Need Help - Amp Advice

  • Thread starter Woody81
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Apr 19, 2012
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Respecting the opinions of everyone on here, I need some advice.

Let me explain my current set up.

JTM-1 Head
JMP-1 Head

All going into a 1936 2x12 cab

To make things more complicated, I have a bluesbreaker combo on order.

So.... I'm considering the following: getting rid of the JTM-1 Head (as the bluesbreaker combo will give me the same sound) and trading it for either the JCM-1 Head OR the DSL-1 Head.. I'm definitely going to keep the JMP-1 Head - It's absolutely awesome...

I'm torn about the AFD100. I've had the same 'attenuator' issues as others on the forum, but in fairness it was sorted very quickly by Marshall - 1st class customer service!! as they've become renowned...

If I do get rid of the AFD100, I've got an idea in my mind about one of the 2-channel PRS Heads/Cabs...

I'm sure people will say that it depends on the sound you want. My answer is I want as much variety as I can get..

Guitars, I play a PRS Custom 24 (2011) and a Gibson Les Paul Standard (2000)...



New Member
Apr 19, 2012
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I hear you brother, but I don't want variety in one box through modulation or in one amp..

I'm want to build a beautiful collection of amps which cover a spectrum of sounds..

I hope this makes sense

Cheers though..


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2011
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Lake Charles, LA
Then be prepared to spend a shit-ton of money in the process. I'd tell ya what amps I'd like to get.

Soldano SLO-100
Mesa Dual-Rectifier
Orange Rockerverb 100 MKII
ENGL Powerball 100

There's you a collection of amps right there.

...Oh wait, I have ALL of those amps on AmpliTube. Nevermind. I already spent the $60 it cost to get all of those amps AND cabinets and they all sound bad-ass. :lol:


New Member
Feb 19, 2012
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I used to have a similar setup years ago. I wanted a spectrum of tones available. But I did it when you could get vintage amps at a reasonable price. Most of my stuff was pretty beat up, but did the job.
Start with a good Marshall, that's tough on it's own. Too many decisions! You got to have something that gives you the Vox sound. I have a Matchless DC-30 clone that does that and a whole lot more. Then a good Fender. I had a Super Reverb, but that was a little overkill. Sounded amazing, but it was the loudest amp I ever had. Maybe a Deluxe Reverb, always wanted one of those.
I'm with FFXI, I really want a SLO 100, that has always been the benchmark for high gain, period. I'm forgetting Something. But a good way to do it would be based on power tubes, and what were the best using them.
El34's- Marshall
6L6's- fender and soldano
6v6's- Fender
El-84's- Vox
But you could put many names that have improved the circuit. Too many options, too little coin!


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Aug 11, 2011
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Austin, Texas
Getting rid of my AFD100 was one of the best gear decisions i have ever made.
I think you'll really dig the Bluesbreaker---it's one sweet amp.

good luck


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Arlington Heights, IL
I hear you brother, but I don't want variety in one box through modulation or in one amp..

I second the JVM as a choice; the fact it does lots of things well shouldn't be viewed as a minus by you. You can still use your Bluesbreaker after all. I would keep the AFD if possible but I'd rather have a JVM personally.

Might I also suggest you get more cabinets? You NEED at least one 4x12 IMHO.

I understand your desire for a variety of amps; I'd have a DSL/JVM, a late 800, an early one channel 800/JMP, A nice combo like your Bluesbreaker and maybe one of the "botiuque" amps like the 6100 or YJM. Again, that's just me.



Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Arlington Heights, IL
Then be prepared to spend a shit-ton of money in the process. I'd tell ya what amps I'd like to get.

Soldano SLO-100
Mesa Dual-Rectifier
Orange Rockerverb 100 MKII
ENGL Powerball 100

There's you a collection of amps right there.

...Oh wait, I have ALL of those amps on AmpliTube. Nevermind. I already spent the $60 it cost to get all of those amps AND cabinets and they all sound bad-ass. :lol:

1: This is a Marshall forum, so posts telling someone to buy 4 non-Marshalls is a little off topic.

2: Your modeling amp may sound good in your bedroom, but in the real world all your listed amps will kick its ass. I played a friend's Line 6 a few times and it was a really fun toy, but with the band I'd take any channel on my DSL over the best it had to offer. Modeling amps lack a "live dynamic" IMO.



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Apr 19, 2012
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FFXIhealer - Dude, you're exactly why people don't post on forums.. Well done..!!

Everyone else - thanks for the advice..

I love the JMP-1, so will definitely be keeping that..
I'm going to trade in the JTM-1 for a DSL-1 I think..
I'm 90% sure the AFD100 is going in place of the bluesbreaker combo..

Any other thoughts are appreciate..



Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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My advice is to take what you can get from this/these thread(s), and slooooow down. Coming from personal experience, too much too soon distracts you from getting involved with the gear and giving it a proper chance. I got caught up in a slew of amp purchases and got my Mode Four in between my 1959RR and 2203KK. It never stood a chance and though I have had it almost year now, don't have 10 hours on the amp.

I agree the JMP is a keeper, and the Bluesbreaker should be very cool amp that will give you more than the JTM1. If you want to sell the AFD, go for it, but I would wait for the JVM-1 to come out. This gives you time to see if they are worth it. If so, you have 3 out of 3 anniversary heads. If not, you can get the DSL-1 or go with a larger version at your leisure. Meanwhile, that gives you months to get into your BB and JMP-1.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2007
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Columbus, Ohio
I love the JMP-1, so will definitely be keeping that..
I'm going to trade in the JTM-1 for a DSL-1 I think..
I'm 90% sure the AFD100 is going in place of the bluesbreaker combo..

Any other thoughts are appreciate..


IME in owning multiple amps, I always have prefered variety. If you lack that variety, amps will have a tendancy to sit. I don't have the time or money for that and it's happened. SInce I don't gig, I don't need back ups.

From your list above looks like you've selected a diverse offering from Marshall. It's nice to sit down and jam selecting an amp that's more geared for a particular era or genre and recreating those tones.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2011
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Lake Charles, LA
1: This is a Marshall forum, so posts telling someone to buy 4 non-Marshalls is a little off topic.

2: Your modeling amp may sound good in your bedroom, but in the real world all your listed amps will kick its ass. I played a friend's Line 6 a few times and it was a really fun toy, but with the band I'd take any channel on my DSL over the best it had to offer. Modeling amps lack a "live dynamic" IMO.


I don't know where all this hate is comming from. I didn't tell anyone to buy anything. Go re-read the post. I said I'D BUY THEM (if I had that kind of money laying around).

And it's not a modelling amp. AmpliTube is a piece of software running on my PC, and it DOES react just like a tube amp does. I've played on it enough to hear it. My Fender modelling amps don't act like that. They sound good, but not that good.

I just love how people will read half your post, assume they know what you're saying, and reply. I guess that's why people don't like posting on this forum, eh?

FFXIhealer - Dude, you're exactly why people don't post on forums.. Well done..!!

And you speak from what experience? Can you back that statement up...with proof? Please, enlighten me. You said you wanted to build up a nice collection of amps. All I said was that you'll be spending some serious cash in the process. That's ALL I said, and it's a FACT. And besides, only one person who's replied so far as even attempted to answer your question (good job, V-man!), yet you want to try to jump on ME. Are you butt-hurt? Did I offend you in a previous life (other than this post, which is a pissed me off first).


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Arlington Heights, IL
I don't know where all this hate is comming from.

Perhaps it's from your litany of really dumb posts.

And it's not a modelling amp. AmpliTube is a piece of software running on my PC, and it DOES react just like a tube amp does.

No, it doesn't. And a computer program to imitate a real amp sound is a "Modeling amp". Or at least a "modeling preamp" for all intents and purposes.

And you speak from what experience? Can you back that statement up...with proof? Please, enlighten me.

Sure, I'll chip in on that. 99.9% of professional guitarists use tube amps. SS is SO much easier from a logistical standpoint, but we use tubes. Why? In the early 80's SS was all the rage, and people said tube amps were dying. People loved the ease of SS...but you know what? They just didn't sound that good.

But I bet you sound great through your little computer emulator, so keep rockin' the bedroom with it.



New Member
Apr 19, 2012
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I don't know where all this hate is comming from. I didn't tell anyone to buy anything. Go re-read the post. I said I'D BUY THEM (if I had that kind of money laying around).

And it's not a modelling amp. AmpliTube is a piece of software running on my PC, and it DOES react just like a tube amp does. I've played on it enough to hear it. My Fender modelling amps don't act like that. They sound good, but not that good.

I just love how people will read half your post, assume they know what you're saying, and reply. I guess that's why people don't like posting on this forum, eh?

And you speak from what experience? Can you back that statement up...with proof? Please, enlighten me. You said you wanted to build up a nice collection of amps. All I said was that you'll be spending some serious cash in the process. That's ALL I said, and it's a FACT. And besides, only one person who's replied so far as even attempted to answer your question (good job, V-man!), yet you want to try to jump on ME. Are you butt-hurt? Did I offend you in a previous life (other than this post, which is a pissed me off first).

Brother - you clearly need to go get laid..!! Chill the f down.. Re-read your posts.. No one I've seen comment on this whole forum has a bad attitude, so in speaking for everyone - it's not welcome..

Secondly, Amplitube is modelling software.. I have it on the iPhone for when I travel, and can say with certainty that it's no where near a tube amp - not even close.. It serves a purpose, as I said I have it plus iRig, but it's no comparable..

Anyhow - people post on these places for advice/guidance - chill down, spend some time with yourself and get rid of the anger.. No need for it..!!


New Member
Mar 1, 2012
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Erm.... Don't wanna get involved with all the other business but AmpliTube is the same as a real tube amp? Hahahahahahahahahahgahgahahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!