Pay Is The Same

  • Thread starter Tim Fezziwig
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Tim Fezziwig

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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I'm sitting here after an EVIL night of ROCK+ROLL watching a rerun off R+R HOF show 2016. What a joke. I watched Lars stroke a "tired" Deep Purple . No Ritchie=NO Purple. Steve Morse is terrible in Purple. Steve Miller does a "pitch-perfect" Joker..............yyyyyyyaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnn.

No sleep Friday night. I never rest the night before a gig. I need to be high when I play. I don't mess with drugs+booze,that is "standard." I used to try to open the gates with "toys." I realized it was all just fluff. If I can buy it...... it is JUNK. The throat chakra gets blocked by smoke. Alcohol is silly. I already have zero inhibitions. I fed my cat. Went outside to clear off some bushes-

THE MAN NEEDS ACCESS -------to------the sewer------

"Mr. FEZZ you must comply................if not= BIG FINE.............."

Yeah Yeah Mr. Local Water Works.........

I ripped up the bushes. I used gloves. Must protect THE GOLD. I finish the lawn work. I go into the house.

"Time to wake up Mrs. FEZZ."

I always let my wife sleep. She needs sleep. I don't.


The day hazes by. Two fires are lit. I read books about BOXING------BATMAN----------BEETS----


Hours until THE GIG. Mrs. FEZZ and I play card MEMORY GAME-----cards placed on the table. Flip cards. Find matches.


Firetrucks. Santa Claus waves. Sabu,the cat, raises his brows-----resumes his nap---SILLY HUMAN CUSTOMS!


Must play R+R! I kiss wife+cat. Enter FEZZ room----unheated------books+monster dolls+AMPS!!!!
I grab my SUNN STINGER35. Load my Teles-always bring two gits-ALWAYS!!!!

Put on a Stones boot. My local store is selling boots for $2.99!!!!


Cold car.

No heat. Must not dry out my throat. Stones sound nice. Pure SLOP. Feedback-Mick croaks. I pull into strip mall. Dan,guitarist friend, appears. He opens my car door;grabs my SUNN.

"Thanks Dan,LOVE YOU."
"Tim, soundguy knows you from 20 years ago."
"Yeah, he is a lucky snail."

I park. Grab my Teles and enter DIVE BAR. I go to the sad stage. I see soundguy.

"Tim, LONG time."
"Hey Snail. I play for the cosmos."

We do levels. Snail asks me what I want.

"Do whatever you want. I have talent. Mic cab or not. Reverb or not."
"Damn Tim, you are easy."
"No, I'm HARD.

We play. I force booze on my drummer+bassist. They need "man-mades" to get into the STARS. We are beyond GOOD+EVIL. Tommy, bassist, is still drunk from his step-Dad's funeral the day before. He misses------- chords------ sequences. Shawn, drummer, drops sticks,belches beer onto his shirt. Two of my HS buddies appear.
"Two paying customers. Hi Frank+Dave. DO DRUGS! DRINK! WE are R+R."

They laugh. I have mixed emotions. 2016??? I'm 50------playing Garage ROCK?????Is this Purgatory??

Stacy, the booker,admonishes us------

"Is this a stand-up act or music?"


Now, I'm angry. I go double-speed. Turn our Surf sound into DEATH METAL....DOUBLE TIME....TRIPLE TIME.........

I cut my hand. Blood all over my Tele. The "crowd"------16 people?18?21? not know what to do. Is this comedy? Are these guys any good? We slam into the closer. I unplug my git. I hear laughter........crying.

I grab Tommy+Shawn's hands.


Tommy burps a beer bubble. Shawn trips over a monitor.



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Tim Fezziwig

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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Dogs of Doom

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Staff Member
Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
the only thing to consider... We used to get club managers tell us:

"you guys are awesome, but... your crowd don't drink, so we don't make any money when you play."

in the same sense, if nobody is coming to the club to see you, they aren't making money to keep the doors open.

This not necessarily your fault though, but the club should be advertising as a happening place to draw in the crowd. Then you just need to live up to the hype created. There's really only so much a band can do to advertise, if they want to make a buck. The promoter should be doing his end & promoting the club. Promoting the band at the club should be a no brainer...

Tim Fezziwig

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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the only thing to consider... We used to get club managers tell us:

"you guys are awesome, but... your crowd don't drink, so we don't make any money when you play."

in the same sense, if nobody is coming to the club to see you, they aren't making money to keep the doors open.

This not necessarily your fault though, but the club should be advertising as a happening place to draw in the crowd. Then you just need to live up to the hype created. There's really only so much a band can do to advertise, if they want to make a buck. The promoter should be doing his end & promoting the club. Promoting the band at the club should be a no brainer...
D, they can rot. I play for myself. We are original ass ROCK. Live bands are a hard draw. The other two bands I played with were competent "bores"=ZERO presence. Live I want to annoy people. I want $85,000 a gig, I get zero,thus I JERK-OUT. I play R+R because I dislike rules.I exorcise EVERY demon onstage. If I got $85,000 then I would REALLY be angry------Paying for my ART? ART is for the ghosts-----------not my wallet.


Motivational Speaker
VIP Member
Oct 19, 2012
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In a van down by the river.
the only thing to consider... We used to get club managers tell us:

"you guys are awesome, but... your crowd don't drink, so we don't make any money when you play."

in the same sense, if nobody is coming to the club to see you, they aren't making money to keep the doors open.

This not necessarily your fault though, but the club should be advertising as a happening place to draw in the crowd. Then you just need to live up to the hype created. There's really only so much a band can do to advertise, if they want to make a buck. The promoter should be doing his end & promoting the club. Promoting the band at the club should be a no brainer...
There's never been any money where I live (in music). The club owners never gave any band an honest line either way. They'd just milk you and when you figured it out they'd move on to the next wanna be's. We got a lot of experience, and they knew that, but in the end patrons don't give a crap about how good or bad you are, they just wanna get drunk and dance. I think that's what killed it for me; people moved away from entertainment and wanted to dance. That being the case, I'd rather drive a fork lift. And for a few years, I did. And I'd still rather do that than play for a bunch of old fatties. Cottage cheese just ain't my thang. :D

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Motivational Speaker
VIP Member
Oct 19, 2012
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In a van down by the river.
but... still, if they don't see you as a way to make them money, they won't invite you to come inside their doors...

you become more of a liability than an asset.

Hmm... Yeah, but then you're probably talking about reputable places. LA is a lot different than NY. At least, from what I gather. When things were happening in LA, NY was a dungeon, and never rose above it unless you were in a Broadway show or something. I think NY was always more about actors than musicians anyway. There are a lot of tiny crap towns here - I mean some real toilets to the point where the owners would burn the place down and try to claim insurance, and if you walk into a bar that could hardly fit 80 people on a Saturday night they expect you to be the next Van Halen if they're going to shell out $300. Heck, we were getting paid $300 for 2 nights back in 1983 playing Skynyrd, ZZ Top and Tom Petty covers. In 2003 we made zero $ because the bar/club scene was completely dead. But the way I see it is a crappy club in a crappy town is always going to be a crappy club in a crappy town, no matter who's on the bill. Even Zeppelin wouldn't get paid because there just isn't the draw. So which is which? Is it the crappy club or crappy bands? I guess I've seen crappy bands at good clubs and good bands at crappy clubs. In both cases nobody wins. But I can't speak for a place like LA - hell, people had block parties back in the day, that seemed common. So there you have great bands at great locations, and independent of club owners (I can only imagine the liability!). The most we saw in NY's hey day was bikers lined up down the back street maybe 25-30 deep on a good night.

...But they'd always be dancin' on the tables and swinging from the chandeliers. There were some good times. ;)
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Tim Fezziwig

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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You guys should go country. Act hillbilly and play rock. Its being done all the time. Your in like Flynn.
m, that is an option. I could fill a whiskey bottle with tea---YEE HAWWWWWW.............get a Nudie suit........

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