Plimsoul rocks

  • Thread starter dexter74
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Dec 31, 2011
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Just got a Fulltone Plimsoul today for my Class 5. I must say, the thing does rock. So much more versatile than the OCD, which I returned. Had an immediate bonding with it. It has a wide variety of available sounds from light overdrive to way more distorted ones. I am sure it's not going to suit everyone's taste, but nothing will of course in the world of pedals. However, worth a tryout if you are looking for a new od pedal.


Dec 31, 2011
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I need to try one of those. You're the second person I've seen recently that's said it's great with the C5.

If and when you do try it out, please let everyone know what you think. Only thing that was weird is the black knob controls with the silver plating behind them reminded me of an old kitchen stove. Perhaps that explains it's additonal "range", (sorry, couldn't resist). But I was able to get into Zep, Beck and EJ territory tone wise, so will live with the cosmetics. The 2nd stage really adds to the possiblities.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
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Denver, CO
it's a great dirt pedal for just wasn't "tuned" for me or I'd still have it...I'm sure I'll try it again someday though


Active Member
Oct 21, 2009
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I have a plimsoul and absolutely LOVE IT! Comparing it to the OCD (which I also have), the OCD was more flat eq while the Plimsoul had more of a mid hump. Not a mid hump like a tube screamer, just more than the OCD. It is very reactive. I used to run it with a Bad Monkey. The two together sounded great. I have sinced changed my set up and run a MXR 6-band eq in front of my OD pedals...just to push them a bit. I am somewhat of a pedal junkie, especially with OD's. I have tried to take this pedal off my board but it just keeps finding its way back :)

Hope this long rant helped someone on the fence of buying one. You won't regret it.

BTW, I don't own a class 5, I play through a 1987 to 1960bhw.


Dec 31, 2011
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I have a plimsoul and absolutely LOVE IT! Comparing it to the OCD (which I also have), the OCD was more flat eq while the Plimsoul had more of a mid hump. Not a mid hump like a tube screamer, just more than the OCD. It is very reactive. I used to run it with a Bad Monkey. The two together sounded great. I have sinced changed my set up and run a MXR 6-band eq in front of my OD pedals...just to push them a bit. I am somewhat of a pedal junkie, especially with OD's. I have tried to take this pedal off my board but it just keeps finding its way back :)

Hope this long rant helped someone on the fence of buying one. You won't regret it.

BTW, I don't own a class 5, I play through a 1987 to 1960bhw.

I got an 18v adapter for the PS and it sounds even better than at 9v. Much clearer and tighter with more headroom, too.


Hold my beer!
VIP Member
May 25, 2010
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Vin's Magical Amazing "Stuff" Box
I have an 18v adapter so that's good to know. Are you saying it's like a better OCD? If it sounds anything like the OCD I probably won't get into it, I don't care much for the OCD.


Dec 31, 2011
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I have an 18v adapter so that's good to know. Are you saying it's like a better OCD? If it sounds anything like the OCD I probably won't get into it, I don't care much for the OCD.

The Plimsoul, at least to me, is much better and different than the OCD. The OCD when I tried it, sounded like a Boss SD1, but much better to my ears with more gain and more transparent, less "processed". This is the only frame of reference I have experience with to compare it with. The OCD LP mode didn't work at all for me with the Class 5. OCD sounded good, but the PS has a lot more to offer tone wise. You can go with stage one only to get a nice overdrive sound, then add in stage 2 and dirty that up. It gets close to producing "fuzz-like" tones with everything maxed,(stage 1 aka 'sustain knob' and stage 2). Bottom line to me, the OCD seemed limited, the PS more versatile. I was looking for 1 pedal that could get me into different areas tone wise. Funny thing is, I liked the youtube clips of the OCD better than the PS. Live and learn.


Hold my beer!
VIP Member
May 25, 2010
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Vin's Magical Amazing "Stuff" Box
Cool thanks. I didn't like the LP mode either. I've tried a lot of pedals with my class 5 and the OCD I liked the least. To me, it sucked the mojo right out of my Class 5 and did not play well with other pedals. Come to think of it, (it's been so long I forgot) I didn't like the FD2 or the GT-500 when I tried them, maybe I just don't like Fulltone pedals. :hmm:

Damn I just (right now) looked it up at GC and I thought this was a $100 pedal, honestly, if I was going to spend that much I'd have to try the OFA modded SD-1 first. Been wanting to try that one for a while, but I had to move it further back on my list. Still I'd like to check out the Primsoul sometime.


Dec 31, 2011
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Cool thanks. I didn't like the LP mode either. I've tried a lot of pedals with my class 5 and the OCD I liked the least. To me, it sucked the mojo right out of my Class 5 and did not play well with other pedals. Come to think of it, (it's been so long I forgot) I didn't like the FD2 or the GT-500 when I tried them, maybe I just don't like Fulltone pedals. :hmm:

Damn I just (right now) looked it up at GC and I thought this was a $100 pedal, honestly, if I was going to spend that much I'd have to try the OFA modded SD-1 first. Been wanting to try that one for a while, but I had to move it further back on my list. Still I'd like to check out the Primsoul sometime.

Yes, indeed, a little pricey at $169 and went over my usual $100 pedal limit. But since it serves several needs of mine, I justified it. I was looking at Wamplers too, and they go for even more$$. Also, when you consider the OCD is $135, it was a small step up price wise, but a big step sound wise.
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Active Member
Oct 21, 2009
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Yes, indeed, a little pricey at $169 and went over my usual $100 pedal limit. But since it serves several needs of mine, I justified it. I was looking at Wamplers too, and they go for even more$$. Also, when you consider the OCD is $135, it was a small step up price wise, but a big step sound wise.

To me:
OCD sounded good, had nice overdirve. Sounded best at low to medium drive, then into a second pedal set low to medium
Plimsoul sounded better, bigger all by itself. Although it plays well with a second OD as well. Has more mids than OCD, which equates to more body...IMO.
I also have 2 Wamplers:
Plexidrive - very much like a plexi, kind of fuzzy but very Marshally. My only complaint is it has very little mids. Lots of low end, even a seperate low switch for more low end.
Pinnacle - Very, Very versitile! low crunch, mid gain full-thick distortion. Scooped mids or very mid heavy. This thing is pretty amazing. I would highly recommend it.

I haven't used my OCD for a year or two. I currently run the Wamplers and themselves for different songs. They all have their place on my board.

For an other OD option, I can also recomment the Boss OD3. I like it very much...just not as much as the other 3. If you are looking for OD instead of Dist, the Boss OD3 is <$100. Give it a try. Also in the OD vein, the Bad Monkey is the best OD that $50 can buy! I used it for many years. Might just break it out again after thinking about it :) That thing might just be the best kept sercret!


Dec 31, 2011
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To me:
OCD sounded good, had nice overdirve. Sounded best at low to medium drive, then into a second pedal set low to medium
Plimsoul sounded better, bigger all by itself. Although it plays well with a second OD as well. Has more mids than OCD, which equates to more body...IMO.
I also have 2 Wamplers:
Plexidrive - very much like a plexi, kind of fuzzy but very Marshally. My only complaint is it has very little mids. Lots of low end, even a seperate low switch for more low end.
Pinnacle - Very, Very versitile! low crunch, mid gain full-thick distortion. Scooped mids or very mid heavy. This thing is pretty amazing. I would highly recommend it.

I haven't used my OCD for a year or two. I currently run the Wamplers and themselves for different songs. They all have their place on my board.

For an other OD option, I can also recomment the Boss OD3. I like it very much...just not as much as the other 3. If you are looking for OD instead of Dist, the Boss OD3 is <$100. Give it a try. Also in the OD vein, the Bad Monkey is the best OD that $50 can buy! I used it for many years. Might just break it out again after thinking about it :) That thing might just be the best kept sercret!
What you recommend going from another OD pedal into the Plimsoul or vice versa for extra gain/sustain?


Active Member
Oct 21, 2009
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What you recommend going from another OD pedal into the Plimsoul or vice versa for extra gain/sustain?

My first recomendation is the Bad Monkey into the Plimsoul. I used to run that and really like it. Now i have been using a MXR 6-band into the Plimsoul. I have the EQ curve set to a mild mid boost....the sliders roughly set from left to right (0 being unity) 0, 1, 1.5, 1.5, 1, 0. This isn't necessarily a "gain" boost, more of a "body" boost. It just seems to sound "bigger". The EQ pedal (or OD pedal) in front of the Plimsoul drove it harder. THe EQ after it just shaped the sound further.

I would definately play with different OD's and experiment. Change pedals, tone/level/gain knobs, and order. Don't be affraid of the cheap ones. Often, cheap OD's get noisy when you run the gain high. When I run 2 OD's, I typically set the gains no more than half each. With the Plimsoul, even less. I get a pretty dirty tone that way. Not Pantera, more tube sounding. Also, the cheap ones often are not true bypass. No worries, you will keep them on all the time anyhow.

Keep in mind that these are "MY" opinions :) I will tell you my favorite pedals in no particular order:
Plimsoul, Boss OD3, Bad Monkey, Wampler Pinnacle, Wampler Plexidrive, Sparkledrive Mod.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2010
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up-state New York
I just traded my MXR Carbon Copy for a Plimsoul as I recently picked up a TC Electronic Nova delay and had no need for an extra delay pedal sitting around. The couple of hours I've put into playing the Plimsoul so far I found it to be rather similar to my old MXR Custum Badass '78 Distortion I used to play through my old Vintage Modern. Both have the ability to be very piercing but the Plimsoul's highcut knob helps manage that. It's almost as midsy as my Ibanez TS-9DX but retains a fuller sound (this is compared to the TS-9DX's classic TS-9 mode). It share's the Ibanez's ability to make my Bluesbreaker RI sound a bit boxey and metallic with the more gain applied, unfortunately. Let's see how it sounds at practice this weekend.

Flip Downey

Jul 14, 2011
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Lewiston, Idaho
I was thinking about trying one out. There is no music store that carries anything worth while for about 2 hours any direction. So I was able to get an OCD and I didn't like it, it colored my tone too much. I wasn't playing on my Marshall anymore, I was playing an OCD pedal. Does the Plimsoul do the same thing? It's like Boss pedals, it takes over the sound with its own. ya know?


Dec 31, 2011
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I was thinking about trying one out. There is no music store that carries anything worth while for about 2 hours any direction. So I was able to get an OCD and I didn't like it, it colored my tone too much. I wasn't playing on my Marshall anymore, I was playing an OCD pedal. Does the Plimsoul do the same thing? It's like Boss pedals, it takes over the sound with its own. ya know?

I am hardly an expert and haven't tried every OD pedal out there, but from what I have tried the OCD, Proco Rat and Boss SD1 (unmodded one), the Plimsoul sounds the best. I didn't notice much if any coloration of the guitar tone, or any of that artificial sound some dirt pedals give you. Plus, it's versatile as far as getting a wide variety of od tones. The OCD sounded like a much better SD1 to me, but was limited, and the Rat which I have had since 1982 isn't very versatile either. Each one has their place I assume, but I ended up with the Plimsoul, and so far so good. It is on the higher price range side @ $169. Now someone can correct me if I am wrong, but don't all od/distortion pedals somewhat change the sound of an amp and nothing beats a cranked up Marshall. Compromise in my case, is being to play at lower volumes on my C5 and still get some dirt and sustain. I guess worst case scenario is to get one and return if you don't like it. I did that with the OCD, since I don't have any good music stores nearby either. It is a bit of a crap shoot to be sure and there are too many choices out there as well.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2012
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Seattle WA
[ame=]Fulltone Plimsoul - YouTube[/ame]


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2010
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I'm resurrecting an old thread here. I'm a little bit behind the times as I usually pick up pedals after the new wears off. I picked up a Dover Drive and a Plimsoul for 210 bucks which I was really after the DD but got a good deal on the pair so I figured what the hell. As far as Fulltone goes I have had the GT 500 which I didn't care for except for the boost side, OCD version 4 Which I kept a while and I got along with it ok but really only liked it through a Deluxe Reverb set clean. I eventually sold it. I have a FDII which I do like but not sure if I will keep it though as it is a tone that I can get with other pedals. So I have been playing the Dover Drive to death it sounds fantastic with my tele. It really fattens it up and gives it a thick lead tone that makes it as thick as my HB equipped guitars. So today I finally got the Ole lady out of the house and decided to give the plimsoul a try. I have to say I was really surprised at how good this pedal sounds. I was not expecting to be blown away based on past experience with FT products. This box is really amp like and sounds good used over a clean channel or to goose the front end of an already over driven channel. I have been almost exclusively been playing my 6100 lately and using the plimsoul to boost channel 2B which is my favorite I was able to get a huge lead tone at even lower volume. Which I was very happy about what a great tone that channel had at a reasonable volume. Mixing the two gain stages it really sounded very natural with no loss of low end. If you have been a little leary of FT stuff like me I would recommend giving this pedal a try. Much better than the OCD.