the famous tones you think are real good or happen to like.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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I was asked this question in another thread and I thought it was an interesting topic for discussion.
for a long while I've stopped listening to general music that's being played out there.
the radio programs were no longer appealing to listen to in anyway. some quote about being 'different' but after 40 years of their version of music it's become formula music and they don't play stuff outside their typical pattern.

I almost stopped hearing new bands in about 2000. I know there's lots of music I've no idea about.

I've heard lots of tones and lived them for many years, but now I'm very selective about what I spend time listening too.
so right now, i've been listening to Dokken era george lynch, and noticing how BIG his notes actually are. and the type of distortion in his sounds.
what he's done is very impressive.
Even his Namm demos on youtube sound real impressive and are inspireing.

there's lots of VH sounds that I've studied over the years and I like them all BUT, there's times when I'm not excited about the particular tone and I'm noticing I actually don't want to play the style of some of the music.

I've been getting through the task I set myself to make sure all my gear is working as the maker / celebrity was intending it to be used.
cause I've bought some S/H gear, and I've since realised the electrical internals are all over the place.
so I've finished the task as of 2 days ago and now I'm onto playing different tones with songs. previously I've been finding the sounds.
I've had a lot of success matching sounds.
but then I went onto make smaller versions of 'the sounds' too.
to me the sound was 'the sameish' just a darker version or a brighter version.
the controls opperated the tones in the same manner.

I've gone beyond having tuning problems with matching tones.
I'm into miss matching celebrity type of tones. so I hear were tones are different.
the tones are having an influence on playing, thats for sure.

so that fact has a bearing on what I think is a good tone.

I've played with some tones which caused me to loose some chops as a player.
that's not good.

that made me go further into what makes up celebrity sounds cause it wasn't as simple as you might think.

hearing the actual gear as opposed to the recorded sound is way better for you.
george lynch has the right concept. the tone is making him a much better player.
that tone is also writting the songs. it's something that VH lost for a while there in history.

BUT when i started looking into tones, I thought these guys sounds were abit all fame and lacked substance. easy to make sounds which lacked any real search for tones.
but I've realised these guys went way beyond what you'd think they had done and REALLY DID go searching for tones. and they delivered!
that's impressive!
we really should buy their products cause they are unique.

the other sound which I now think has been shamelessly exployted (it seems that way to me) is Mr Rhoads. there's many ways of looking at his sounds, once you know what I've experienced and I'm sorta cringeing at some companies we all know out there (non marshall of course) you'll endup being abit shy of some sounds you can easily make with gear.

but randy's sound is a true classic and it's got that magic touch of inspireing the player who has a version of it, to keep playing and play with a certain style too.

the songs got played that way cause the tone pushed him over the edge.
you could put in extra notes and it works out great for the song.

a tone like malmsteens means you approach the fingerboard differently and play songs in a different way.

my kramer carrera guitar is pushing me to play songs in a different way than I'm use to playing them. It's totally expanded my tone range for a song.

I do think that some of what made eddie do nothing for 10 years had to do with his electric tone he had and wasn't happy with.
so don't let tone rule over you, if it's not working out, put it away and play something else. go back to that problem tone much later, maybe years later.
if it's a good tone it will still blow you away. if it really was rubbish then you'll hear it straight away, once you've had time away from it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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You can tell Angus Young has been influenced by his tone as well. so it's a great sound.

If I'm using a sound like he has, then I like to play similar to what angus plays. it works!

But I do loose all the mick ronson character in my playing with the angus young kinda tone. ;)

Vai is the total package. he's on a whole nother level and the master song creater has got many tools in his tool kit. and he mostly doesn't use them all. a person could spend a lifetime just looking at Vai.
he's playing himself and all the people around him.

vai dumbs down his tone for us.
I get that impression very clearly listening to his music. He knows we're not ready for him.

Vai product and VH product, rival each other. if you get the stuff, you're gonna get taken for a ride. a ride of their choice for you.

I.E.; they know what's best for you. ;)

there's lots of bands that I think use the gibson sound or the fender sound etc... it's nothing bad about them or the companies, it's great sound and is incredible to hear.

general purpose brand sounds are great! they too putin lots of hours of research and hardwork to make.

I'm still in a phase of experimenting with tones, but I'm noticing I'm heading past custom classic sounds and heading into signature sound ala george lynch.
but the thing which bothers me is, I'm not sure I like listening to it played back off the recording.

it's extremely powerful tone and seems to dominate the music.

that's where you endup looking into the music style you want to listen to, which may have nothing to do with the tone.
at that point you'd get lost in what you're doing.

this is a reason why a product like RATT was such a great product. all the elements seemed to gel and make a thing greater than the sum of it's parts.
the tones just being 2 small parts in the whole plan. 2 important parts.


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Jan 27, 2009
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I have always been a fan of Nuno Bettencourt's guitar tone, great stuff.
I dig it so much, I've even tried to replicate it from time to time. :)



Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Minneapolis, MN
Could be the mixing, but I love this sound.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2013
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Traverse City, Mi.
I still love the sound of Fender guitars and amps together. Perhaps dated but I don't care.



Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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In the 90's nuno signed a guitar of his and it went into a shop on the wall right in the middle of the big city.
it sat on the wall highup almost at the celing and the shop passed into new owners hands a few times.
the guitar sat there (along with mustain's signed guitar) for 18 years. nobody ever tried to sell the nuno guitar.
they offered the mustain and put it in the shop window for ages at some point.
the nuno guitar just got dirtier year after year collecting dust.

the mustain sold after 5 years or so.
so all that was left was the nuno guitar and the roswell flying V.

the nuno guitar eventually disappeard and nobody remembered what happened to it. or if it was even sold.

so in a place where he actually lives sometimes, he's not liked much.
theband extreme was very popular at the time but still no fans who'd payup for the guitar.

it's very strange! indeed.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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don't look at it that way lo tek.
people entered into the business after fender and invented something NEW which ment that the fender 'thing' was recognized from the earlier time.
fender is still going and still making product.

they just have to label that earlier product cause these new people came along.
fender has to talk to the customer and say they're different products.

dating products has no real meaning.
they just tell you 'this is a thing'.
a 'thing' like you already know but now it's different for you to use.

there's no actual expirey date on the products.

they only go in the trash when the plastic falls apart or you wearout the wood or the pickups.

Dogs of Doom

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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
Nuno has been playing for Rihanna for the last decade or so...




Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Hopehouse, Selkirk, UK
Nuno is awesome. And an incredible musician, as he plays a ton of instruments and very good too. Unbelievable that guy is.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2012
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Bill Nelson / Be Bop Deluxe , Carlsbro TC50w
Never under estimate old school. Lol


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2012
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So many great choices previously posted! Aside from VH, here's a couple of I've always liked.




Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2011
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Tone Mountain












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Jul 9, 2010
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Dixie Hollow
sorry they're the remastered versions-








Mosher Zone

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2013
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Glenrothes, Scotland
This has been my fave tone for years