The Greatest Sounding guitar - Ever!

  • Thread starter Frozenintime
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Apr 6, 2008
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I never said I worked at GC and I tell it like I see it.
The guitars are poorly made and their QC is non existent yet they still believe they're worth more than a PRS.
We've no intention of remaining a dealer, enough is enough.
Our poor tech spends more time getting Gibsons playable than any other manufacturers, inc most of our budget lines !!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
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everywhere you wanna be.
yes i have. just dont like them. i want to like them. i might
even buy 2 or 3 when i feel that they have gotten it right.
its the Traditionals and up that i think are over priced to be
honest. im not singling out the 2015's either. i just think they
are the ugliest ever lol.

" They were tired of people saying their guitars sucked and had low quality so in 2015 they set out to correct that and they DID, that's part of the reason for the price hike. Much better tone woods, finishes, and MUCH better QC".

see in your own words im not alone in my opinion. why couldnt they have fixed this w/o
the very drastic price hike? the 2016 Traditionals start at 2 grand. thats $2,000
so ive gotta spend 2K just to get a somewhat decent LP? thats crazy. then i gotta worry about taking it on a gig that it might get ruined. then do we need to go into the very weak neck/head stock are?
please remember, im not only talking about the 2015 yr here. i know gibson can put out a guitar
thats good quality and priced right. $6,000 for a Ace guitar? seriously? i do see that a lot of you guys feel im stepping on your toes and i dont mean to be if i am. and those ive hurt feelings i dont mean too either. kinda sets the pace for me on the rest of the forum ive seen. its all good though.


Active Member
Apr 6, 2008
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P.S. Gibson doesn't give it's dealers a choice of what they can/can not carry. So, stop embarrassing yourself.

Typical internet forum idiot.
You're the embarrassment because you have no clue what you're talking about.
We're a premium dealer and WE decide what we stock not the suppliers.
If a PRS rep brings in 10 Customs, EVERY SINGLE ONE is perfect.
I challenge anyone to find such consistency in a shipment of Gibsons.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
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everywhere you wanna be.
I never said I worked at GC and I tell it like I see it.
The guitars are poorly made and their QC is non existent yet they still believe they're worth more than a PRS.
We've no intention of remaining a dealer, enough is enough.
Our poor tech spends more time getting Gibsons playable than any other manufacturers, inc most of our budget lines !!!!!!!!!

this is the same story im getting in this area too. i have 5 GC's within a 20 minute drive from my house. ive bought a lot of guitars over the yrs from them, know all of their techs.
i get the same story your telling here. i guess the average gibson owner sees only the 2 or 3 hes/she tries out and thats the end of it, where the tech sees the whole shipment and sees all the come backs. i know a few stores in the area that have decided to drop the gibson line and move forward for whatever reason. not GC stores but other local stores. they say that gibson charges way to much to be a dealer any more.
i dont know, maybe i should have just kept my opinions to myself on here.


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2014
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yes i have. just dont like them. i want to like them. i might
even buy 2 or 3 when i feel that they have gotten it right.
its the Traditionals and up that i think are over priced to be
honest. im not singling out the 2015's either. i just think they
are the ugliest ever lol.

" They were tired of people saying their guitars sucked and had low quality so in 2015 they set out to correct that and they DID, that's part of the reason for the price hike. Much better tone woods, finishes, and MUCH better QC".

see in your own words im not alone in my opinion. why couldnt they have fixed this w/o
the very drastic price hike? the 2016 Traditionals start at 2 grand. thats $2,000
so ive gotta spend 2K just to get a somewhat decent LP? thats crazy. then i gotta worry about taking it on a gig that it might get ruined. then do we need to go into the very weak neck/head stock are?
please remember, im not only talking about the 2015 yr here. i know gibson can put out a guitar
thats good quality and priced right. $6,000 for a Ace guitar? seriously? i do see that a lot of you guys feel im stepping on your toes and i dont mean to be if i am. and those ive hurt feelings i dont mean too either. kinda sets the pace for me on the rest of the forum ive seen. its all good though.

I didn't take it as offensive, or anything of that sort. I've just seen forum after forum of people bashing these guitars and I always ask, have you played one? "well, no but my friend did" or "yeah I played a used faded studio" I didn't mean to lump you in that group, just seen a lot of it.

My statement was sorta half with you and half not. The issue I have had with Gibson is much like you said, why do I have to spend so much to get a good one? Then it hit me, Epiphone can make a phenomenal guitar for $800 but for Gibson that is entry level. So, keeping in mind the cost of American labor and parts Gibson simply cannot make a high end guitar for $800, simple as that. Epi has their $100 specials and for Gibson, their version of it runs $800. PRS is the same way, it costs a fortune to get one, the s2 line isn't that great, quality may be but the guitars are nothing to drool over and they use Korean parts!

I think Gibson's quality is fine on the higher end but on the low end they don't put any time into set up, shoot they aren't even finished! I think the faded series is putting so many people off, myself included. I bought 2 of them a while back and sold them as quickly as I could. I don't believe that there is a real quality issue except for the cheap stuff, problem is that the quality issues on those are MAJOR and what happens is when you walk into the music store those are all you see. The high dollar stuff is up high and you have to ask to touch it so most people (me included) just grab one of the cheap ones and put it right back. The internet is a great place for rumors and I think that the problems you see all over the place are monkey see monkey do. Do you know how many people bash Marshall because their buddy said they suck?

Gibson is in a tight spot right now, they have people bashing their quality, kids don't want them because they aren't cool, and now their faithful are turning on them. They can't win, in order to produce quality it takes money but people don't want to pay the money, therefore they have to cut corners. Gibson CAN NOT produce a standard for $1000 it's impossible! Something has to give somewhere.

The problem is Epiphone! They build such good instruments for such a good price that they are killing their parent company, these days people would rather buy the top of the line $700 Epi as opposed to the bottom of the line $800 Gibson, simple as that. To an extent I am that way myself, if it came down to a faded series or an Epi standard for the same price I would take the Epi! Gibson had the right idea this year, no more cheap models, better QC, woods, finish, etc. The problem was all the other changes. I think if they had not done the tuners, neck, signature then far less people would bash them and perhaps this could have been the turn around year but they screwed the pooch and are now having to dig out of a hole, and how did they do it? By going back to the same crappy faded guitars that got them the bad rep in the first place!

For the record I am an ESP guy, so I am not speaking as a die hard Gibson man, I just happen to have bought one cause I liked it.


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Feb 25, 2009
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Typical internet forum idiot.
You're the embarrassment because you have no clue what you're talking about.
We're a premium dealer and WE decide what we stock not the suppliers.
If a PRS rep brings in 10 Customs, EVERY SINGLE ONE is perfect.
I challenge anyone to find such consistency in a shipment of Gibsons.

Yah, that's me! I'm first to admit that I'm an idiot, I have little to no experience with guitars or guitar manufacturers. Hell, I wouldn't even know a good guitar if it came and bite me on the butt!

Thank you for opening my eyes to the fact that not one single Gibson in ten years has been remotely good and that I am just one of many pawns that include Dave Grohl, Elliot Easton (he certainly knows nothing about guitars, like you and the fellows at Guitar Center), etc., etc. ad infinitum.

Again, thanks for playing...


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
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everywhere you wanna be.

good reply thank you. made me think a little on my own opinions.
yeah there is always the guy that has a friend whos brother knows this chic whos
boyfriend works with a guy whos best friend didnt like the..............
so yeah i follow you bro. takes a bit of education and time when it comes to these

Dogs of Doom

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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
I asked you guys to play nice...


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