or too thin, so I tried 2 ways of jumpering and got good tones all around, bottom inputs provide lower volume and gain and top inputs more. I find the sweet spot for me is both channels on 7, I get edge of breakup and dig in for crunch. The normal channel adds the amount of bass to your tone, the higher you turn it up the bassier your tone, the high channel adds gain, the higher you turn up the gainier it gets, 7 on both channels is perfect for me, I can play Zep and ACDC all day long. I settled on jumpering the high channel bottom input to the normal channel top input, the reason being I plug into the top input of the high channel with my Gibsons and plug into the bottom input of the normal channel with my Strat, this is what sounded best for these guitars. The loop works well, it doesnt cut volume when turned on its very transparent and no loud pops when turning on/off unbuffered pedals, I have the JHS volume box and an LPB1 boost pedal for lead volume boost in it, works well. Currently I've been playing it through my G12T75 2x12 cab, sounds good so I havent tried anything else, I will break out a pair of greenbacks at some point to try. The stock Marshall tubes sound good too I might just leave them alone, no hurry to try other tubes. For higher gain I have a pedal board with various ODs for varying levels of gain, they all sound good, currently on the board - GE7 for low gain, RAT for medium gain, ZW OD for high gain. I have about 2.5 hours on the amp at this point and have been happy so far with what I'm getting out of it, it could be a keeper! One thing though, its got me wondering how a 1959 Super Lead compares, at the new SV20H price I could easily afford a used 1959. What the SV20H has going for it though is it sounds good, is smaller and light weight, and has a good loop, those are all major pluses. Yup I've got 45 days to think about it, I might even order up a 1959 to compare side by side! So that's my initial review. :yesway:

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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2009
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Notice the little JHS volume box on top, that in the loop has made this all possible, I can get the tones I want at home volumes and they sound good, I'm using the 20 watt mode, no need for the 5 watt mode since I have the JHS, both modes sound good though. So a couple observations and a couple things I tried, jumping the channels is the way to go, plugging into each channel individually was either too fat or too thin, so I tried 2 ways of jumpering and got good tones all around, bottom inputs provide lower volume and gain and top inputs more. I find the sweet spot for me is both channels on 7, I get edge of breakup and dig in for crunch. The normal channel adds the amount of bass to your tone, the higher you turn it up the bassier your tone, the high channel adds gain, the higher you turn up the gainier it gets, 7 on both channels is perfect for me, I can play Zep and ACDC all day long. I settled on jumpering the high channel bottom input to the normal channel top input, the reason being I plug into the top input of the high channel with my Gibsons and plug into the bottom input of the normal channel with my Strat, this is what sounded best for these guitars. The loop works well, it doesnt cut volume when turned on its very transparent, I have the JHS volume box and an LPB1 boost pedal for lead volume boost in it, works well. Currently I've been playing it through my G12T75 2x12 cab, sounds good so I havent tried anything else, I will break out a pair of greenbacks at some point to try. The stock Marshall tubes sound good too I might just leave them alone, no hurry to try other tubes. For higher gain I have a pedal board with various ODs for varying levels of gain, they all sound good, currently on the board - GE7 for low gain, RAT for medium gain, ZW OD for high gain. I have about 2.5 hours on the amp at this point and have been happy so far with what I'm getting out of it, it could be a keeper! One thing though, its got me wondering how a 1959 Super Lead compares, at the new SV20H price I could easily afford a used 1959. What the SV20H has going for it is it sounds good, is light weight, and has a good loop, those are all major pluses. Yup I've got 45 days to think about it, I might even order up a 1959 to compare side by side! So that's my initial review. :yesway:

I had thought about picking one of these up to try, and to compare to my bigger 4 holers. But now, after reading all the posts about still needing volume boxes or attenuators, I've kind of backed off on the idea. I can play my bigger amps just fine, with a little attenuation, so other than the smaller size (which doesn't matter to me), I'm not seeing much of an advantage. Anyone here have both the SV20 and either a 1987x, JTM45, or 1959? Would be cool to hear their take.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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I had thought about picking one of these up to try, and to compare to my bigger 4 holers. But now, after reading all the posts about still needing volume boxes or attenuators, I've kind of backed off on the idea. I can play my bigger amps just fine, with a little attenuation, so other than the smaller size (which doesn't matter to me), I'm not seeing much of an advantage.
Yeah it doesnt seem to make sense for you, I'm still trying to figure out if it makes sense for me, so far so good. :yesway:

Somebody here did have an SV20 and a 1987x, they got rid of the 1987x!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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I think what I like about the SV20 over the SC20 is its a little different flavor of tone than my 2204, gives me variety. The SC20 was pretty spot on to my 2204, theres just a tiny bit more mids showing through in the SV20 and the quality of gain seems a bit smoother. I gotta do an actual comparison between the SV20 and 2204. :yesway:
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Michael Roe

Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2017
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Springfield, Ohio
I find the SV to be more versatile than the 800. Maybe not live but for recording there are just so many good tones you can pull out of it. For lead playing, there is no question, the SV rules them all. If I was a better lead player then I would make much more use out of it :)
Try a Tung-Sol Gold in V1 for some extra cream.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2007
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Columbus, Ohio
I was curious if a volume type control in the loop would work, good to know. I've played the SC20 and liked it so I would really like to try the SV20. Let us know how what you think of Greenbacks. Congrats on the amp.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2010
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Northeast, USA
What a handsome amp! Those two amps can do it all.

I got that same pedal years ago, then modified it with a treadle. Looks like this. :)
