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That feelin' when you get 0 replies

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Whaddayado then?

  • You get all pissed off, leave the forum and pick up shooting puppies

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • You can't stop crying and end up on Prozac

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • You don't give a damn. You write for yourself.

    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • You post the same thread with an outrageous title and add a boobs pic

    Votes: 3 12.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2013
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Catskill Mnts
Prozac?:monkey: Isnt that the pill people take to make them happy with their miserable lives instead of... changing them?

It's a wonder mankind survived all these years without such mental modifiers. Is it the price we pay for 'advancing'??:scratch:

Feeling Supersonic

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2011
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V.I.P Member
Prozac?:monkey: Isnt that the pill people take to make them happy with their miserable lives instead of... changing them?

It's a wonder mankind survived all these years without such mental modifiers. Is it the price we pay for 'advancing'??:scratch:

I have some people in my life - close and distant on 'medication' - anti-depressants and such - and sometimes I do really think, for f**k sake, get a freaking grip.

They indulge in it. They love it, it becomes a part of their identity and their daily routine - wallowing in self-pity.

Their ailments become a massive part of their conversation - and by God do they love telling people about it.

There's no way in hell I'd say this to them though - I'm a very sympathetic individual and like to talking about it myself and exploring the understanding of it.

It's just sometimes I don't have the sympathy or the time for them. I'd rather be away from someone with trouble like that.

Like you say, how the hell did mankind progress without pfizer making a mean profit on people's 'supposed' misery?

It's like a medical industry supported by people that really believe pills make it better - when truly, it's an existential issue and their suffering requires an understanding to make it meaningful. V. E Frankl knew what he was talking about, and he was an Auschwitz survivor that lost everything and nearly died of disease and starvation, let alone the inevitability of being gassed.

There's also the C. Jung idea that man wishes to be insane and troubled - it gives life a purpose itself. "walking into the fire". Or the A. Camus assertion that because man is bored, he creates misery, boredom, meaningless chores and drama to get by because, "something must happen".

I get frustrated by it all - the whole 'troubled man' thing. I could quite easily become depressed, go to a GP and say I'm suicidal and then get referred to a psychologist and then get prescribed some anti-depressants and be psycho-analyzed. I could do it tomorrow.

I mean, most people with big issues have had a major trauma and the pills dull their mind lest they relive the horrors - but how reliant on a medicine is that? the side-effects of pills create just as much frequently.

I guess there's no answer - I'm just of the notion that man must be mentally strong and face is demons head on - and conquer those demons with pride for the human cause.

The whole modernity of it all - the white room, the white pill, the white lab coat and the longing for sympathy really irks me some.

Notwithstanding the 'industry' aspect of it which I hate. Getting another member of the public on a prescription of expensive phsyocotic pills is a real bonus to governments and drugs companies profiting greatly from it.

Ah God, what am I talking about now! How cruel I am to not offer sympathy, to not "understand" the woes of man's issues - man's terror and the individual pains one has been through.

That's the whole thing about Holden in 'The Catcher in the Rye' the antihero. Do you think of him as a whiney little brat that's self-absorbed and weak minded - or do you feel for him? - do you see his alienation, do you identify with his trouble with dealing with existence?

I don't know - but I identity with him.

I don't even have a firm opinion on all of this..



Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2013
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Inside Ming Ming's Magic Stink Box




Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2013
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Inside Ming Ming's Magic Stink Box
Prozac?:monkey: Isnt that the pill people take to make them happy with their miserable lives instead of... changing them?

It's a wonder mankind survived all these years without such mental modifiers. Is it the price we pay for 'advancing'??:scratch:

All these drugs like Prozac are the dummy drugs that make you blend into this inbred, corporate landscape. People are afraid to stand out these days. They'll push out these drugs (which all have side effects) just to make you more productive for Big Business. It's like eating a putrid polite sandwich and later agreeing to all the bullshit that the big corporations ram down your throat through their incestous media. Everyone must start savouring the Angry Whopper with it's flavourful jalapenos of truth and zesty anti-corporate mantra sauce...dig into one today.:mad:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqylLUZkKY8]Doug Stanhope-I DON'T have A.D.D..wmv - YouTube[/ame]


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2013
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Traverse City, Mi.
Why is everyone so obsessed with happiness anyways? I don't recommend suicidal depression but take a look around; there are plenty of things to be legitimately upset about. In the words of the great American poet Ja Rule "pain is love". ;) That's just life.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2013
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Catskill Mnts
Yo SuperSonic! That was deep and almost upsetting on some level. Kinda makes ya want to pop a pill and forget about it all dont it.

I like the way Doug in the video lays it all out for us to laugh at and Black, I see where your source for fodder comes from. And all this time I thought you were the creative genious & wordsmith putting these concepts together?!?! OK, where did ya get the angry Whoopers from bro? Tell me that at least is yours!

I still say when shit bothers ya its your brains way of telling you to do something about it. ****et the pills & DO SOMETHING. Take control of your miserable life and make it happen for you. No one & no pill is going to do that.

Time for a beer. Cheers Black!:woot:


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2013
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There were a couple times when I had a question about something - oh yeah, it was about the Wampler Sovereign pedal. I believe I was asking about a comparison and I got the big goose egg in replies. SURELY someone will post their suggestions, I assured myself... Several hours go by and I check again. Still nothin'! Okay, perhaps its a bit specific and not many people have compared these 2 types of pedals, OR, there must be something REALLY good going on in one of the other threads, like Grunch is coming back and all HELL is breaking loose!! Nope. I saw threads like, I washed my car today, and I decided to go with Dunlop picks this time... (for example, not actually topics). :D

I simply make some excuse why I had no friends that day. Like you were ALL busy doing something else VERY important. And NOT that my thread was just reeeeaaalllly boring and lame! (which is usually the case!) :lol:

Feeling Supersonic

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2011
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V.I.P Member
Yo SuperSonic! That was deep and almost upsetting on some level. Kinda makes ya want to pop a pill and forget about it all dont it.

I like the way Doug in the video lays it all out for us to laugh at and Black, I see where your source for fodder comes from. And all this time I thought you were the creative genious & wordsmith putting these concepts together?!?! OK, where did ya get the angry Whoopers from bro? Tell me that at least is yours!

I still say when shit bothers ya its your brains way of telling you to do something about it. ****et the pills & DO SOMETHING. Take control of your miserable life and make it happen for you. No one & no pill is going to do that.

Time for a beer. Cheers Black!:woot:

That was a dosage of existentialism.

Feeling Supersonic

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2011
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V.I.P Member
A proper band right here.. Stevie Ray Vaughan's double trouble back line, and David Grissom and David holt on guitars with Malford on vocals. Sublime.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gvHma8MhdE]Don't Make Me Suffer - YouTube[/ame]


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2009
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:D If you don't care to partake of my acerbic Wit and Charm, I don't mind....

Go F*ck off. The puppy will have to die.

:lol::lol: TWIN


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2013
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Inside Ming Ming's Magic Stink Box
Yo SuperSonic! That was deep and almost upsetting on some level. Kinda makes ya want to pop a pill and forget about it all dont it.

I like the way Doug in the video lays it all out for us to laugh at and Black, I see where your source for fodder comes from. And all this time I thought you were the creative genious & wordsmith putting these concepts together?!?! OK, where did ya get the angry Whoopers from bro? Tell me that at least is yours!

I still say when shit bothers ya its your brains way of telling you to do something about it. ****et the pills & DO SOMETHING. Take control of your miserable life and make it happen for you. No one & no pill is going to do that.

Time for a beer. Cheers Black!:woot:

I never liked Doug Stanhope from the beginning, but after watching this video sometime back, he basically tapped into what I knew all the time. It was refreshing to actually hear someone else say how I and probably many others feel because I have taken antidepressants in the past and it has made my depression worse. I know about the side effects of some of these drugs and I bet you there are many other drugs that you never heard of that have those ill-fated side effects. I'm starting to see the light on how all this big corporations operate and they are just raping us all through our own ignorance. The pharmaceutical companies are a prime example of profit at all costs...and don't forget the ever-so-powerful oil companies that literally run this world (for now). I bet Doug Stanhope got a lot of his inspiration from George Carlin.;)

And now going on to the Angry Whopper. As you well know on that other polite sandwich eating forum, it has sparked a desire in me to savour something that has more zest and truth in every mouth-watering post...and what better than the most flavourful sandwich in the universe, the Angry Whopper.:mad: This sandwich is basically a statement or a challenge for all of us to step out from behind the curtain of politeness and say what you have to say. Many issues could be resolved quicker if everyone just cut the fvcking bullshit.:nutkick: This flavourful Whopper will release you from the confines of courtesy and set you free in mind & spirit. The other forum that's crazy about the guitar Pete is holding sure could use a spicy menu change...HAIL TO THE KING...King Burger that is.;):naughty:



Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2013
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Catskill Mnts
So, can I take personal pride in the fact that the 'Angry Whooper' principle is all your doing & comes from the mind & creative genius known to us mortals as BlackSG91?

If so, you have some major props coming your way. Long reign the Angry Whooper!:shred: A mans burger with the bulls balls ground in for virility & effect.:mad: Mmm Mmmm good darn tootin'. Makes me wanna say it how I see it and not pussy foot around anybody's feelings or PC judgmental compass. Tastes good, feels right!:hbang::hbang::hbang:

Keep it real Black!


In Memorandum
Sep 3, 2010
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Livermore, CA
Put on a plastic face
Cast a smile everyone's way
Take a pill and forget your day
What does it matter anyways?


Well-Known Member
VIP Member
Mar 9, 2011
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God is not dead... He comes in the form of pills! Ask your doctor today.

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